16.06.2017 Preliminary program is published
30.05.2017 Accomodation request deadline is June 1, 2017
04.05.2017 Abstract notification will be sent on May 10, 2017
17.04.2017 Abstract submission is closed
07.03.2017 Online registration and abstract submission is now open
07.03.2017 Second Announcement and call for papers
16.12.2016 The Workshop website was launched.
Laboratory for Physics of Ferroics of the Ioffe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences is pleased to announce the Second International Workshop on Novel Trends in Physics of Ferroics to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia on July 6-8, 2017. The Workshop is the satellite meeting of the Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism MISM-2017. The aim of the Workshop is to bring together scientists working on physics of magnetically ordered, ferroelectric and multiferroic media and will be devoted to the latest achievements in experimental and theoretical studies of dynamical properties of these media.
Abstracts Submission Deadline
April 14, 2017
On-line registration
June 6, 2017
Workshop venue
Hotel "Moscow", Conference hall "Tverskoy"
Alexander Nevsky sq., 2
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
In association with Interregional Innovative Development Center INNO-MIR