This LaTeX package intends to emulate the layout of the journal "Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal" (in Russian). Four LaTeX classes are provided for four respective cyrillic encodings: UTF8, KOI8-R, DOS, or Windows-1251. Written by Alexander Potekhin (Ioffe Institute), 2023. License: LPPL = LaTeX Project Public License Maintenance Status: maintained (by Alexander Potekhin ) Last update: 15.12.2023. If you think you may have found a bug in these packages, or want to report a suggestion for improvement, please send an e-mail to The package contains: pazh2col-utf.cls - LaTeX class file for UTF8 encoding; pazh2col-koi.cls - LaTeX class file for KOI8-R encoding; pazh2col-dos.cls - LaTeX class file for DOS (CP866) encoding; pazh2col-win.cls - LaTeX class file for Windows-1251 (CP1251) encoding; pazh2col-utf-example.tex - an example of use of pazh2col-utf; pazh2col-koi-example.tex - an example of use of pazh2col-koi; pazh2col-dos-example.tex - an example of use of pazh2col-dos; pazh2col-win-example.tex - an example of use of pazh2col-win; fig1exa.eps, fig2exa.eps, fig3exa.eps - simple figures, used in pazh2col*.tex examples; Certain standard LaTeX packages must be installed (are used by the pazh2col class). They can be divided in the following two groups. (1) Some of the "required" packages that are included by default in the base LaTeX distribution in all modern TeX implementations: babel ( fontenc (, indentfirst ( - for indentation of the first line in a section; inputenc (, keyval ( (2) Less common auxiliary packages for formatting, which may be missing in a base LaTeX distribution: abstract ( - allows an abstract spanning 2 columns; caption ( - to format captions to figures and tables; footmisc ( - to align footnotes at the left edge of text, as in the journal; Normally all packages should be installed in a regular way from their distributions. If some of the listed packages are missing in your LaTeX implementation, you may get and install them at the URLs indicated above. The entire package (all 4 encoding versios) can be downloaded as a compressed archive pazh2col.tar.gz at URL