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Maxim N. Lubov

Maxim Nikolaevich Lubov was born in Lelningrad in 9 May of 1983.

He graduated:

Since 2000 he studies at Chair of Solid State Physics of Physics and Technology Department at the Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University.

Since 2003 he works as student researcher in the Group of the Theory and Computer Simulation of Defects in Crystals headed by Prof. Yu.V. Trushin.

Title of bachelor thesis:
Modelling of lattice and surface diffusion in Si-C system

Fields of interest:
Theory and Computer Simulation of Physical Processes in Solids

List of publications

Contact information

Tel.:   +7 (812) 247-9147
Fax:   +7 (812) 247-1017
    Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute,
Polytechnicheskaya 26, St.Petersburg 194021 Russia.


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