M. V. Ivanov
Institute of Precaembrian Geology and Geochronology, St. Petersburg, Russia
Fully numerical mesh solution of 2D quantum equations allows us to work with wave functions which have much more flexible geometry than the wave functions in the traditional basis-set approach. This flexibility is important for calculations of atoms in strong external magnetic fields and allows us to obtain an unrestricted precision of numerical solutions for the Schroedinger equation for the hydrogen atom and for Hartree-Fock equations for many-electron atoms. We provide Hartree-Fock calculations for He, Li, Li+, Be, Be+, B, B+, and C including the first comprehensive investigation of their ground state electronic configurations in fields from B=0 up to B=2.35 109 T. Analogous study for N, N+, O, O+, F, F+, Ne and Ne+ is carried out for a fully spin-polarised high-field regime. A comparison of the latter results with ones obtained in the adiabatic approximation is carried out.
Page created by Alexander Potekhin (palex.astro@mail.ioffe.ru), updated on June 26, 2001.