Alexander V. Bobyl', Professor Daniel V. Shantsev, Ph.D. |
Yuri V. Trushin, Professor Dmitri V. Kulikov, Ph.D. |
Nikolay V. Fomin, (Ph.D., retired),
Oleg L. Shalaev, (former Ph.D. student)
Michael E. Gaevski at Ioffe Institute and
Dept of Electr. and Comp. Engineering, Univ. of South Carolina, US
Prof. Yuri M. Galperin and
Prof. Tom H. Johansen at the Low-Temperature Lab.
Dept. of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway
Dr. Sergey F. Karmanenko, St.Peterburg State Electro-Technical University
Dr. Viktor A. Solov'ev and Prof. S. G. Konnikov at Ioffe Institute
Prof. Vitaly Gasumyants at St.Peterburg State Technical University
Prof. Igor A. Khrebtov at Vavilov State Optical Institute
Dr. Vladimir V. Tretyakov at Ioffe Institute