Flux creep simulations: Effect of the creep exponent
What is the creep exponent:
The key parameter for the flux creep simulations is
the ratio of the characteristic pinning energy Uc to kT.
For logariphimic dependence
U = Uc ln( j / jc )
this ratio is equal to the exponent n in the current-voltage curve:
E(j) ~ jn and often called the creep exponent.
The critical state model (flux creep is absent) corresponds to infinitely large Uc/kT.
As the ratio Uc/kT decreases, the flux creep
becomes stronger.
Here we present results of simulations with two
different creep exponents, Uc/kT = 3 and 33.
The applied field is swept with a constant rate
|dH/dt| = 0.001 Hmax vc / 2w;
the pinning barrier
U = Uc ln( j / jc ).
The maximal value of the applied field Hmax is chosen so that
at H = Hmax
the flux front approximately reaches the superconductor center. H, j, E, and M are normalized to Hc,
Ec= vcBc, and Mc,
where Mc is
the magnetization in case of uniform current density equal to jc;
Hc = w jc for a slab of width w or
Hc = d jc/ pi, for a strip with thickness d.