International Conference
Physics of Neutron Stars - 2011
July 11-15, 2011,
St. Petersburg
, Russia
Invited speakers and topics
Rotation powered pulsars, pulsars emission mechanisms
Alice Harding (GSFC, USA):
Gamma-ray pulsars
Ioannis Contopoulos (Academy of Athens, Greece):
Theory of the pulsar magnetosphere
Pulsar wind nebulae
Oleg Kargaltsev (U. of Florida):
Multiwavelength observations of pulsar wind nebulae
Sergei Komissarov (Leeds U.):
Theory of pulsar wind nebulae
Andrei Beloborodov (Columbia U., USA):
Theory of magnetars
Wim Hermsen (SRON, the Netherlands):
Observations of magnetars
Accretion powered pulsars
Alessandro Patruno (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands):
Observations of accreting millisecond pulsars
Konstantin Postnov (Moscow U., Russia):
X-ray pulsars
Marina Romanova (Cornell U., USA):
Modeling of accreting millisecond pulsars
Neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries
Mike Revnivtsev (IKI, Russia):
Observations of neutron star in low-mass X-ray binaries
Rashid Sunyaev (IKI, Russia; MPA, Germany):
Theory of boundary/spreading layers
X-ray bursts
Edward Brown (Michigan State U., USA):
Theory of X-ray bursts
Duncan Galloway (Monach U., Australia):
Observations of X-ray bursts
Isolated neutron stars
Craig Heinke (U. of Alberta, Canada):
Compact central objects
David Kaplan (MIT):
Observations of isolated neutron stars
Alexander Potekhin (Ioffe Institute):
Theory of thermal radiation from isolated neutron stars
Equation of state, structure, evolution
Dany Page (UNAM, Mexico):
Evolution of neutron stars
Mechanisms of supernova explosions
Thomas Janka (MPA, Garching):
Mechanisms of supernova explosions
Page created on November 4, 2010, last updated on
April 4, 2011