NTPF 2017

 Second International Workshop
 Novel Trends in Physics of Ferroics

 July 6-8, 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia




Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
Laboratory for Physics
of Ferroics

Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia

+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com

Cultural program

July 7

16.00 Departure from the Workshop venue (hotel Moscow)
17.00-18.30 Guided tour to the Gallery of contemporary art Erarta https://www.erarta.com/en/
19.00-22.00 Workshop dinner at the restaurant of the Gallery Erarta
22.00 Departure from the Gallery to the hotel Moscow

Laboratory for Physics of Ferroics
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348