Crystal structure | Zinc Blende |
Group of symmetry | Td2-F43m |
Number of atoms in 1 cm3 | (4.42-0.17x)·1022 |
Debye temperature | 370+54x+22x2 K |
Density | 5.32-1.56x g·cm-3 |
Dielectric constant (static) | 12.90-2.84x |
Dielectric constant (high frequency) | 10.89-2.73x |
Effective electron mass me | 0.063+0.083x mo (x<0.45) |
Density-of-states electron mass mcd | 0.85-0.14x mo (x>0.45) |
Conductivity effective mass mcc | 0.26 mo (x>0.45) |
Effective hole masses mh | 0.51+0.25x mo |
Effective hole masses mlp | 0.082+0.068x mo |
Electron affinity | 4.07-1.1x eV (x<0.45) 3.64-0.14x eV (x>0.45) |
Lattice constant | 5.6533+0.0078x A |
Optical phonon energy | 36.25+1.83x+17.12x2-5.11x3 meV |