[DTA Staff] [Department of Theoretical Astrophysics] [Ioffe Institute]

Darya Nikolaevna Kosenko

Cand. Sci. (PhD), Junior Research Scientist at the Department of Theoretical Astrophysics of the Ioffe Institute.

PhD Thesis (02.11.2023):
HD molecules in cold diffuse phase of interstellar meduim (PDF file, 7 MB, in Russian)
[Summary (Avtoreferat)] (PDF file, 571 kB, in Russian)

Ioffe Institute
Politekhnicheskaya 26
194021 St.Petersburg

Telephone:(+7 -812-)292 7 180

[DTA Staff] [Neutron Star Group] [Department of Theoretical Astrophysics] [Ioffe Institute]

Page created on March 1, 2024, last updated on May 29, 2024.