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Thermal emission of neutron stars

Cooling neutron stars

The work was funded by RFBR (joinlty with DFG) according to the research project 19-52-12013.

Last update: 03.07.2024

A.Y. Potekhin, D.A. Zyuzin, D.G. Yakovlev, M.V. Beznogov, Yu.A. Shibanov.
Thermal luminosities of cooling neutron stars
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 496, 5052-5071 (2020)

P — spin period
dP/dt — spin period time-derivative
Bdip — characteristic magnetic field (i.e., equatorial magnetic field estimate according to the canonical dipole model)
tc — characteristic age
t* — age, estimated independently on timing
L33 — redshifted (i.e., in the frame of a remote observer) thermal luminosity in units of 1033 erg/s
Tinf — redshifted effective temperature (in energy units, eV).
min — lower limit
mid — most probable value (or the middle of the age interval, if it is firmly known)
max — upper limit
 ---  — unknown or poorly constrained or non-applicable

If there are two (or more) components of the spectral fit that contribute to the thermal luminosity (L33) substantially (by > 15% each), the lower limit (min) for the temperature (Tinf) is given for the coldest component and the upper limit (max) for the hottest component.

References are coded by the latters as follows:
D - a reference for distance,
T - a reference for timing: P, dP/dt, Bdip, tc (such references are not given if the timing data are taken from the ATNF Pulsar Catalog),
A - a reference for age t*,
S - a reference for spectral analysis: L33, Tinf.
The citations pop up when hovering the cursor on these letters. Whenever possible, they are hyperlinked to relevant Web pages (in most cases, to the corresponding page in the NASA ADS).

For the entries that have been updated after the original publication, the last column shows the date of the last update (described below the table).

  Name                    Association              distance          P      dP/dt     Bdip      tc             t*                  L33                    Tinf        References         Last update
                          or nickname               [kpc]           [s]                [G]     [yr]           [yr]             [1.e33 erg/s]              [eV]
                                              min    mid    max                                        min    mid     max    min     mid     max      min  mid  max  
       Weakly magnetized (CCO-like) neutron stars:
 RX J0822.0-4300         Puppis A             1.9    2.2    2.5     0.113   9.28e-18 2.9e10   2.54e8   3700   4450   5200    3.9     5.0     6.1      240  ---  475   D A S
 CXOU J085201.4-461753   Vela Jr.             0.5    0.7    1.0      ---     ---      ---      ---     2400   ---    5100    1         2       3       80   90  100   D A S
 2XMM J104608.7-594306   Homunculus           1.35   2.35   3.35     ---     ---      ---      ---     1.1e4  ---    3.e4    0.077    ---    0.62      40  ---   70   D A S
 1E 1207.4-5209          G296.5+10.0          1.3    2.1    3.7     0.424   2.23e-17 9.8e10   3.01e8   2333   7000  21000    1.15    1.31    1.8       90  ---  250   D T A S
 1RXS J141256.0+792204   "Calvera"            3    ---      4       0.0592  3.29e-15 4.5e11   2.85e5    ---   ---     ---    1.5     ---     9        101  ---  110   D T S               02.11.2021
 CXOU J160103.1-513353   G330.2+1.0           4.6    4.9    9.9      ---     ---      ---      ---      600   800    1000    4.4     4.9     6.3      125  133  147   D A S               25.08.2021
 1WGA J1713.4-3949       G347.3-0.5           0.9    1.3    1.7      ---     ---      ---      ---     1608   ---    1609    1.7     2.0     2.3      128  136  145   D A S               25.08.2021
 XMMU J172054.5-372652   G350.1-0.3           5.1    6.1    7.4      ---     ---      ---      ---      600   ---     700   10.8    11.8    12.8      156  162  168   A A D S             25.08.2021
 XMMU J173203.3-344518   HESS J1731-347       2.2    2.5    2.8      ---     ---      ---      ---     2000   ---    6000    7.8    10.8    14.5      150  156  162   D A A D S           02.11.2022
 CXOU J181852.0-150213   G015.9+00.2          8.5    10    16.7      ---     ---      ---      ---     2700   3400   6000    4.2     8.4    15.2      110  130  150   D A S
 CXOU J185238.6+004020   Kes 79               6.5    7.1    7.5     0.105   8.68e-18 3.1e10   1.92e8   3200   6000   7800    8.4    10.4    12.8      132  133  134   D A S
 CXOU J232327.8+584842   Cas A                3.3    3.4    3.7       ---     ---      ---     ---     319.5  326.2  338.7   5.6     ---     9.3      120  ---  128   D A S S             13.11.2022
       Ordinary pulsars:
 PSR J0205+6449          3C 58                1.7    2.0    2.3     0.0657  1.94e-13 3.6e12   5.37e3   819.4  819.5  819.6   0.08    0.19    0.34      43   49   54   D A A S
 PSR J0357+3205          "Morla"              0.4    0.45   0.5     0.444   1.30e-14 2.4e12   5.41e5   2.e5    ---   1.3e6   0.004   0.015   0.04      30   36   45   D A S
 PSR J0538+2817          Sim 147              1.20   1.47   1.89    0.143   3.67e-15 7.3e11   6.20e5   2.e4   3.e4   6.e4    0.63    1.09    1.36      86   91   96   A D A S
 PSR J0554+3107          G179.0+2.6           1.6    2.2    2.8     0.465   1.43e-13 8.2e12   5.17e4    ---    ---    ---    0.14    0.19    0.27      45   48   51   A D S               05.08.2022
 CXOU J061705.3+222127   IC 443               1.4    1.7    2.0     0.25     ---      ---      ---     2.5e4  3.e4   3.5e4   0.25    0.26    0.27      58   58.4 59   D D D T A S
 PSR J0633+0632          Collinder 106 (?)    0.7    0.9    2.0     0.297   7.96e-14 4.9e12   5.92e4    ---    ---    ---    0.08    0.2     0.8       49   53   57   D T S
 PSR J0633+1746          "Geminga"            0.17   0.25   0.48    0.237   1.10e-15 1.6e12   3.43e5    ---    ---    ---    0.049   0.088   0.109     40   42   44   D S S
 PSR B0656+14            Monogem Ring         0.25   0.28   0.31    0.385   5.49e-14 4.7e12   1.11e5    ---    ---    ---    0.32    0.35    0.38      67   68   69   D S
 PSR B0833-45            Vela                 0.260  0.280  0.300   0.0893  1.25e-13 3.4e12   1.13e4   1.7e4   ---   2.7e4   0.412   0.424   0.436     56   57   60   D A S
 PSR B0950+08               ---               0.256  0.261  0.266   0.253   2.30e-16 2.4e11   1.75e7   6.e5   1.9e6  7.6e6   0.00002 0.00008 0.00023    5    7   11   D A A S             29.04.2022
 PSR B1055-52               ---               0.2    0.35   0.5     0.197   5.83e-15 1.1e12   5.35e5    ---    ---    ---    0.03    0.1     0.2       65   68   71   D S
 PSR J1357-6429          HESS J1356-645       ---    2.5    ---     0.166   3.60e-13 7.8e12   7.31e3    ---    ---    ---    0.29    0.36    0.43      60   64   68   D S S
 PSR B1706-44            G343.1-02.3          2.0    2.6    3.1     0.102   9.30e-14 3.1e12   1.75e4    ---    ---    ---    0.06    0.71    0.87      40   70  230   D S
 PSR J1740+1000             ---               1.2    ---    1.4     0.154   2.15e-14 1.8e12   1.14e5    ---    ---    ---    0.09    0.11    0.16      70  ---  140   D S                 25.04.2022
 PSR J1741-2054             ---               0.5    0.8    1.1     0.414   1.70e-14 2.7e12   3.86e5    ---    ---    ---    0.21    0.31    0.45      58   60   62   D S
 PSR B1822-09               ---               0.9    ---    1.9     0.769   5.25e-14 6.4e12   2.33e5    ---    ---    ---    0.017   0.026   0.038     79   83   87   D S
 PSR B1823-13               ---               3.0    4.0    5.0     0.101   7.53e-14 2.8e12   2.14e4    ---    ---    ---    0.36    0.45    0.54      92   97  101   D S
 PSR J1836+5925          "Next Geminga"       0.2    ---    0.7     0.173   1.50e-15 5.2e11   1.83e6    ---    ---    ---    7.8e-4  0.0014  0.0030   13.7 15.9 19.2  D D S
 PSR B1951+32            CTB 80               ---     2     ---     0.0395  5.85e-15 4.9e11   1.07e5   4.6e4  6.4e4  8.2e4   0.07    0.18    0.48      110 130  150   D A S
 PSR J1957+5033             ---               0.2    ---    0.6     0.375   7e-15    1.6e12   8.4e5     ---    ---    ---    0.0050   ---    0.014    20.1  --- 25.3  D T T[data] D S     20.12.2021
 PSR J2021+3651             ---               0.8    1.8    2.9     0.104   9.57e-14 3.2e12   1.72e4    ---    ---    ---    0.35    0.50    0.73      58   63   69   D S
 PSR B2334+61            G114.3+00.3          0.5    1.1    1.7     0.495   1.93e-13 9.9e12   4.06e4   7600   7700   7800    0.012   0.047   0.082     30   46   52   D A S
       High-B pulsars:
 PSR J0726-2612              ---              0.3    1.0    2.9     3.442   2.93e-13 3.2e13   1.86e5    ---    ---    ---    0.30    0.40    0.84      63   74   80   D D S
 PSR J1119-6127          G292.2-00.5          8.0    8.4    8.8     0.408   4.02e-12 4.1e13   1.60e3   4200    ---   7100    1.1     1.9     3.8       80  ---  210   D A S
 PSR B1509-58                ---              3.8    5.2    6.6     0.151   1.53e-12 1.5e13   1.56e3    ---    ---    ---    7       9       11       133  142  149   D S
 PSR J1718-3718              ---              4.5    ---   10.0     3.379   1.61e-12 7.5e13   3.32e4    ---    ---    ---    0.2     0.4     0.9       57  ---  200   D S
 PSR J1819-1458              ---              2.7    3.6    4.5     4.263   5.63e-13 5.0e13   1.20e5    ---    ---    ---    0.8     3       8        113 138.2 140   D S
       XINSs ("The Magnificent Seven"):
 RX J0420.0-5022            ---               0.325  ---    0.345   3.453   2.91e-14 1.0e13   1.88e6    ---    ---    ---    0.004   0.006   0.008    42.4 45.0 47.6  D T S S             03.07.2024
 RX J0720.4-3125            ---               0.263  0.286  0.313   8.391   7.15e-14 2.5e13   1.86e6   7.0e5  8.5e5  1.0e6   0.11    0.19    0.32     91.4 92.4 93.3  D D A T S S         03.07.2024
 RX J0806.4-4123            ---               0.235  0.240  0.250  11.370   1.06e-14 1.1e13   1.70e7    ---    ---    ---    0.016    ---    0.025     90  ---  110   D T S S             03.07.2024
 RX J1308.6+2127            ---               0.35   0.38   0.4    10.312   1.12e-13 3.4e13   1.46e6   3.e5   5.5e5  8.e5    0.26    0.33    0.38      50  ---   90   D A D S
 RX J1605.3+3249            ---               0.035  0.5    0.40     ---     ---      ---      ---     3.8e5  4.4e5  5.1e5   0.007    ---    0.5       35  ---  120   D D A D T S D T S
 RX J1856.5-3754        Upper Scorpius        0.108  0.123  0.134   7.055   3.01e-14 1.5e13   3.72e6   3.4e5  4.2e5  5.0e5   0.05     ---    0.08      36  ---   63   D T A S S S         14.10.2022
 RX J2143.0+0654            ---               0.390  ---    0.430   9.428   4.1e-14  2.0e13   3.7e6     ---    ---    ---    0.05     ---    0.17      40  ---  104   D T S               03.07.2024
       Upper limits:
 PSR J0007+7303         CTA 1                 1.1    1.4    1.7     0.316   3.60e-13 1.1e12   1.39e4   9100   9200   9300     ---     ---    0.03     ---  ---  200   D A S
 PSR B0531+21           Crab                  1.4    2.0    2.7     0.0334 4.21e-13 3.8e12    1.26e3   953.5  953.6  953.7    ---     ---   30        ---  ---  180   D A S
 SN 1987A remnant       MCSNR J0535-6916      50.2  51.4   52.6      ---     ---      ---      ---     28.342  ---   28.586   ---     ---   344       ---  ---  ---   D A S
 PSR B1727-47           RCW 114               0.66   ---    0.71    0.830  1.64e-13 1.2e13    8.05e4   4.e4   5.e4   6.e4     ---     ---    0.035    ---  ---   33   D A (D S)
 PSR J2043+2740         Cygnus Loop (?)       0.7    1.48   1.8     0.0961 1.27e-15 3.5e11    1.20e6    ---    ---    ---     ---     ---    0.04     ---  ---   80   D S D S S
 PSR B2224+65           Guitar Nebula         0.8    1.0    1.86    0.683  9.66e-15 2.6e12    1.13e6    ---    ---    ---     ---     ---    0.17     ---  ---  112   D S
       Small hot spots:
 PSR B0114+58               ---               1.24   1.77   2.30    0.101   5.85e-15 7.8e11   2.75e5    ---    ---    ---    0.0041  0.0044  0.0047   150  170  190   D S
 PSR B0943+10               ---               0.63    ---   0.89    1.098   3.49e-15 2.0e12   4.98e6    ---    ---    ---    1.e-4   1.7e-4  5.e-4     79   82  220   D S
 PSR B1133+16               ---               0.340  0.357  0.374   1.188   3.73e-15 2.1e12   5.04e6    ---    ---    ---    1.e-5   5.e-5   2.e-4    160  190  230   D S
 PSR J1154-6250             ---               1.36   ---    1.77    0.282   5.59e-16 4.0e11   7.99e6    ---    ---    ---    1.2e-3  1.7e-3  2.2e-3   170  210  250   D S
 PSR B1929+10               ---               0.26   0.31   0.40    0.227   1.16e-15 5.2e11   3.11e6    ---    ---    ---    5.e-4   9.e-4   1.5e-3   270  300  330   D S
Summary of updates:

This catalogue is maintained by Alexander Potekhin, Yuri Shibanov, and Dmitry Zyuzin.
To report additions, corrections, or omissions, please contact Alexander Potekhin at palex-spb@yandex.ru

Top of this page Neutron Star Group Department of Theoretical Astrophysics Ioffe Institute

The page is created by Alexander Potekhin on 18.06.2020, last updated on 03.07.2024