Ioffe Institute International Conference
Physics of Neutron Stars - 2011
July 11-15, 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia

Important dates and deadlines
First announcement with call for abstracts:November 2010
Registration and abstract submission deadline:March 15, 2011
Registration actually closed:March 20, 2011
Acceptance notification: April 9, 2011
Fee payment details are announced: April 12, 2011
Fee payment open: April 12, 2011
Fee payment using the Online Payment System open: May 2011
Deadline for providing additional information needed for Russian visa application: May 10, 2011
Deadline for LOC-assisted hotel reservation: June 19, 2011
Early (reduced) fee payment deadline: June 27, 2011
Preliminary program available online: June 2011
Second announcement with details of accomodation, preliminary program, etc.: June 2011
Final program: July 4, 2011

Page created on November 4, 2010, last updated on June 24, 2011.