Prof. Dr. Sergey V. BOBASHEV.






Publications in referred journals (2001-2006)




Prof. Dr. Sergey V. BOBASHEV.


S.V. Bobashev was born in Leningrad in1934,

graduated St.Petertsburg Polytechncal University in 1959,

from 1959 he is a staff member of the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute (PTI RAS) St. Petersburg, Russia.

Candidate Dissertation (1965),

Doctor Dissertation (1978),

Head of Laboratory of PTI RAS (1986),

Professor of St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (1986).

S.V.Bobashev published more then 160 refereed papers, invited talks, reviews and patents: area of interest- atomic physic, physical gas dynamics, plasmadynamics, plasma diagnostics, VUV spectroscopy and absolute soft-X-ray radiometry.


Official address: Laboratory of the Physical Gasdynamic.

Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences (PTI RAS).

Polytechnicheskay 26,. St.Petersburg, 194021, Russia.

Fax: (7-812) 297 10 17.

Phone (7-812) 292 89 53.



Personal address:

Manchesterskaya str. 10, apt.66. St.Petersburg, 194156, Russia.

(7-812 293 6970)




1953-1959-Student: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University,

(former Leningrad Polytechnic Institute).


1959-1962- Engineer, PTI RAS,

1962-1979 -junior scientific worker, PTI RAS,

1979-1986 -Senior scientific worker, PTI RAS,

1986-1987- Leading scientific worker, PTI RAS,

1987-up to now Head of laboratory, PTI RAS,

1989- up to now Principal scientific worker, PTI RAS.

1979-1980- Visiting Fellow, JILA, Boulder, USA. (six months)

Washington St. University, Seattle, (three mothers).

1994- Visiting Professor, North Carolina St. Univ. USA, (three months).

1999-2006-Emploise of German Institute of Metrology (PTB), Germany (periodically).



SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY( Premium, Awards and Grants)

1965-PhD thesis (Candidate Dissertation), PTI RAS.

1978-Doctor Dissertation, St.Petersburg State University.

1995-elected as Corresponded Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

2005-elected as Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

In 1964,1978,1982,1985,1987,1991,1993:- Premium of the PTI for the best investigations.In1974, 1975,1989:- Premium Presidium RAS.

1986- State Medal "Veteran Of Labor".

1992 First premium of St. Petersburg Physical. Society.

1994 Elected as Outstanding Scientist of Russia and

Stipendium of President of Russia.

2003-top Institute award: prize named after




International and local grants.

1993-1995 Grant of Russian Foundation of the Basic Research( RFBR) # 93-02-16904.

1997-1999 Grant of Russian Foundation of the Basic Research( RFBR) # 97-02-18258.

1994-1995 Grant of International. Science Foundation # J2W 100 (Soros grant).

1994-1996 Grant INTAS # 94-4341.

1996-1999 Grant INTAS #96-2102.

1995-1996 NATO Grant CRG # 950937.

1997-1999 EC Grant IC15- CT97 0707.

1996-1998 Joint Grant RFBR # 96-02-00203G and DFG # 436RUS100/95.

1998-1999 NATO Linkage Grant # HTCH LG # 97-1298.

1999-2001-CRDF RPO-809, EOARD subcontract #807577.

2000-2002 Joint Grant RFBR # 01-02-04001 and DFG # 436RUS100/95.

2000-2002 Grant RFBR# 00-02-17027

2001-2005 Project ISTC # 2009p (EOARD #007050).

2002-2005-Project ISTC # 0995.

2004-2005- CRDF Grant #RUP1-1447-ST-04.

2006- 2007 ISTC Grant# 3457p


1986- up to now Member of Qualification Councils of PTI RAS (for Ph.D. and Doctor Degrees)

1988-1993, 1993-2004- Elected member of the PTI Administrative Council.

1976-Member of Scientific Council of Physics of the Electronic and Atomic Collisions RAS.

1986-Member of Scientific Council of Spectroscopy RAS.

1985-1989-Member of General Committee of International Conference of

Phys. Elect. Atom. Collision (ICPEAC).

1995-2003-Member of International Advisory Board of Intern. Conf. of VUV.

1988- up to now-Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Technical Phys.

1995-1999 International Editor of Journal de Physique.


    1. Assistant professor of Leningrad Branch of Moscow Technical Institute.
    2. 1980-1984- Assistant Professor of St. Petersburg State Railway Engineer University.

1984-1986-Professor of St. Petersburg State Railway Engineer University.

1986- up to now -Full Professor of St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University.

(Chair of Cosmos Research).


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List of scientific publications of S.V.Bobashev in the refereed Journals for 2000-2006.










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