This catalogue was founded near September,2003. Our aim was to collect full data on all known pulsars. Thus catalogue includes parameters bound up with radiation in different spectral ranges: radio, optical, extreme ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma. But parameters in radio range and parameters concerned with it were presented in ATNF pulsar catalogue during the begining of this database creating. For this reason we decided that main task of our catalogue would be reflection of complete information on pulsars properties in high energy band. Nevertheless catalogue includes data reflected in ATNF catalogue. We recognize that this information belong to ATNF and refer to it.
The instrument for work with catalog is query form on It is consists of two parts. The first in the top of the page is a list of the accessible pulsar parameters. Four general parameters are available at once. Other subdivides into several issues:"General and radio parameters of pulsars","Parameters of binary pulsars", "Parameters of optical pulsars","Parameters of euv pulsars"(euv means "extreme ultra violet"), "Parameters of X-ray pulsars" and "Parameters of gamma pulsars". Each of these issues is available after click on corresponding button. In this case you can see the roll of issue parameters. In the roll click on checkbox selects coincident parameter for output. Click on radio box assigns sorting parameter. Also there are two bottons allowing to check or to clear all output parameters from present issue. Again you can deselect all output and sorting parameters of issue by closing it. All accessible pulsar parameters described in the end of this file.
Beneath there is button "VIEW TABLE" for submit your query. After click on this
button you get table with results. Action of other nearby buttons the following:
"check all parameters" - opens all issues and checks all parameters for output
"clear all parameters" - clears all checkboxes, but not closes issues
"open all parameters" - opens all issues
"close all parameters" - closes all issues
The second part of form allows to set query conditions.
Firstly, it is possible
to output not only the value of parameter, but also it's uncertainty in
different forms and refer to the source of data. The following forms of
uncertainty output are possible:"absolute uncertainty as integer" - an integer
number representing uncertainty in last meaning figures of a value. (For example
if value is:14.127 then uncertainty equal to 27 means 14.127 ± 0.027 ),
"absolute uncertainty in usual look" - in the aforecited example it returns
0.027 and "relative uncertainty".
"Sort by" pull down list allows to set a way of sorting.
In the "User defined variables" division you can set up to four own variables.
For this purpose it is necessary to assign variable C1,C2,C3 or C4 by inserting
wishful expression in corresponding blank bar. After that it manages as common
variable. Expression can contain other variables, following operators: +,-,*,/,%
and following functions:
abs(x), acos(x), asin(x), atan(x), ceiling(x)(round fractions up),cos(x),cot(x),
exp(x),floor(x)(round fractions down),log(x), log10(x), mod(n,m)(returns the
remainder of n divided by m), pi(), pow(x,y), round(x,d),
sign(x), sin(x), sqrt(x), tan(x), truncate(x,d)(returns the number x, truncated
to d decimals)
The "Condition for values" bar is intended for input of conditions on pulsar
parameters. In condition expression you can use: all variables; operators and
functions determined in previous indent;comparison operators: =, !=, <=, <, >=,
>;logical operators: !, &&, ||. Also available such additional functions:
exist(parameter) | returns only records where this parameter exists. Example: exist(p0) |
error(parameter) | returns only records where absolute uncertainty as integer of this parameter exists. Due to this function you can impose condition on value of parameter absolute uncertainty as integer.Example: error(p0)<10 |
error | Due to this function you can impose condition on absolute uncertainty as integer value of all selected for output parameters.Example: error>10; if p0,p1,DM selected for output, it returns records where error(p0)>10 or error(p1)>10 or error(DM)>10. |
abserr(parameter) | returns only records where absolute uncertainty of this parameter exists. Due to this function you can impose condition on value of parameter absolute uncertainty.Example: abserr(p0)>0.00001 |
abserr | Due to this function you can impose condition on absolute uncertainty value of all selected for output parameters.Example: abserr>0.00001; if p0,p1,DM selected for output, it returns records where abserr(p0)>0.00001 or abserr(p1)>0.00001 or abserr(DM)>0.00001. |
relerr(parameter) | returns only records where relative uncertainty of this parameter exists. Due to this function you can impose condition on value of parameter relative uncertainty.Example: relerr(DM)<0.001 |
relerr | Due to this function you can impose condition on relative uncertainty value of all selected for output parameters.Example: relerr<0.001; if p0,p1,DM selected for output, it returns records where relerr(p0)<0.001 or relerr(p1)<0.001 or relerr(DM)<0.001. |
refer(parameter) | returns only records where reference of this parameter exists. Due to this function you can impose condition on value of parameter reference. Example: refer(DM)=hlk+03 (Caution: don't put quotes around of the reference name) |
type(parameter) | Returns only records in which Type field string contains parameter. Example: type(X) returns records with type 'XR' or 'AXP'. |
assoc(parameter) | Returns only records in which Assoc field string contains parameter. Example: assoc(SNR) returns records describing SNR's. |
rtelescope(parameter) | Returns only records in which RTelescope field string contains parameter. Example: rtelescope(Are) returns records with radio telescope 'Arecibo'. |
xtelescope(parameter) | Returns only records in which XTelescope field string contains parameter. Example: rtelescope(Bep) returns records with x-ray telescope 'Beppo-SAX'. |
"Pulsars names" textarea enables to select pulsars with wishful names. It is possible to enter several names divided by comma,semicolon,space or enter. Also it is possible to use symbols '?' that matches any character one times and '*' that matches any character zero or more times. Example: b0833-4?,*17. Pull down list in the right of textarea allows to select kind of names .
Last division allows to select pulsars from circular area. For this purpose it is necessary to set centre coordinates and radius. If radius didn't set then by default it is considered equal 180 degrees. The acceptable kind of centre coordinates depends on value of pull down list taking in the top of division. In the case of 'J2000 coordinates' it is HH:MM:SS.sss in range from 00:00:00.00 to 23:59:59.9(9) for right ascension and sDD:MM:SS.sss in range from -90:00:00 to +90:00:00 for declination.In the case of 'J2000 coordinates in degrees' it is DD.ddd in range from 00.00 to 359.9(9) for right ascension and sDD.ddd in range from -90.00 to +90.00 for declination. In the case of 'Galactic coordinates' it is DD.ddd in range from 00.00 to 359.9(9) for longitude l and sDD.ddd in range from -90.00 to +90.00 for latitude b. Also here you can include to output parameters pulsar distance from centre of the circle.
In the bottom of the query form there is "VIEW TABLE" button. It's action completely coincides with action of the same button on the top of the form. "clear all conditions" button clears all conditions from the second part of the query form.
Name | Pulsar name |
JName | Pulsar name based on J2000 coordinates |
Comments | Comments |
Spectrum | Reference to the spectrum of pulsar |
RA | Right ascension(J2000) |
Decl | Declination(J2000) |
RAD | Right ascension(J2000) in degrees |
DeclD | Declination(J2000) in degrees |
El | Eliptic longitude |
Eb | Ecliptic latitude |
l | Galactic longitude |
b | Galactic latitude |
PosEp | Epoch at which the position day is measured |
PMRA | Proper motion in right ascension |
PMdecl | Proper motion in declination |
PMEl | Proper motion in ecliptic longitude |
PMEb | Proper motion in ecliptic latitude |
PM | Total proper motion |
Vt | Transverse velocity based on D |
P0 | Barycentric period of the pulsar |
P1 | Time derivative of barycentric period |
P1i | Period derivative corrected for proper motion effect |
F0 | Barycentric rotation frequency |
F1 | Time derivative of barycentric rotation frequency |
F2 | Second time derivative of barycentric rotation frequency |
F3 | Third time derivative of barycentric rotation frequency |
PerEp | Epoch of period or frequency |
DM | Dispersion measure |
DM1 | First time derivative of dispersion measure |
DMsinb | DispersionMeasure*sin(Galactic latitude) |
RM | Rotation measure |
W50 | Width of pulse at 50% of peak |
W10 | Width of pulse at 10% of peak |
Tsc | Temporal broadening of pulses at 1 GHz due to interstellar scatter |
D | Best estimate of the pulsar distance |
Ddm | Distance based on the Taylor & Cordes electron density model |
p | Annual parallax |
p | Annual parallax |
X | X-Distance in X-Y-Z Galactic coordinate system |
Y | Y-Distance in X-Y-Z Galactic coordinate system |
Z | Distance from galactic plane, based on Distance |
S400 | Mean flux density at 400 MHz |
L400 | Radio luminosity at 400 MHz |
S1400 | Mean flux density at 1400 MHz |
L1400 | Radio luminosity at 1400 MHz |
SpI | Measured spectral index |
Edot | Spin down energy loss rate |
Edoti | Spin down energy loss rate from corrected P1 |
F | Energy flux at the Sun |
Age | Spin down age |
Agei | Spin down age from corrected P1 |
Bs | Surface magnetic flux density |
Bsi | Surface magnetic flux density from corrected P1 |
Blc | Magnetic field at light cylinder |
Nglitch | Number of glitches observed for the pulsar |
Discovery | Telescope that discovered the pulsar |
Date | Date of discovery publication |
RTelescope | Radio telescopes observed pulsar |
Assoc | Objects associated with pulsar |
Type | Type of pulsar |
BinaryType | Type of binary pulsar |
T0 | Epoch of periastron |
PB | Binary period of pulsar |
A1 | Projected semi-major axis of orbit |
OM | Longitude of periastron |
Ecc | Eccentricity |
Tasc | Epoch of ascending node |
Eps1 | Eccentricity * sin(Longitude of periastron) |
Eps2 | Eccentricity * cos(Longitude of periastron) |
MinMass | Minimum companion mass assuming i=90 degrees and neutron star mass is 1.35 M0 |
MedMass | Median companion mass assuming i=60 degrees |
OptSpectr | Reference for synthetical spectrum at optical wavelengths |
Ebv | Best estimation of color excess |
FUV_Fmeas | Measured flux density at far ultraviolet |
FUV_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at far ultraviolet |
FUV_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of FUV band |
NUV_Fmeas | Measured flux density at near ultraviolet |
NUV_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at near ultraviolet |
NUV_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of NUV band |
U_Fmeas | Measured flux density at U band |
U_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at U band |
U_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of U band |
B_Fmeas | Measured flux density at B band |
B_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at B band |
B_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of B band |
V_Fmeas | Measured flux density at V band |
V_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at V band |
V_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of V band |
R_Fmeas | Measured flux density at R band |
R_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at R band |
R_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of R band |
Halfa_Fmeas | Measured flux density at Halfa band |
Halfa_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at Halfa band |
Halfa_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of Halfa band |
I_Fmeas | Measured flux density at I band |
I_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at I band |
I_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of I band |
J_Fmeas | Measured flux density at J band |
J_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at J band |
J_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of J band |
H_Fmeas | Measured flux density at H band |
H_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at H band |
H_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of H band |
K_Fmeas | Measured flux density at K band |
K_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at K band |
K_Range | FWHM limits and pivot wavelength of K band |
SpIopt | Spectral index in optical band |
Fit | Fit of powerlaw in optical band |
Freq0 | Central frequency in powerlaw fit |
NhEuv | Column density of neutral hydrogen |
Lex_Fmeas | Measured flux density at Lexan/boron band |
Lex_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at Lexan/boron band |
Lex_Range | 10% passband limits and pivot wavelength of Lexan/boron band |
ALC_Fmeas | Measured flux density at Aluminium/carbon band |
ALC_Fdered | Dereddened flux density at Aluminium/carbon band |
ALC_Range | 10% passband limits and pivot wavelength of Aluminium/carbon band |
Model | Appropriate model of fit |
NhXray | Column density of neutral hydrogen |
FitBand | Range of spectrum fit |
Dist | Distance accepted in the given model |
kT | Temperature in blackbody fit |
R | Radius in blackbody fit |
kTcup | Temperature of polar cup in blackbody fit |
Rcup | Radius of polar cup in blackbody fit |
SpIxray | Spectral index of power-law fit |
Fit1 | Normalization at 1keV of power-law fit |
FluxBand | Range of unabsorbed flux |
Flux | Unabsorbed flux in the given range |
BetterModel | Model, that fits spectrum better |
XTelescope | Xray telescopes observed pulsar |
Detector_soft | Detector observed pulsar in soft gamma rays |
SpI_soft | Spectral index in soft gamma rays |
E0_soft | Energy at which the normalization is evaluated in soft gamma rays |
Fit_soft | Fit coefficient in soft gamma rays |
Range_soft | Energy limits in soft gamma rays |
Flux_soft | Flux in given limits in soft gamma rays |
Detector_medium | Detector observed pulsar in medium gamma rays |
SpI_medium | Spectral index in medium gamma rays |
E0_medium | Energy at which the normalization is evaluated in medium gamma rays |
Fit_medium | Fit coefficient in medium gamma rays |
Range_medium | Energy limits in medium gamma rays |
Flux_medium | Flux in given limits in medium gamma rays |
Detector_hard | Detector observed pulsar in hard gamma rays |
SpI_hard | Spectral index in hard gamma rays |
E0_hard | Energy at which the normalization is evaluated in hard gamma rays |
Fit_hard | Fit coefficient in hard gamma rays |
Range_hard | Energy limits in hard gamma rays |
Flux_hard | Flux in given limits in hard gamma rays |
PWN_GName | GName of PWN |
PWN_other_names | other names of PWN |
PWN_size | size of PWN in pc |
PWN_Edot | 10^PWN_Edot is full luminosity of PWN (in erg/sec) |
Angle_R93_Wc | The radio impulse width in degrees. It is taken from J.M. Rankin (1993). |
Angle_R93_Wcap | The angular size of polar cap in degrees (defined by width of radio impulse) It is taken from J.M. Rankin (1993). |
Angle_R93_alpha | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. It is taken from J.M. Rankin (1993). |
Angle_R93_beta | The minimal angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and magnetic momentum in degrees. It is taken from J.M. Rankin (1993). The angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis is equal to (Angle_R93_alpha + Angle_R93_beta). |
Angle_R93_sign_beta | Sign of Angle_R93_beta, if it is shown in J.M. Rankin (1993). |
Angle_MB_beta1 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. It is taken from table 5 of I.F. Malov "Radiopulsars", M. "Nauka" 2004. At its calculation only impulse width W_{10} is used and assumed beta=dzeta (inclination angle is equal to angle between direction to observer and rotation axis) |
Angle_MB_beta2p_400 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. Assumed C > 0. Observation is made at 400 MHz. |
Angle_MB_beta2n_400 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. Assumed C < 0. Observation is made at 400 MHz. |
Angle_MB_beta2p_640 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. Assumed C > 0. Observation is made at 640 MHz. |
Angle_MB_beta2n_640 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. Assumed C < 0. Observation is made at 640 MHz. |
Angle_MB_beta2p_1600 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. Assumed C > 0. Observation is made at 1600 MHz. |
Angle_MB_beta2n_1600 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. Assumed C < 0. Observation is made at 1600 MHz. |
Angle_MB_beta2p_2700 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. Assumed C > 0. Observation is made at 2700 MHz. |
Angle_MB_beta2n_2700 | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees. Assumed C < 0. Observation is made at 2700 MHz. |
Angle_MB_dzeta2p_400 | Angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis in degrees. Assumed C > 0. Observation is made at 400 MHz. |
Angle_MB_dzeta2n_400 | Angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis in degrees. Assumed C < 0. Observation is made at 400 MHz. |
Angle_MB_dzeta2p_640 | Angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis in degrees. Assumed C > 0. Observation is made at 640 MHz. |
Angle_MB_dzeta2n_640 | Angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis in degrees. Assumed C < 0. Observation is made at 640 MHz. |
Angle_MB_dzeta2p_1600 | Angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis in degrees. Assumed C > 0. Observation is made at 1600 MHz. |
Angle_MB_dzeta2n_1600 | Angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis in degrees. Assumed C < 0. Observation is made at 1600 MHz. |
Angle_MB_dzeta2p_2700 | Angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis in degrees. Assumed C > 0. Observation is made at 2700 MHz. |
Angle_MB_dzeta2n_2700 | Angle between line of sight (direction to observer) and rotation axis in degrees. Assumed C < 0. Observation is made at 2700 MHz. |
Angle_MB_beta2_av | The inclination angle (angle between magnetic momentum and rotation axis) in degrees averaged over frequencies. Assumed C > 0. Angle_MB_beta2_av = (1/4) * ( Angle_MB_beta2p_400 + Angle_MB_beta2p_640 + Angle_MB_beta2p_1600 + Angle_MB_beta2p_2700 ) |