26th International Symposium
Spin Waves
St Petersburg, Russia,
2124 May, 2002
First Announcement & Call for Papers
26th International Symposium on Spin Waves will be held
in Saint Petersburg on May 21-24,2002 by the Council on Condensed-Matter
Physics (Section on Magnetism), Russian Academy of Sciences and A.F. Ioffe
Physico-Technical Institute.
You and your colleagues are invited to take part in the Symposium.
- Spin waves in nanostructures
- Nonlinear phenomena and relaxation processes
- Magnetic excitations in low-dimensional substances
- Magnetic excitations in disordered media
- Interaction of spin waves with elastic waves and other excitations
- Neutron scattering by spin waves
- Dynamics of magnetic domain walls
- Other new topics in magnetic dynamics
Papers containing unpublished results as well as review lectures devoted
to urgent problems are to be submitted.
Registration Fee
The registration fee will be $100, or less in case the Organizing Committee
gets sufficient financial support.
Important Dates
Please, inform us not later than November 1, 2001
- will you take part in the symposium
- the title of the paper or lecture you intend to submit (if possible send a short abstract)
- address the second announcement should be sent to.
Symposium Address
The above-mentioned information can be sent:
- by post: O.A. Chivileva, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute RAS,
26 Polytekhnicheskaya, 194021 St Petersburg, Russia
- by fax: (812) 515 67 47
- by e-mail: