Use of the resonance effect in bolometers based on superconductors in the zero-resistance state
N. V. Fomin and D. V. Shantsev
Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 18(8) p.478-480 (1992).

A concept of new device: bolometer (infrared detector) on superconductor in zero-resistance state using the resonance effect is proposed. In bolometers operating at T<Tc modulations of kinetic inductance of superconductor caused by temperature modulations are detected. It is proposed to use a superconductor microstrip waveguide as a sensitive element of such a bolometer. Its resonance frequency depends on kinetic inductance which provides a high sensitivity of the device. Signal to noise ratio is estimated theoretically and compared to that of conventional bolometers. The new device is shown to be more promising due to the absence of Johnson noise at T<Tc.