Ioffe Institute International Conference
Physics of Neutron Stars - 2011
July 11-15, 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia

Financial issues

Registration fee is 200 EUR (100 EUR for undergraduate and graduate students) to be paid before June 27, 2011. Starting from June 27, 2011, the fee is 250 EUR (125 EUR for undegraduate and graduate students).

For your convenience, the fees can be paid also in US Dollars (USD) or Russian Roubles (RUB) according to the following rates (fixed on April 6, 2011): 284 USD (142 USD for students) or 8200 RUB (4100 RUB for students), if paid before June 27, 2011. Starting from June 27, 2011, all fees become 25% higher.

Those accompanying persons who will take part in the conference dinner will have to pay 40 EUR (equivalent in RUB) at the registration desk. Otherwise, accompanying persons are exempt from the fee.

Russian participants are allowed to pay their fees (8200 RUB or 4100 RUB for students) at the reception desk upon arrival (they are equally allowed to use the institutional cashless payment, like all participants).

The conference fee includes the conference materials (book of abstracts, participant's folder), welcome reception, conference dinner, coffee breaks, and supplementary technical charges (the latter include hire for the conference hall and auxiliary rooms, for the service of an engineer, conference room cleaners, etc.).

The availability of financial support at the present stage is uncertain. As soon as it is available, the relevant information will be presented at this site.

Payment methods
(click here to read instructions)

Telephone number: +7 812 292 7180

Welcome to Saint Petersburg!

Page created on November 24, 2010, last updated on June 24, 2011.