D. A. Varshalovich, A. V. Ivanchik
Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
P. Petitjean
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France
We have analysed the spectrum of quasar PKS 1232+082 obtained by Petitjean et al. (2000). HD molecular lines are identified in the absorption system with redshift z=2.3377. The column density of HD molecules in the system is estimated, N(HD)=1013 - 1014 cm-2. The temperature corresponding to excitation of the first rotational level J=1 relative to the ground state J=0 is Tex=(70 +/- 10) K.
Page created by Alexander Potekhin (palex.astro@mail.ioffe.ru) on June 29, 2001.