Publications and patents by A. Bobyl
Review articles
- Optic methods for characterization of semiconductor structures on basis of A3B5 compounds A.V.Bobyl, G.D.Varenko, R.V.Konakova, A.M. Evstigneev, Y.P.Jysov. Review on electronic techniques.Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Test Control. Ser.8. N 1572, 1990, 64 p.
- Interaction of GaAs with ionizing radiation and GaAs device radiation stability. A.V.Bobyl, R.V.Konakova, V.G.Malinin, I.V.Prokopenko, M.I.Sluzkii, Yu.A.Tkhorik. Electr.techniq. Ser. Quality Control. N 4, 1992, p.31-40.
- Diagnostics of device structure thin layers by IR spectroscopy, photo- and electroreflection and X-ray total external reflaction. A.V.Bobyl, A.M.Evstigneev, R.V.Konakova, I.Y.Il'in, I.V.Prokopenko, Y.A.Tkhorik, L.S.Khazan, V.I.Sheka. 5th International Symposium in Microwave Technology. Kiev, Ukraine. 1995, p.928-982.
- Flicker noise and fractal structure near the percolation threshold. M.Baziljevich, A. Bobyl, D.Shansev, H.Bratsberg, Yu.Galperin, T. Johansen, M.Gaevski, I.Khrebtov, R.Suris. "Unsolved problems of noise in physics, biology, electronic and ingformation technology ", 1996, Hungary, p.291-300.
- Resistance flicker noise and percolation in c-oriented YBa2Cu3O7 epitaxial films in the vicinity of Tc. A.V.Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, I.A.Khrebtov, S.G.Konnikov, D.V.Shantzev, V.A.Solov'ev, R.A.Suris, A.D.Tkachenko . Physica C 247, 1995, p.7-33.
- Study of thin film of high temperature superconductors based on YBaCuO by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). V.V. Tretykov, S.V. Kazakov, A.V. Bobyl, S.G. Konnikov. Microchim.Acta 132 , 2000, p. 365-375.
- Structure of composite luminescence band of CdSexTe1-x by l -modulation spectroscopy. A.V.Bobyl, V.I.Budjnskii, A.I.Federov, M.K.Sheinkman. Proceeding of Luminescent Institute, Stavropol, N11, 1974, p. 82-87.
- Complex investigation of local state spectra in CdS by l -modulation spectroscopy. A.V.Bobyl, V.I.Budjnskii, I.B.Ermolovich. Proceeding 2-nd optic colloquim. Syhymi, 1975, p. 57-64.
9. The effect of Ni doping on transport, photoelectric and luminescent properties of CdS. A.V.Bobyl, I.B.Ermolovich, G.S. Pekar, M.K.Sheinkman. J.Appl.Spectroscopy 28, 1978, p.1003-1008.
- Structure of luminescens band of CdS and ZnS. A.V.Bobyl, M.K.Sheinkman. Ukr.Phys. Journal 23, 1978 , p.945-951.
- Dark conductivity and photoconductivity of nicel doped CdS singl crystals. A.V.Bobyl, G.S.Pekar, M.K.Sheinkman. 48, 1978, p. 249-256.
- Multiply charged Ni impurity and nonradiative recombination in CdS crystals. A.V.Bobyl, M.K.Sheinkman. Sov.Phys.Semicond. 13,1979, p.1296-1302.
- Determination of recombination parameters of Ni in CdS crystals. A.V.Bobyl, M.K. Sheinkman. Ukr.Phys. Journal 25, 1980 , p. 78-85.
- Optical absorption by multiply charged iron impurity in LiNbO3 crystals. D.F.Baisa, A.V.Bobyl. Sov.Phys.Solid State 27, 1985, p. 313-518.
- Simplicity of optical absorption band of LiNbO3:Fe crystals. A.V.Bobyl, V.P.Yrunichev. J.Appl.Spectroscopy 36, 1986, p.1105-1108.
- Zonal sensitivity low-dimensional heat receiver. A.V.Bobyl, L.S. Kremenchygskii, V.B.Samojlov. Proceeding of V conference of heat receiver. Moscow, 1986, p.73-76.
- Vector self-diffraction of light waves in photovoltaic crystals. N.V.Kukhtarev, A.V.Knyzkov, M.N. Lobanov, A.V.Bobyl. Opt.Spectrosc. 63, 1987, p.93-96.
- Decay of a photoinduced electron-hole plasma in individual selectively-doped heterostructures. A.V. Bobyl, P.S.Kop'ev, N.N.Ledensov, A.M.Mintairov, V.M.Ustinov. Sov.Tech.Phys.Lett. 16, 803 (1990).
- HEMT structure diagnostic by Raman spectroscopy. A.V.Bobyl, Y.N.Soldatenko, S.A. Vasil'kovskii. Electronic industry N6, 1990, p.59-61.
- Determination of carriers concentration in device structure on the basis of GaAs by infrared absorption spectra. A.V.Bobyl, P.S.Koslovskii, Y.N.Soldatenko, S.A. Vasil'kovskii. Electronic industry N8, 1991, p. 49-53.
- Laser sputtering HTSC-films for IR bolometers. A.V.Bobyl, V.Y.Davidov, S.G.Konnikov, S.A. Solovev,I.A.Khrebtov. Proceeding of VIII conference of heat receiver. St.Petersburg, 1992, p.23-25.
- Noise and structural diagnostics of YBaCuO films on the various substrates. I.A.Khrebtov, M.B.Krayuhin, V.N.Leonov, A.D.Tkachenko, A.V.Bobyl, V.Yu.Davydov, R.A.Suris. Proc. VI Trilateral Ger.-Rus.-Ukr. Seminar on HTSC , Dybna, Sep. 1993, p.198-202.
- Comparative noise studies of YBa2Cu3O7 films. I.A.Khrebtov, V.N. Leonov, A.D.Tkachenko, A.V.Bobyl, V.Yu.Davydov, V.I.Kozub. Proc. 12th Intern. Conf. "Noise in Phys.Systems and 1/f Fluctuations" S.Luis, AIP 1993, p.123-127.
- Current percolation and low frequency noise of YBaCuO c-oriented films with b-oriented inclusion. A.V.Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, D.V.Shantsev, R.A.Suris, A.D.Tkachenko, I.A.Khrebtov. Proceeding XXX low temperature conference. Dybna, 1994., p.38-39.
- Normal phase flicker noise of YBaCuO films on the various substrates. A.V.Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, S.F.Karmanenko, R.N.Kutt, R.A.Suris, I.A.Khrebtov, A.D.Tkachenko. Proceeding XXX low temperature conference. Dybna, 1994., p.40-41.
- Comparative noise study of bolometers based on conventional and high-Tc superconductors I.A.Khrebtov, V.N.Leonov, A.D.Tkachenko, M.B.Krajuhin, A.V.Bobyl, V.Yu. Davydov. "Thermal Phenomena at Molecular and Microscales in Cryogenic Infrared Detectors", ASME, 1994, HTD 277, p.69-76
- Structural disorder as a source of 1/f noise in YBa2Cu3O7 thin films on the various substrata A.V.Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, D.V.Shantzev, S.F.Karmanenko, I.A.Khrebtov, A.D.Tkachenko, S.G.Konnikov, R.N. Kutt, V.A.Solov'ev, R.A.Suris. Proc. 7th Vilnius Conference on "Fluctuation Phenomena in Phys. Systems, Palanga, 1994, p. 297-301
- Flicker noise in the vicinity of Tc in c-oriented YBa2Cu3O7 thin films with different degree of structural disorder D.V.Shantzev, A.V. Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, S.G.Konnikov, V.A.Solov'ev, R.A.Suris, I.A.Khrebtov, A.D.Tkachenko. Proc. 13th Intern. Conf. "Noise in Phys. Systems and 1/f Fluctuations", Palanga, 1995, p.127-130.
- Magneto-depending noise of a single latent weak link in YBa2Cu3O7 films. A.V.Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, S.F.Karmanenko, I.A.Khrebtov, N.V Leonov, D.V.Shantzev, V.A.Solov'ev, R.A.Suris. Physica C, 1996, v.266, p. 33-43.
- Fractal structure near the percolation threshold for YBa2Cu3O7 epitaxial films. A.Bobyl, D.Shantsev, M.Baziljevich, H.Bratsberg, Yu.Galperin, T.Johansen, M.Gaevski, V.Gasumyants, R.Deltour, I.Khrebtov, V.Leonov, R.Suris. Journal de Physigue 4 C3, 1996, v.6, p. 259-264.
- Tc- mapping and investigation of water-initiated modification of YBa2Cu3O7 thin films by low temperature scanning electron microscopy. A.V.Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, S.G.Konnikov, D.V.Shantzev, V.A. Solov'ev, R.A. Suris. Scanning microscopy, 1996, v. 10, N3 p. 679-695.
- Intrinsic microstrains and normal-phase flicker noise in YBa2Cu3O7 epitaxial films grown on various substrates. A.V.Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, S.F.Karmanenko, R.N.Kutt, R.A.Suris, I.A.Khrebtov, A.D.Tkachenko, A.I.Morosov. J Appl. Phys. 82 (3),1997, p. 1274-1280.
- Magnetic field maps of YBa2Cu3O7 thin films by scanned SQUID microscope for HTSC microelectronics. K.E.Andreev, A.V.Bobyl, S.A.Gudoshnikov, S.F.Karmanenko, L.V.Matveets, S.L.Krasnosvobodtsev, O.V.Snigirev, R.A.Suris, I.I.Vengrus. Supercond. Sci. and Tehn. 10, 1997, p. 366-370.
- Flicker noise of the magnetodependent component of the microwave power of a resonator cavity with HTSC films. A.V.Bobyl, R.A. Suris, N.V. Fomin. Tech.Phys.Lett. 22, 1996, p. 651-660.
- Mechanisms of cation defect formation in epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-x films. N.A. Bert, A.V. Lunev, Yu.G. Musikhin, R.A. Suris, V.V. Tret'yakov, A.V. Bobyl, S.F. Karmanenko, A.I. Dedoborez. Physica C 280, 1997, p.121-136.
- Atomic distribution function of macroscopically isotropic objects in diffraction measurements. N.I.Gulivets, A.V.Bobyl, A.I.Dedoborez, B.I.Peleshenko. Tech.Phys.Lett. 23 ,1997, p.520-523.
- Flicker noise in metals with structural instability. A.V.Bobyl, R.A.Suris, A.I. Dedoborez, A.I.Morosov, I.A.Khrebtov, V.N. Leonov, V.G. Malyrov, I.I. Shaganov. Proc. 14th Intern. Conf. "Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations",Leuven,1997, p.397-400
- Noise properties of inhomogeneous non-linear medium: application to high-Tc superconductors V. Shantsev, A.V. Bobyl, O.L.Shalaev, R.A. Suris. Proc. 14th Intern. Conf. "Noise in Phys. Systems and 1/f Fluctuations", Leuven, 1997, p.321-324.
- Spatially-resolved investigation of magnetic flux fluctuations in current-biased high-Tc films. M.E.Gaevskii, V.A.Solov'ev, S.G.Konnikov, D.V.Shantsev, A.V.Bobyl, S.F.Karmanenko, T.H.Johansen, H.Bratsberg, Yu.M.Galperin. Proc. 14th Intern. Conf. "Noise in Phys. Systems and 1/f Fluctuations",Leuven,1997, p.317-320.
- Structural and noise characterization of VO2 films on SiO2/ Si substrates. M.V.Baidakova, A.V.Bobyl, V.G.Malyrov,V.V.Tret'kov, I.A. Khrebtov, I.V.Shaganov. Tech.Phys.Lett. 23, 1997, p. 520-524.
- Investigation of transient processes in YBaCuO films by low-temperature scanning microscopy. V.A.Solov'ev, M.E.Gaevskii, S.G.Konnikiv, R.A.Suris, A.V. Bobyl. Tech. Phys.Lett. 23, 1997, p.877-880.
- Burning of high-Tc bridges. M.E.Gaevski, T.H.Johansen, H. Bratsberg, Yu.M.Galperin, A.V.Bobyl, D.V.Shantsev, S.F.Karmanenko. Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 (21),1997, p.3147-3149.
- Magneto-optical study of magnetic flux penetration into a current carrying high-temperature superconductor strip. M.E. Gaevskii, A.V. Bobyl, D.V. Shantsev, Yu.M. Galperin, T.H. Johansen, M. Baziljevich, H. Bratsberg, S.F.Karmanenko. Phys.Rev. B 59 , 1999, p.9655-9664.
- Spatially-resolved studies of chemical composition, critical temperature, and critical current density of YBa2Cu3O7 thin film. M.E. Gaevskii, A.V. Bobyl, D.V. Shantsev, R.A. Suris, V.V. Tret'yakov, Yu.M. Galperin, T.H. Johansen. J.Appl. Phys. 84, 1998, p. 5089-5096.
- Intrinsic microstrains and cathodoluminescence of GaN epitaxial films. A.V. Bobyl, R.N.Kyutt, V.V. Tret'yakov. Semicond.Sci.Technl. 14, 1998, p.589-594.
- Twins and defect-fluctuators of epitaxial YBaCoO films: Monte-Carlo modeling of temperature treatment and monodominithation processes. A.V.Bobyl, A.I.Dedoborez, A.I.Morosov, R.A.Suris. Nonorganic materials 35, 1999, p.1002-1006.
- Simulation of 1/f noise spectra in YBaCuO epitaxial films. A.A. Berzin, A.I.Morosov, A.V.Bobyl. R.A.Suris, A.I.Dedoborez. Phys. Solid.State 41, 1999, p.877-883.
- Temperature and magnetic-field dependence of the conductivity of YBaCuO films in the vicinity of SC transition : effect of Tc-inhomogeneity. D.V. Shantsev, M.E.Gaevskii, R.A.Suris, A.V.Bobyl, V.E.Gasumyants, O.L.Shalaev. Phys.Rev. B 60,1999, p. 12585-12597.
- Excess noise in YBaCuO epitaxial films and antenna-type microbolometers based on them. A.V.Bobyl, M.E.Gaevskii, A.I.Dadoborez, S.F.Karmanenko, V.N. Leonov, A.V.Lunev, A.A.Semenov, R.A.Suris, I.A.Khrebtov. Phys.Solid.State 41, 1999, p. 1771-1775.
- Magneto-optic study of spatial magnetic-field distribution relaxation in an HTSC strip after transport current turn-on. M.E.Gaevskii, D.V.Shantsev, A.V.Bobyl, Yu.M.Galperin, T.H.Johansen, H.Hauglin. Phys.Solid State 41, 1999, p.877-880.
- Excessive noise of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7 films for antenna-like bolometers. A.V. Bobyl, A.A. Bersin, A.I.Dedoborez, I.A.Khrebtov, V.N.Leonov, R.A. Suris. Proc.15th Intern. Conf. "Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations", Hong Kong, 1999, p.158-161.
- Temperature dependence of filament-coupling in Bi-tapes: magneto-optical study. A.V.Bobyl, D.V.Shantsev, T.H.Johansen, M.Baziljevich, Yu.M.Galperin. Supercond. Sci. and Tehn. 13, 2000, p. 183-186.
- Sources of flicker noise and the technology of superconducting microstripes based on YBaCuO films. S.F. Karmanenko, A.A. Semenov, V.N.Leonov, A.V.Bobyl, A.I.Dedoborez, A.V.Lunev, A.V. Nashekin, R.A.Suris. Tech.Phys. 45, 2000, 443-452.
- Fabrication process and noise properties of antenna-coupled microbolometers based on superconducting YBaCuO films. S.F. Karmanenko, A.A. Semenov, I.A.Khrebtov, V.N.Leonov, T.H.Johansen, Yu.M.Galperin, A.V.Bobyl, A.I.Dedoborez, M.E.Gaevski, A.V.Lunev, R.A.Suris. Supercond.Sci.Technol. 13, 2000, 273-286.
- Temperature dependence of filament-coupling in Bi-2223 tapes. T.H.Johansen, Y.M.Galperin, M.Bazilievich, A.V. Bobyl, D.V.Shantsev, M.E.Gaevski. Appl.Superconductivity, 2000, (accepted).
- Magneto-optical study of multifilament Bi-2223 tapes in current-carrying states: behaviour of individual filaments. T.H.Johansen, Y.M.Galperin, M.Bazilievich, A.V. Bobyl, D.V.Shantsev, M.E.Gaevski. Appl.Superconductivity, 2000, (accepted).
- Visualization of individual filament in multyfilamentary Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10-d tape: magneto-optical study. T.H.Johansen, A.V. Bobyl, Y.M.Galperin, M.Bazilievich, D.V.Shantsev, M.E.Gaevski. Physica C, 2000 (accepted).
- The effect of parameters of SC films on dispersible properties of surface magnetostatic wave. A.A.Semenov, B.A. Kalinikos, S.F.Karmanenko, A.A. Melkov, Y.M. Galperin, T.H.Johansen, A.V.Bobyl, R.A.Suris. Supercond.Sci.Technol. 2000.
- Comparison of flux creep and nonlinear E-j approach for analysis of vortex motion in superconductors. D.V.Shantsev, A.V. Bobyl, Y.M. Galperin, T.H.Johansen. Phys.Rev. B.
- Symmetry of magnetic flux distribution in superconducting thin strips: Probe of the critical state. A.V. Bobyl, D.V.Shantsev, Y.M. Galperin, T.H.Johansen. Physica C 2000.
- Intrinsic microstrain, catodo luminescence and composition distribution along slice of epitaxial film AlxGa1-xN/Al2O3. A.S.Ysikov, V.V. Tret'jkov, A.V.Bobyl, R.N.Kutt, V.V.Lundin, B.V. Pushnuj, N.M Shmidt. Semicond.Sci.Technl. 2000 (accepted).
- Two-dimensional photonic crystal fabrication using fullerene films. Gaevski M.E., Kognovitskii S.O., Bobyl A.V., Konnikov S.G., Nashchekin A.V., Nesterov S.I., Seisyan R.P., Zadiranov Ju.M. J.Appl.Phys. 2001,
- Method of registration of refraction variation D.F. Baisa, A.V. Bobyl, V.V.Seleznev. USSR Patent N 1100996.
- Radiometer. A.A.Andreev, A.V.Bobyl, V.B.Samojlov, L.S. Kremenchygskii. USSR Patent N1284335.
- Method for determination of ferroelectric material nonhomogenity. A.V.Bobyl, V.B.Samojlov, L.S. Kremenchygskii. Patent N 1316378.
- Method for determination of thermal parameters of ferroelectric material. A.V. Bobyl, S.L. Bravina, N.V. Morasovski, L.S. Kremenchygskii. Patent N 1369506.
- System of laser beam coordinate determination. A.V. Bobyl, O.V.Efimov, L.S.Kremenchygskii. USSR Patent N 1485760.
- Device for measurement of function moment of energy density relative distributioon of radiation beam. A.V. Bobyl, D.B. Ludmirskii, L.S. Kremenchygskii. USSS Patent N1536960.
- Radiometer-direction finder. A.V. Bobyl, D.B. Ludmirskii, S.K.Skljrenko. USSR Patent N 1652387.
Main conference talks
Number of conference talks is 32.