Habilitation (Doctor of Sciences) — A.F.Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, 10.12.2009.
D.Sc. Thesis "Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of matter
in neutron star envelopes" is available here:
2022-present | Chief Research Scientist | Department of Theoretical Astrophysics of the Ioffe Institute |
2012-2022 | Leading Research Scientist | |
1995-2012 | Senior Research Scientist | |
1992-1995 | Research Scientist | |
2014-2018 (part-time) | Leading Research Scientist | Pulkovo Observatory |
2015-2016 (part-time) | Professor | St.Petersburg Polytechnical University |
1993-1995 (part-time) | Senior Lecturer | |
1989-1992 | Research Scientist | S.I.Vavilov State Optical Institute |
1986-1989 | Junior Research Scientist | |
1985-1986 | Intern Researcher |
The main field of activity since 1991 - studies of neutron stars and properties of their matter, including: atomic structure and radiative transitions in strong magnetic fields; equation of state and kinetic properties of dense, strongly coupled plasmas with or without strong magnetic fields; thermal and electrical conductivities and radiative opacities of envelopes of compact stars.
1992 1997 2000 | Scientific Awards of the Division of Plasma Physics, Atomic Physics and Astrophysics of the Ioffe Institute (in different collaborations) |
1993 | First Scientific Award of the Ioffe Institute (jointly with D.A. Varshalovich and S.A. Levshakov) |
1996 | Grand Premium of the International Academic Publishing Co. "Nauka" for a series of papers in physics (jointly with D.A. Varshalovich and A.V. Ivanchik) |
2004 | First Scientific Award of the Ioffe Institute (for a series of papers on magnetic neutron-star atmospheres) |
2012 | Award of the Scientific Council of the Ioffe Institute (for a series of papers on magnetic neutron-star atmospheres and radiating surfaces) |
2013 | Diploma of Honor of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
2016 | Top Peer Reviewers in Physics and Astronomy Award by Publons |
2018 | Medal and diploma of Distinguished Invited Professor of École Normale Supérieure de Lyon |
2022 | Scientific Award of the Ioffe Institute (jointly with a group led by Yu.A. Shibanov for studies of thermal and non-thermal radiation of neutron stars) |