Energy Astrophysics Group
Who we are
Leading Scientists
Andrey Bykov byk@astro.ioffe.ru
- Researchers
Yury Uvarov uv@astro.ioffe.ru
Alexandre Krassilchtchikov kra@astro.ioffe.ru
- Junior researchers
Maxim Gustov max@astro.ioffe.ru
From the left to right: Maxim Gustov, Andrey Bykov, Alexandre Krassilchtchikov, Yury Uvarov.
What we do
We are studying various high energy processes in astrophysics.
Among them are: electrons and nuclei acceleration
on shock waves and subsequent emission with applications
to interplanetary medium,
supernova remnants, high velocity clouds
and cosmic rays; nuclei line emission;
accretion to neutron stars,
star formation regions.
We are glad to present our results of the
observation of
gamma-Cygni SNR by INTEGRAL space observatory
together with the model of the
nonthermal emission from SNRs presented on the
Odessa Memorial Gamow's Conference, Odessa,
Ukraine, August 2005.
Here we present results of the
INTEGRAL observations of
NGC 6334 star formation region
together with the model
of magnetic field generation in supernova remnants
("Generation of Magnetic Fluctuations
near a Shock Front in a Partialy Ionized medium",A.M. Bykov, I.N.Toptygin,
Astronomy Letters, v. 31, no. 11, pp. 748-754, 2005).
Our recent report (in Russian) on variations of 3-10 keV X-ray emission in the shell of the galactic remnant
Cas A can be viewed here.
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of Theoretical Astrophysics]
Page last updated on November 21, 2008 by Yury