List of contributions; duration of talks
5 minute discussion
- A.G. Aksenov (ITEP, Moscow).
Gravitational radiation from a collapse of a rotating stellar core
(15+5=20 min)
- D.A. Anfimov et al. (Space Research Institute, Moscow).
Spectral properties of radiation of cosmic gamma-ray bursts
(15+5=20 min)
- A.N. Baushev, G.S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan (Space Research Institute, Moscow).
The cyclotron emission of anisotropic electrons in the X-ray pulsars
- V.S. Beskin (Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow).
On the energy loss of radio pulsars
(15+5=20 min)
- G.M. Beskin, V.N. Komarova, V.L. Plokhotnichenko
(Special Astrophysical Observatory).
The results of the Crab pulsar photometrical
investigations with time resolution of 3.3$ mu s$
- G.M. Beskin, V.G. Debur,
V.L. Plokhotnichenko, A. Shearer
(Special Astrophysical Observatory; National University of Ireland).
High time resolution panoramic system for
variability investigation of faint astronomical objects
- S.I. Blinnikov, A.V. Kozyreva, I.E. Panchenko
(Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow).
GRB: when do blackbody spectra look like non-thermal ones?
(15+5=20 min)
- M.S Briggs (University of Alabama, Hunstville).
GRB 990123
(15+5=20 min)
- E.V. Derishev, V.V. Kocharovsky, Vl.V. Kocharovsky
(Institute for Applied Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod).
Neutrino transfer in a cold neutron star
(15+5=20 min)
- E.V. Derishev, V.V. Kocharovsky, Vl.V. Kocharovsky
(Institute for Applied Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod).
100 GeV and sub-GeV features in the spectra of relativistic
winds from compact stellar objects
E.V. Derishev, V.V. Kocharovsky, Vl.V. Kocharovsky
(Institute for Applied Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod).
Decoupling of neutron component and
two-flow model of relativistic winds
(15+5=20 min)
Yu.N. Gnedin, S.O. Kiikov
(Central Astronomical Observatory, St.-Petersburg).
Quasi-periodic oscillations of X-ray brightness of neutron
stars: new physical mechanisms
(25+5=30 min)
- A.A. Gvozdev, I.S. Ognev (Yaroslavl University).
Influence of neutrino reemission processes in strong magnetic
field on dynamics of collapsing star envelope
(15+5=20 min)
V.S. Imshennik (ITEP, Moscow). Hydrodynamic model of noncentral
explosion of collapsing supernovae
(35+5=40 min)
- A.D Kaminker, D.G. Yakovlev, K.P. Levenfish
(Ioffe Institute, St.-Petersburg).
Neutrino emission due to Cooper pairing of nucleons
in cooling neutron stars
(15+5=20 min)
S.O. Kiikov (Central Astronomical Observatory, St.-Petersburg).
Magnetocavitation model of quasi-periodic oscillations of X-ray
radiation of neutron stars
- D.Y. Konenkov, U. Geppert (Ioffe Institute, St.-Petersburg;
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam).
The effect of the neutron star crust on the evolution of a core
magnetic field
A.B. Koptsevich, S.V. Zharikov, Yu.A. Shibanov, V.V. Sokolov,
V.G. Kurt (Ioffe Institute, St.-Petersburg;
Special Astrophysical Observatory; Astro Space Center
of Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow).
Optical photometry of PSR B0656+14 and its neighbourhood
(15+5=20 min)
A.G. Kuranov (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow).
The formation of low-mass X-ray binaries with black holes
from triple stars
(15+5=20 min)
V.G. Kurt et al. (Astro Space Center
of Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow).
Gamma-ray bursts and gravitational lensing
(15+5=20 min)
- A.D. Kuzmin, B.Ya. Losovsky (Pushchino Radioastronomical Observatory).
Difference of millisecond pulsars compared to ``normal" ones
by the frequency dependence of a width of integrated profiles
(15+5=20 min)
A.V. Kuznetsov, N.V. Mikheev (Yaroslavl University).
Variation of the energy and momentum of a neutrino propagating in a
strongly magnetized $e^- e^+$ plasma
(15+5=20 min)
- S.I. Kuznetsov, E.M. Churazov, M.R. Gilfanov,
R.A. Sunyaev (Space Research Institute, Moscow).
Thermal disc instability and constrains on binary system parameters in
application to GRANAT / SIGMA observations of GRS 1758-258
(15+5=20 min)
K.P. Levenfish, Yu.A. Shibanov, D.G. Yakovlev
(Ioffe Institute, St.-Petersburg).
Cooling of neutron stars with
superfluid cores: theory vs. observations
(15+5=20 min)
V.M. Lipunov (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow).
Gamma-ray bursts are merging relativistic stars
(15+5=20 min)
M. Litvak et al. (Space Research Institute, Moscow).
Emission time of cosmic gamma-ray bursts
D. Litvin et al. (Space Research Institute, Moscow).
Quasiperiodic oscillations of the source A0535+262
in different spectral channels
(15+5=20 min)
- A.A. Lutovinov, S.A. Grebenev, R.A. Sunyaev
(Space Research Institute, Moscow).
Observations of wind-fed X-ray pulsars with
the telescope ART-P on board GRANAT
(15+5=20 min)
V.M. Malofeev (Pushchino Radioastronomical Observatory).
Unique spectrum, mean and individual pulses
of Geminga radio emission
(15+5=20 min)
- I.F. Malov (Pushchino Radioastronomical Observatory).
On magnetic fields and $ dot{P}-P$ diagram
of radio pulsars
(15+5=20 min)
- D.D. Frederiks (Ioffe Institute, St.-Petersburg).
The activity of the soft gamma repeater SGR 1900+14
from Konus-Wind observations
(25+5=30 min)
I.G. Mitrofanov et al. (Space Research Institute, Moscow).
Cosmic gamma-ray bursts in comoving reference frames
(35+5=40 min)
- V.D. Palshin, A.I. Tsygan (Ioffe Institute, St.-Petersburg).
The effect of magnetic anomalies at the surfaces of
neutron stars on X-ray luminosity of radio pulsars
(15+5=20 min)
S.B. Popov, M. Colpi, R. Turolla,
A. Treves, V.M. Lipunov, M.E. Prokhorov
(Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow;
University of Milan; University of Padova; University of Como, Italy).
Old neutron stars in the Galaxy
(15+5=20 min)
A.S. Pozanenko et al. (Space Research Institute, Moscow).
Aperiodic properties of gamma-ray bursts
M.E. Prokhorov, K.A. Postnov (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow).
Close binary black holes: kick versus common envelope
(15+5=20 min)
A. Sanin et al. (Space Research Institute, Moscow).
Cosmological invariants of gamma-ray bursts
Yu.P. Shitov (Pushchino Radioastronomical Observatory).
Detection of the radio pulsar PSR J1907+0919
associated with the magnetar SGR 1900+14
(15+5=20 min)
N.I. Shakura, M.E. Prokhorov, K.A. Postnov, N.A. Ketsaris
(Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow).
On the nature of 35-day cycle in Her X-1
(15+5=20 min)
T.V. Smirnova, V.I. Shishov (Pushchino Radioastronomical Observatory).
Pulsar distances from interstellar scintillation data
(15+5=20 min)
V.V. Sokolov, V.G. Kurt, S.V. Zharikov,
J. Greiner (Special Astrophysical Observatory).
A blue object in GRB 790613 error box
(15+5=20 min)
D.A. Varshalovich (Ioffe Institute, St.-Petersburg).
Welcome. Jubilees of the Russian Academy of Sciences and
Neutron Star Workshops
(15+5=20 min)
A.F. Zakharov (ITEP, Moscow).
Rotating neutron stars and unstable models of vibrations as
possible sources of gravitational radiation magnified by
gravitational lenses
(15+5=20 min)
- S.V. Zharikov (Special Astrophysical Observatory).
The distance to the millisecond pulsar PSR J1024-0719
(15+5=20 min)
Created: May 12 1999
Last revised: May 15 1999