Секция 6. Аккумулирование и перераспределение энергии.
Development of power unit with Sterling engine for hybrid transport facilities
Vladimir P. Breusov, Victor V. Elistratov
St Petersburg State Technical University, St Petersburg, Russia
New type of turbines with small flow rate for conversion heat energy into mechanical
V. A. Rassokhin, V. N. Sadovnichii, N. M. Golovin
St Petersburg State Technical University, St Petersburg, Russia
Wave power plant
S. V. Zharkov
Energy Systems Institute (SEI), Siberian Branch of RAS, Russia
Recycling of energy of the atmosphere by means of vortex
E. Sorokodoum
Vortex Oscillation Technology Ltd, Russia
Energy of salinity gradient - new source of energy with minimal environmental impact
V. Kniajev
Institute of Marine Technology Problems, Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Russia
Direct conversion of energy in the electrodynamic movers (EDM)
A. V. Burov
, V. A. Tselemetsky
, V. A. Shyshkin
Naval Academy, Russia
Naval Engineering Institute, Russia
Electroenergetics Problems Department of the RAS, Russia
Liquefied natural gas as an alternative fuel of the XXI century. The novell technologies of production
Yury Gr. Belostotsky, A. M. Koshelev
"Elco Technology SPb" Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia
Natural mechanisms of energy-saving and effective usage of energy
I. I. Sventitskii
The All-Russian Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture (VIESH), Moscow, Russia
The new method for arrangement of working process in the internal combustion engine (IC engine) and principally new IC engine
Yury Gr. Belostotsky
"Elco Technology SPb" Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia
How journalists can help to scientists?
T. Pitchugina
Science News Agency "Inform-Nauka", Moscow, Russia
Single wire electric power system for renewable-based electric grid
D. S. Strebkov, S. Avramenko, A. Nekrasov
The All-Russian Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture (VIESH), Moscow, Russia
Technological condition for synthesis and doping of chalcogenide semiconducting materials
I. I. Burdyan, E. A. Senokosov, I. S. Feshchenko
Dnister State University, Tiraspol, Moldova
The solar energy supply sources. New hypothesis
Yury Gr. Belostotsky
"Elco Technology SPb" Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia
Transformation of energy in low-temperature plasma
Alexander V. Frolov
Independent developer
Thermonuclear reactor
Eugene A. Grigor ev
Independent developer