TM Department | Group of the Theory and Computer Simulation of Defects in Crystals |
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Prof. Yu. V. Trushin |
November, 11, 2002
| Uni Hannover, Germany |
October, 31 – November 11, 2002
| TU Clausthal, Germany |
October, 13 – 31, 2002
| TU Ilmenau, Germany |
June, 30 – July, 14 2002
| TU Wien, Atominstitut, Austria |
November 9 – 11, 2001
Technical University Muenchen
, Germany Arcisstrasse 21, D-80 333, Muenchen, Germany Department of Physics, Prof.Dr.F.Koch Der Arbeitsaufenthalt Lecture: Trushin Yu.V., Kulikov D.V., Kharlamov V.S., Rybin P.V., Safonov K.L., Pezoldt J., Weber H."Strahlungsdefekte in SiC und in anderen mehrkomponentigen Systeme" |
November 5 – 18, 2001
Technical University Ilmenau
, Germany PF 10 05 65, D-98684, Ilmenau Germany Fachgebiet Nanotechnologie, Dr. Joerg Pezoldt (Fakultaet fuer Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik) Der Arbeitsaufenthalt |
October 21 – November 4, 2001
Technical University Dresden
, Germany D-01062, Dresden, Germany Material Science, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Pompe (Institut fuer Werkstoffwissenschaft, Professur fuer Materialwissenschaft)
Der Gastaufenthalt im Rahmen des DFG-Sonderforschunsbereiches 422 "Strukturbildung und Eigenschaften von Grenzschichten"
August 10 – 17, 2001
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
, Belgium CP 234, Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Campus de la Plaine, Physique des Solides Irradies, Prof.Dr Marc Hou Discussion of plans of future co-work |
June 17 – July 1, 2001
Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities
, Wien, A-1020, Wien, Stadionallee 2, Austria Low Temperature Physics/Superconductivity, Univ. Prof. Dr. Harald Weber 10 lectures for postgraduate students on "Radiation Processes in Crystals" |
Dr. V. Kharlamov |
September, 11 – December, 9, 2003
Technical University Ilmenau,
Co-work on MBE growth simulation of SiC on Si |
January, 16 – April, 10, 2003
Technical University Ilmenau,
Co-work on MBE growth simulation of SiC on Si |
November, 15 2000 – November 15 2001
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
, Belgium CP 234, Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Campus de la Plaine, Physique des Solides Irradies. Co-work on computer simulation of cluster beam deposition |
September, 14 – October, 3, 2000
Technical University Ilmenau,
Co-work on MBE growth simulation of SiC on Si |
Dr. D. Kulikov |
March 9, 2003 – August 30, 2004
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
, Belgium CP 234, Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Campus de la Plaine, Physique des Solides Irradies. Co-work on Simulation of copper precipitation in Fe |
September 9, 2002 – March 9, 2003
Nuclear Research Centre in Mol
Boeretang 200, B-2400, Mol Belgium Dr. Lorenzo Malerba Reactor Materials Research Unit Co-work on Simulation of copper precipitation in Fe |
November 22 – December 9, 2001
Technical University Ilmenau
, Germany PF 10 05 65, D-98684, Ilmenau Germany Fachgebiet Nanotechnologie, Dr. Joerg Pezoldt (Fakultaet fuer Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik) Der Arbeitsaufenthalt Co-work on MBE growth simulation of SiC on Si |
October 14 – November 9, 2001
Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities
, Wien, A-1020, Wien, Stadionallee 2, Austria Low Temperature Physics/Superconductivity, Univ. Prof. Dr. Harald Weber Co-work on the "Thin ferroelectric films" project Lecture: D.V.Kulikov , Yu.V. Trushin, V.S.Kharlamov, D.A.Lesnyh, H.W.Weber, R.Bittner, A.SternbergComputational analysis of radiation damage in multicomponent materials |
August 12 – September 12, 2001
Technical University Ilmenau
, Germany PF 10 05 65, D-98684, Ilmenau Germany Fachgebiet Nanotechnologie, Dr. Joerg Pezoldt (Fakultaet fuer Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik) Der Arbeitsaufenthalt Co-work on MBE growth simulation of SiC on Si Lecture: D.V.Kulikov , Yu.V. Trushin, K.L.Safonov, J.PezoldtComputer simulation of the small cluster formation in materials |
March 18 – April 10, 2001
Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities
, Wien, A-1020, Wien, Stadionallee 2, Austria Low Temperature Physics/Superconductivity, Univ. Prof. Dr. Harald Weber Co-work on the "Thin ferroelectric films" project Lecture: D.V.Kulikov , Yu.V. Trushin, D.A.Lesnyh, H.W.Weber, R.Bittner, A.SternbergPhysical model for the influence of neutron irradiation and annealing on the micro-structure and polarization of PLZT ceramics |
July, 2 – 28, 2000
| Technical University Ilmenau, Germany |
K. Safonov |
August, 1 – September, 30, 2003
Technical University Ilmenau
Germany PF 10 05 65, D-98684, Ilmenau Germany Fachgebiet Nanotechnologie, Dr. Joerg Pezoldt (Fakultaet fuer Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik) Der Arbeitsaufenthalt |
August, 5 – August, 29, 2002
Technical University Ilmenau
Germany PF 10 05 65, D-98684, Ilmenau Germany Fachgebiet Nanotechnologie, Dr. Joerg Pezoldt (Fakultaet fuer Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik) Der Arbeitsaufenthalt |
A. Schmidt |
October, 5, 2003 – January, 25, 2004
Technical University Ilmenau,
Germany PF 10 05 65, D-98684, Ilmenau Germany Fachgebiet Nanotechnologie, Dr. Joerg Pezoldt (Fakultaet fuer Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik) Work practice within the framework of the DAAD project Internationale Qualitaetsnetzwerke (IQN): Ilmenauer Koordinationszentrum (ICC)". |
January, 19 – May, 15, 2003
Technical University Ilmenau,
Germany PF 10 05 65, D-98684, Ilmenau Germany Fachgebiet Nanotechnologie, Dr. Joerg Pezoldt (Fakultaet fuer Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik) Work practice within the framework of the DAAD project Internationale Qualitaetsnetzwerke (IQN): Ilmenauer Koordinationszentrum (ICC)". |
August, 5 – October, 29, 2002
Technical University Ilmenau,
Germany PF 10 05 65, D-98684, Ilmenau Germany Fachgebiet Nanotechnologie, Dr. Joerg Pezoldt (Fakultaet fuer Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik) Work practice within the framework of the DAAD project Internationale Qualitaetsnetzwerke (IQN): Ilmenauer Koordinationszentrum (ICC)". |