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Publications of Alexander Schmidt |
Sixth International Workshop on New Approaches to High-Tech:
Nondestructive Testing and Computer
Simulations in Science and Engineering, St. Petersburg, 2002, Preprints and program,
Proceedings of SPAS, vol. 6, D2
Computer simulation of the createion of
31P doped layer in
Si heterostructure by neutron transmutation doping
Yu.V. Trushin, G.V. Mikhailov, E.E. Zhurkin, V.S. Kharlamov, A.A. Schmidt, F.A. Krusenstern
Proc.of SPIE v.4348 (2001) pp.275- 281.
Estimation of the displacement threshold energies in Si and GaAs by means of the sputtering of structures with thin marker layers
V.S. Kharlamov, B.J.Ber, Yu.V. Trushin, E.E. Zhurkin, A.P. Kovasky A.A. Schmidt
Proc.of the 4th Moscow Int. ITEP School of Physics, Zvenogorod, Moscow,
Feb.5-16, pp.287-291, 2001
Determination of the displacement threshold energies of impurities in semiconductor heterostructures
A.A.Schmidt, Yu.V.Trushin, B.J. Ber, E.E.Zhurkin
Ion sputtering combined with secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is one of the most common methods used to investigate semiconductor heterostructures. The main difficulty in interpretating SIMS data is that depth profiles so-obtained are different from the real target structure, because of ballistic damage caused by high fluence if radiation. Changes in the target structure are very sensitive to that displacement threshold energy (Ed) of the target components. Displacement threshold energies are obtained experimentally for many monatomic materials, but present methods could not be used to determinate Ed for impurities and heterostructure components. Nevertheless, comparison of computer simulations of ion sputtering with experiment permits the estimate of Ed for different impurities in semiconductors. The DYTRIRS code was used to simulate the sputtering of GaAs with impurity monolayers. Values of the displacement threshold energies for In and Al in GaAs were estimated by combined experimental and simulation methods.
Proc. of SPIE, N4627, pp.177-180,
Computer simulation and SIMS profiling of Zn implantation in A3B5 semiconductors
B.J. Ber, A.P. Kovarsy, A.A. Schmidt, Yu.V. Trushin, E. E. Zhurkin, F.A.Krusenstern
The method for the determination of the impurity displacement threshold energy in semiconductor heterostructures is further developed. New experimental samples for this method are proposed. Important parameters for the samples are defined. Also, simulation of the sputtering of wide impurity depth profiles is carried out. Improved values for the penetration lengths of Zn atoms with different impact energies in GaAs were found.
Abstracts of Nanotechnologies in the area of physics, chemestry and biology,
Fifth ISTC Scientific Advisory Committee Seminar, St Petersburg, Russia, 2002,
p. 101
Combined experimental and computer simulation technique for the restoration of in-depth elemental distributions in SIMS profiling analysis of nanostructures
Yu.V. Trushin, B.Ja. Ber, E.E. Zhurkin, D.V. Kulikov, V.S. Kharlamov and A.A. Schmidt
Proc.of SPIE v.4348, 2001, pp.264-269
Computer simulation of ferroelectric property changes in PLZT ceramics under neutron irradiation.
D.V. Kulikov, Yu.V. Trushin, V.S. Kharlamov, R.Bittner, K.Humer, H.W. Weber, A.R. Sternberg, D.A. Lesnyh, A.A. Schmidt
The response of ferroelectric materials to high energy irradiation is of great interest because of their possible application in radiation environments such as thermonuclear reactors. In the present work a physical model for the defect evolution in PLZT ceramics under neutron irradiation and annealing is proposed. The influence of the defect system on the ferroelectric properties of these materials has been investigated. Satisfactory agreement between the theoretically estimated oxygen defect concentration after irradiation and annealing and the experimentally determined polarization has been obtained.
Mater. Sci. Forum, v.433-436, 2003, pp.591-594
Modelling the formation of nano-sized SiC on Si
K.L. Safonov, A.A. Schmidt, Yu.V. Trushin, D.V. Kulikov, J. Pezoldt
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), v. 201, No. 2, 2004, pp. 333-337
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of SiC nucleation on Si (111)
A.A. Schmidt, K.L. Safonov, Yu.V. Trushin, V. Cimalla, O. Ambacher, J. Pezoldt
Proc. of SPIE, v.5127, 2003, pp.124-127
Computer simulation of the creation of 31P doped layer in 28Si/30Si/28Si heterostructure by neutron transmutation doping
Yu.V. Trushin, G.V. Mikhailov, E.E. Zhurkin, V.S. Kharlamov, A.A. Schmidt, F.A. Krusenstern