NTPF 2017
Second International Workshop Novel Trends in Physics of Ferroics
July 6-8, 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
Laboratory for Physics of Ferroics
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com
Program.pdf (version from 27.06.2017)
Invited Speakers
- Roy Chantrell (The University of York, UK)
- Jean-Yves Chauleau (CEA Saclay, France)
- Sang-Wook Cheong (Rutgers University, USA)
- Dmitry Chernyshov (ESRF, France)
- Stefan Eisebitt (Max Born Institute Berlin, Germany)
- Josep Fontcuberta (ICMAB CSIC, Spain)
- Xiaofeng Jin (Fudan University, China)
- Rajasekhar Medapalli (University of California, USA)
- Rostislav Mikhailovskiy (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
- Natalia Sherstyuk (MTU MIREA, Russia)
- Alexander Mukhin (Prokhorov General Physics
Institute, Russia)
- Markus Münzenberg (Universität Greifswald, Germany)
- Theo Rasing (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
- Andrei Rogalev (ESRF, France)
- Nikolay Pertsev (Ioffe Institute, Russia)
- Roman Pisarev (Ioffe Institute, Russia)
- Matteo Savoini (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Christopher Stock (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Andrzej Stupakiewicz (University of Bialystok, Poland)
- Oleg Tretiakov (Tohoku University, Japan)
Workshop format
The Workshop will be held in the single session format. The oral sessions will include invited talks as well as a
limited number of contributed talks selected by the Program committee. Most of the contributed paper will be presented as posters.
Poster format
Poster boards dimensions are:
height - 970 mm
width - 950 mm
Physical-Technical Institute
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com |
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia |
+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348