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[Department of Theoretical Astrophysics]
[Ioffe Institute]
Selected Recent Publications of D.A. Varshalovich
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- CO-dark molecular gas at high redshift: very large H2 content and high pressure in a low-metallicity damped Lyman alpha system
S.A. Balashev,
P. Noterdaeme, H. Rahmani,
V.V. Klimenko,
C. Ledoux, P. Petitjean, R. Srianand,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 470, 2890-2910 (2017)
- The primordial deuterium abundance: subDLA system at zabs=2.437 towards the QSO J1444+2919
S.A. Balashev,
E.O. Zavarygin,
A.V. Ivanchik,
K.N. Telikova,
D.A. Varshalovich
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 458, 2188-2198 (2016)
- A new estimation of HD/H2 at high redshift using the spectrum of the quasar J 2123-0050 [1.0 MB]
V.V. Klimenko.
S.A. Balashev,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 661, 012005 [6 pp.] (2015)
- Spectral distortions of the CMB dipole [arXiv:1505.06028]
S.A. Balashev,
E.E. Kholupenko, J. Chluba,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
Astrophys. J. 810, 131 [6 pp.] (2015)
- H2/HD molecular clouds in the early universe. An independent means of estimating the baryon density of the universe [1.5 MB]
A.V. Ivanchik,
S.A. Balashev,
D.A. Varshalovich,
V.V. Klimenko
Astron. Rep. 59, 100-117 (2015)
[original in Russian: Pis'ma v Astron. Zh. 89, 473-483 (2014)]
- Neutral chlorine and molecular hydrogen at high redshift
S.A. Balashev,
P. Noterdaeme,
V.V. Klimenko,
P. Petitjean, R. Srianand, C. Ledoux,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
Astron. Astrophys. 575, L8 [4 pp.] (2015)
- Partial covering of the emission regions of Q 0528-250 by intervening H2 clouds
V.V. Klimenko,
S.A. Balashev,
A.V. Ivanchik,
C. Ledoux, P. Noterdaeme,
P. Petitjean, R. Srianand,
D.A. Varshalovich
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 448, 280-298 (2015)
- The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect of primordial recombination radiation
E.E. Kholupenko, S.A. Balashev,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 446, 3593-3607 (2015)
- H2O maser pumping: The effect of quasi-resonance energy transfer in collisions between H2 and H2O molecules [arXiv:1407.3135]
A.V. Nesterenok,
D.A. Varshalovich
Astronomy Lett. 40, 425-434 (2014)
[original in Russian: Pis'ma v Astron. Zh. 89, 473-483 (2014)]
- Molecular hydrogen absorption systems in Sloan Digital Sky Survey
S.A. Balashev,
V.V. Klimenko,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich,
P. Petitjean, P. Noterdaeme
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 440, 225-239 (2014)
- Current status of the observations of variation of fundamental physical constants: a new constraint on the variation of μ = mp/me from an analysis of H2 systems in quasar spectra
[Abstract in Russian]
V.V. Klimenko,
S.A. Balashev,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich,
P. Petitjean
Conference "High Energy Astrophysics Today and Tomorrow — HEA-2013" (December 23-26, 2013, Moscow; poster)
- Incomplete coverage of the quasar Q0528−250 by a molecular hydrogen absorption system
[Abstract in Russian]
V.V. Klimenko,
S.A. Balashev,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich,
P. Noterdaeme, P. Petitjean, R. Srianand
Conference "High Energy Astrophysics Today and Tomorrow — HEA-2013" (December 23-26, 2013, Moscow; poster)
- Molecular-hydrogen absorption-systems in the SDSS catalog of quasar spectra
[Abstract in Russian]
S.A. Balashev,
V.V. Klimenko,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
Conference "High Energy Astrophysics Today and Tomorrow — HEA-2013" (December 23-26, 2013, Moscow; poster)
- Quasar spectroscopy and cosmology (793 KB)
D.A. Varshalovich,
A.V. Ivanchik,
S.A. Balashev
XXI International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (ICSLS 2012)
(3-9 June 2012, St Petersburg, Russia)
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 397, 012051 [7 pages] (2012)
- GRIPS - Gamma-Ray Imaging, Polarimetry and Spectroscopy (1.2 MB)
J. Greiner, K. Mannheim, F. Aharonian, [60 coauthors], D.A. Varshalovich, [4 coauthors]
Experimental Astronomy 34, 551-582 (2012)
- Influence of gamma-ray emission on the isotopic composition of clouds in the interstellar medium
V.V. Klimenko,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich,
G.G. Pavlov
Astronomy Lett. 38, 364-379 (2012)
- Partial coverage of the Broad Line Region of Q1232+082 by an intervening H2-bearing cloud
S.A. Balashev,
P. Petitjean,
A.V. Ivanchik,
C. Ledoux, R. Srianand, P. Noterdaeme,
D.A. Varshalovich
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 418, 357-369 (2011)
- Advanced three level approximation for numerical treatment of cosmological recombination
E.E. Kholupenko,
A.V. Ivanchik,
S.A. Balashev,
D.A. Varshalovich
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 417, 2417-2425 (2011)
- Positron annihilation spectrum from the Galactic Centre region observed by
SPIINTEGRAL, revisited: annihilation in a cooling ISM?
(2719 K)
E. Churazov, S. Sazonov, S. Tsygankov, R. Sunyaev,
D. Varshalovich
2011, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 411, 1727-1743
- H216O and H218O maser emission from gas-dust clouds
A.V. Nesterenok,
D.A. Varshalovich
Pis'ma v Astron. Zh. 37, 499-511 (2011)
[English translation:
Astronomy Letters 37, 456-467 (2011)]
- HD/H2 molecular clouds in the early Universe:
The problem of primordial deuterium
S.A. Balashev,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
2010, Astronomy Lett. 36, 761-772
- Big Bang nucleosynthesis of deuterium and HD/H2 molecular abundances in interstellar clouds of 12 Gyr ago
D.A. Varshalovich,
A.V. Ivanchik,
S.A. Balashev,
P. Petitjean
2010, Physics - Uspekhi 53, 397-401
[Russian original (592 K): Usp. Fiz. Nauk 53, 415-419]
- HD molecules at high redshift:
The absorption system at z=2.3377 towards Q 1232+082
A.V. Ivanchik,
P. Petitjean,
S.A. Balashev,
R. Srianand,
D.A. Varshalovich,
C. Ledoux, P. Noterdaeme
2010, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 404, 1583-1590
- Asymmetry
in the spectrum of high-velocity H2O maser emission features
in active galactic nuclei
(538 K)
A.V. Nesterenok,
D.A. Varshalovich
2010, Pis'ma v Astron. Zh. 36, 3-8
[English translation:
Astronomy Letters 36, 1-6]
- Effect of radiative feedbacks for resonant transitions during cosmological recombination
E.E. Kholupenko,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
2010, Phys. Rev. D 81, 083004 [9 pages]
- Gamma-ray burst investigation via polarimetry and spectroscopy (GRIPS)
(871 K)
J. Greiner, A. Iyudin, G. Kanbach, A. Zoglauer, R. Diehl, F. Ryde, D. Hartmann, A. v. Kienlin, S. McBreen, M. Ajello, Z. Bagoly, L. G. Balasz, G. Barbiellini, R. Bellazini, L. Bezrukov, D. V. Bisikalo, G. Bisnovaty-Kogan, S. Boggs,
A. Bykov,
A. M. Cherepashuk, A. Chernenko, W. Collmar, G. DiCocco, W. Dro"ge, M. Gierlik, L. Hanlon, I. Horvath, R. Hudec, J. Kiener, C. Labanti, N. Langer, S. Larsson, G. Lichti, V. M. Lipunov, B. K. Lubsandorgiev, A. Majczyna, K. Mannheim, R. Marcinkowski, M. Marisaldi, B. McBreen, A. Meszaros, E. Orlando, M. I. Panasyuk, M. Pearce, E. Pian, R. V. Poleschuk, A. Pollo, A. Pozanenko, S. Savaglio, B. Shustov, A. Strong, S. Svertilov, V. Tatischeff,
J. Uvarov,
D.A. Varshalovich,
C. B. Wunderer, G. Wrochna, A.G. Zabrodskij, L.M. Zeleny
2009, Experimental Astronomy 23, 91-120
- Directional radiation and photodissociation regions
in molecular hydrogen clouds
(802 K)
S.A. Balashev,
D.A. Varshalovich,
A.V. Ivanchik
2009, Pis'ma v Astron. Zh. 35, 171-188
[English translation:
Astronomy Letters 35, 150-166]
- Current status of astronomical observations on possible cosmological variations of the proton-to-electron mass ratio μ=mp/me
A. Ivanchik,
D. Varshalovich,
P. Petitjean
2008, European Phys. J. - Special Topics 163, 191-196.
- HeII→HeI recombination of primordial helium plasma including the effect of neutral hydrogen
E.E. Kholupenko,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
2008, Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal 34, 803-818
[English translation: Astronomy Letters 34, 725-738]
- Rapid HeII→HeI recombination and radiation concerned with this process
E.E. Kholupenko,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
2007, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 378, L39-L43
- The redshift distribution of absorption-line systems in QSO spectra
A.I. Ryabinkov,
A.D. Kaminker,
D.A. Varshalovich
2007, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 376, 1838-1848
- Ab initio nonadiabatic calculation
of the sensitivity coefficients for the X 1Sigmag+
-- B 1Sigmau+;
C 1Piu
lines of H2
to the proton-to-electron mass ratio
(309 K, in Russian)
V. V. Meshkov, A. V. Stolyarov,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
2006, Pis'ma v ZhETF 83, 363-366
[English translation:
JETP Letters 83, 303-307]
- The λ0 = 1.35 cm H2O maser line: The hyperfine structure and profile asymmetry (855 K)
D.A. Varshalovich,
A.V. Ivanchik,
N.S. Babkovskaya
2006, Astronomy Lett. 32, 29-38
- Annihilation emission from the galactic center: the INTEGRAL observatory results
E.M. Churazov, R.A. Sunyaev, S.Yu. Sazonov, M.G. Revnivtsev,
D.A. Varshalovich
2006, Physics - Uspekhi 49, 319-324
[Russian original (183 K): Usp. Fiz. Nauk 53, 415-419]
- CMBR distortion concerned with recombination of the primordial hydrogen plasma
E.E. Kholupenko,
A.V. Ivanchik,
D.A. Varshalovich
2005, Grav. Cosmol. 11, 161-165
- A new constraint on the time dependence of the proton-to-electron mass ratio.
Analysis of the Q 0347-383 and Q 0405-443 spectra
A.V. Ivanchik, P. Petitjean,
D.A. Varshalovich,
B. Aracil, R. Srianand, H. Chand, C. Ledoux, P. Boisse
2005, Astron. Astrophys. 440, 45-52
- Positron annihilation spectrum from the Galactic Center region observed by
E. Churazov, R. Sunyaev, S. Sazonov, M. Revnivtsev,
D. Varshalovich
2005, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 357, 1377-1386
- A hard X-ray survey of the Galactic Center with INTEGRAL/IBIS.
Catalog of sources
M.Revnivtsev, R.Sunyaev,
D.A. Varshalovich,
et al.
2004, Astronomy Lett. 30, 382-389
- Burst activity of SGR 1806-20
R.A. Sunyaev, V.V. Zheleznyakov, A.M. Cherepashchuk,
D.A. Varshalovich,
S.V. Molkov, A.A. Lutovinov, S.A. Grebenev
2003, The Astronomer's Telegram, #183
- A catalogue of absorption-line systems in QSO spectra (43 K)
A.I. Ryabinkov,
A.D. Kaminker,
D.A. Varshalovich
2003, Astron. Astrophys. 412, 707-709
- Current status of the problem of cosmological variability
of fundamental physical constants (76 K)
D.A. Varshalovich,
A.V. Ivanchik,
A.V. Orlov,
A.Y. Potekhin, P. Petitjean
2003, in Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 627: Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems,
S. Karshenboim, V. Smirnov (eds.)
(Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg), p.199
- Astrophysical testing
cosmological variability of fundamental physical constants (63 K)
D.A. Varshalovich,
A.V. Ivanchik,
A.Y. Potekhin
2003, in Proceedings of the Third International Sakharov Conference on Physics (Moscow, 2002),
A. Semikhatov et al. (eds.),
vol. 1 (World Scientific), p.486
- Does the proton-to-electron mass ratio vary in the course of cosmological
A.Ivanchik, P. Petitjean, E. Rodriguez, D. Varshalovich
2003, in Proceedings of JENAM Workshop on Varying Fundamental Constants (Porto, 4th
September 2002); Astrophys. Space Sci. 283, 583
- Do the fundamental constants vary in the course of the cosmological evolution?
A. Ivanchik, E. Rodriguez, P. Petitjean, D. Varshalovich
2002, Astronomy Letters 28, 423
- Effects of possible deviations of fundamental
phyical constants on primordial nucleosynthesis (106 K)
A.V. Ivanchik, A.V. Orlov, D.A. Varshalovich
2001, Astronomy Letters 27, 615
- Problems of cosmological variability
of fundamental physical constants (98 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin, A.V. Ivanchik
2001, Physica Scripta T95, 76
- HD molecular lines in an absorption system at redshift 2.3377
D. Varshalovich, A. Ivanchik, P. Petitjean, R. Srianand, C. Ledoux
2001, Astronomy Letters 27, 683
- Distribution of absorption systems in quasar spectra
in the redshift interval z=0.2-3.2
D.A. Varshalovich, A.I. Ryabinkov, A.D. Kaminker
2001, in: Astrophysics at the Edge of Centuries
(RAS, Moscow), 350 [in Russian]
Puzzle of the constancy of fundamental constants (63 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin, A.V. Ivanchik
2001, Comments on Modern Physics 2, D223
- Primordial nucleosynthesis: effects of possible variations
of fundamental physical constants
A.V. Orlov, A.V. Ivanchik, D.A. Varshalovich
Astron. Astrophys. Transactions 19, no.3-4, 375
A model for the molecular accretion disk
and H2O maser in the nucleus of the galaxy
NGC 4258 (321 K)
N.S. Babkovskaya, D.A. Varshalovich
2000, Astronomy Letters 26, 144
Space-time distributions of QSO absorption systems (705 K)
A.D. Kaminker, A.I. Ryabinkov, D.A. Varshalovich
2000, Astron. & Astrophys. 358, 1
Testing cosmological variability of fundamental constants (101 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin, A.V. Ivanchik
2000, in: R.W. Dunford, D.S. Gemmel, E.P. Kanter, B. Kraessig, S.H. Southworth, L. Young (eds.),
X-ray and Inner-Shell Processes (Proc. 18th International Conf.,
Argonne, August 1999),
AIP Conf. Proc. (AIP, Melville)
vol. 506, p. 503
- The space-time distribution of absorbing matter
in the redshift interval z=0.2-3.2
A.I. Ryabinkov, A.D. Kaminker, D.A. Varshalovich
Gravitation and Cosmology 5, Suppl., 72
- Two fields of astrophysical studies:
Fundamental constants and neutron stars (55 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, D.G. Yakovlev, A.Y. Potekhin, A.V. Ivanchik
1999, in: Zh.I. Alferov (ed.), Ioffe Institute: 1918-1998.
Development and Research Activities
(St. Petersburg, 1999) p. 200
Do the fundamental physical constants have the same values in different
regions of space-time? (161 K in Russian)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.V. Ivanchik, A.Y. Potekhin
1999, Zh. Tekhnich. Fiz. 69, no.9, 1
[English translation (64 K):
Technical Physics 44, 1001]
- The
fine-structure constant: a new observational limit on its
cosmological variation and some theoretical consequences (117 K)
A.V. Ivanchik, A.Y. Potekhin, D.A. Varshalovich
1999, Astron. & Astrophys. 343, 439
- Have fundamental physical constants changed during the
cosmological evolution?
D.A. Varshalovich, A.V. Ivanchik, A.Y. Potekhin
Izv. RAS, Ser. Phys. 62, 1714
- Angular momenta of a system of identical particles with a definite
Young scheme
D.A. Varshalovich, I.E. Mazets
Optics and Spectroscopy 84, 505
- Interpretation of anomalous helium abundance derived from radio
recombination line observations of nebulae
D. Ershov, S. Gulyaev, A. Ivanchik, D. Varshalovich, A. Tsivilev
Astron. Astrophys. Transactions 15, 281
- Testing
cosmological variability of the proton-to-electron
mass ratio using the spectrum of PKS 0528-250 (149 K)
A.Y. Potekhin, A.V. Ivanchik, D.A. Varshalovich, K.M. Lanzetta,
J.A. Baldwin, G.M. Williger, R.F. Carswell
1998, Astrophys. J., 505, 523
- The spatial and temporal distribution of matter in the redshift interval z=1.2-3.2 (673 K)
A.I.Ryabinkov, D.A. Varshalovich, A.D. Kaminker
1998, Astronomy Lett. 24, 418
- Polarization dependence of optical signals of coherence between
magnetic sublevels of alkali-atom ground-state hyperfine structure
E.B. Alexandrov, D.A. Varshalovich
Optics and Spectroscopy 82, 161
- Testing
cosmological variations of fundamental physical constants by analysis of
quasar spectra (38 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin, A.V. Ivanchik, V.E. Panchuk, K.M.
1997, in: I.M. Dremin, A.D. Semikhatov (eds.),
2nd Int. Sakharov Conf. on Physics (Moskow, May 19-26, 1996) (World Scientific, Singapore) p.178.
- Absorption systems in the spectra of the QSOs HS 1946+76, S5 0014+81, and S4
0636+68: New constraints on cosmological variation of the fine-structure constant (316 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, V.E. Panchuk, A.V. Ivanchik,
1996, Astronomy Lett. 22, 6
- Have the masses of molecules changed during the lifetime of the Universe? (283 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin
1996, Astronomy Lett. 22, 1
- Fundamental physical constants: upper limits on cosmological
variations from quasar spectra
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin
Proc. First International Conf. on CosmoParticle Physics "Cosmion-94",
eds. M.Y. Khlopov, M.E. Prokhorov, A.A. Starobinsky, J.T.T. Van
(Editions Frontiers, Italy, 1996) 147
- An observaional limit to cosmological variation
of the proton-to-electron mass ratio
D.A. Varshalovich,
K.M. Lanzetta, J.A. Baldwin, A.Y. Potekhin,
G.M. Williger, R.F. Carswell
17th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics,
eds. W. Voges, G. Wiedenmann, G.E. Morfill, J. Truemper,
MPE report 261 (MPE, Garching bei Muenchen) p. 265
- Cosmological
variability of fundamental physical constants by analysis of quasar spectra
(69 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin
1995, Space Sci. Rev., 74, 259
- Testing the fine-structure
constant for a possible cosmological variation from the analysis of
quasar spectra (350 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin
1994, Astronomy Lett. 20, 771
- Spectra of distant quasars
and verification of possible variation of fundamental constants over
cosmological time-scales (112 K)
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin
1994, in:
T.J.-L. Courvoisier, A. Blecha (eds.),
Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN, IAU Symp. 159,
(Kluwer, Dordrecht) 361
- Non-variability of the fine-structure constant over cosmological time scales (560 K)
A.Y. Potekhin, D.A. Varshalovich
1994, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 104, 89
Spectra of distant quasars
and verification of possible variation of fundamental constants over
cosmological time-scales
D.A. Varshalovich, A.Y. Potekhin
1994, in
Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN, IAU Symp. 159,
eds. T.J.-L. Courvoisier,
A. Blecha (Kluwer, Dordrecht) p. 361
An upper limit on possible
time variation of the fine-structure constant from QSO absorption
A.Y. Potekhin, D.A. Varshalovich
Astron. Astrophys. Transactions,
5, no. 1-2, 103
Check of the
constancy of the fundamental constants over cosmological time
D.A. Varshalovich, S.A.Levshakov, A.Y. Potekhin
1993, Usp. Fiz. Nauk
163, no. 7, 111
[Physics-Uspekhi 36, 642]
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Last update: September 15, 2017