Historical development of many-electron system theory
2.1. Basic equations 2.2. Solution of one-partical equation 2.3. Diagrams of motion of one particle 2.4. Account of external field, depending on time, and the interparticle interaction 2.5. Design diagrams and rules of conformity 2.6. Diagram technique: a summary
3.1. Approximation of the Hartree-Fock 3.2. Random phase approximation with exchange 3.3. Beyond RPAE
Many-electron effects in the total and partial photoionization cross
sections of atoms and ions
4.1. Photoionization cross-section of many-electron shells and the giant resonances 4.2. Inter-shell interaction, correlation maxima and minima 4.3. Giant autoionization resonances 4.4. Atoms with semifilled shells 4.5. Correlation effects within the spin-orbital doublets 4.6. Atoms with open shells 4.7. Electronic correlations at high energies in the RPAE 4.8. Correlations at high energies beyond RPAE 4.9. Many-electron effects in the final state 4.10. Two-electron photoionization and recombination 4.11. Photoionization cross section of excited atoms 4.12. Polarizability and van der Waals constants
Many-electron effects in the angular distribution and polarization
of photoelectrons
5.01. 5.1. Angular distribution of photoelectrons 5.2. Nondipole corrections to the angular distribution 5.3. Angular distribution of photoelectrons from the spin-orbital doublets 5.4. Intra-dublet correlations in nondipole parameters 5.5. Spin polarization of photoelectrons 5.6 Nondipole corrections to the spin polarization of photoelectrons 5.7. Spin polarization in the spin-orbit doublet
Scattering by atoms and ions
6.1. Elastic scattering of slow electrons 6.2. Inelastic scattering of electrons 6.3. Generalized oscillator strength 6.4. GOS of atoms of noble gases. The calculation results 6.5. GOS of discrete levels as a way to determine their angular momentum 6.6. Compton scattering on the discrete levels and continuum 6.7. "Atomic" or "polarization" bremsstrahlung 6.8. Interaction after collision 6.9. Scattering of slow positron
Negative ions and the processes with their participation
7.1. Formation of negative ions 7.2. Fotootryv electrons from outer shells 7.2.1. Negative ions with filled shells 7.2.2. Negative ions with one electron above the filled shells. 7.2.3. Negative ions are open-np and nd shells. 7.3. Fotootryv from inner shells 7.3.1. Fotootryv from intermediate nd-shells 7.3.2. Fotootryv rom the deep 1s-shells.
The location and decay of atomic vacances
8.1. Shifts of atomic levels and their width 8.2. One-photon decay of two-hole states 8.3. One-electron decay of two-hole states 8.4. The correlation decays 8.5. Auger decay of excited states
9. Электронные корреляции в многоатомных
9.01. Токи увлечения в атомарных газах
9.02. Фотоионизация двухатомных молекул
9.03. Фотоэмиссия из твердых тел
9.04. Фотоионизации атомов внутри фуллереновой оболочки
Разрушение гигантского резонанса фуллереновой
10. Структура металлических кластеров и
фотопоглощение в них
10.01. Модель желе
10.02. Оптимизированная модель желе
10.03. Фотопоглощение металлическими кластерами.
11.01. Описание системы
11.02. Вычислительный эксперимент при изучении атомных процессов
Литература к Заключению