26th International Symposium
Spin Waves
St Petersburg, Russia,
2124 May 2002
List of Accepted Lectures and Papers
I. Spin waves, nonlinear phenomena, and relaxation
processes in nanostructures, films, and multilayers
- B. Luethi
Magnetic excitation in spin-plateau systems
(ESR and ultrasonics in pulsed high magnetic fields) (lecture)
- D.I. Plokhov and A.K. Zvezdin
Dissipative dynamics of large-spin nanocluster
systems in a time-dependent magnetic field
- V.I. Belotelov
Numerical calculations of the second harmonic images
of nanosized objects
- L.V. Lutsev and S.V.Yakovlev
Spin excitations in granular structures of amorphous silicon dioxide with
cobalt nanoparticles
- V.I. Shcheglov
The microwave permeability of composite medium having magnetic and electric components
- Yu.V. Kobljanskiy, G.A. Melkov, A.N. Slavin,
and V.S. Tiberkevich
Two-magnon relaxation reversal in the yttrium-iron garnet
- V.V. Danilov, A.Y. Nechiporuk, and L.V. Chevnyuk
Spectra and relaxation of spin waves in nonuniform epitaxial garnet films
- Yu.A. Mamalui, Yu.A. Siryuk, and A.V. Bezus
Domain boundary near temperature of magnetic compensation and spin reorientation
in thin ferrite-garnets films
- Yu.I. Bespyatykh, W. Wasilewski , and S.A. Nikitov
On the magnetic pinning of vortexes in double-coated uniaxial ferromagnetic-superconductor
of second types
- S.V. Tarasenko
The new mechanism of the magnon localization near the antiferromagnet- nonmagnet metal
- A.M. Zyuzin, S.N. Sabaev, V.V. Radaykin,
and A.V. Kulyapin
Spin - wave resonance at the dissipative mechanism of spin pinning
- A.M. Zyuzin, A.G. Bazhanov,
and S.S. Kidyaev
The calculation of SWR spectra linewidth in multilayer films
- A.B. Drovosekov, D.I. Kholin, N.M. Kreines, and S.O.
Temperature dependence of interlayer coupling in Fe/Cr /Fe trilayers. MOKE
and MBLS studies
- A.V. Babushkin
Anomalous behaviour of electromagnetic waves reflectance by ferrodielectric and ferrodielectric-metal
layer structure
- V.E. Demidov
Electrical tuning of the dispersion characteristics of spin waves in ferrite-ferroelectric layered
- A.V. Butko, A.S. Dgumaliev, Yu.A. Filimonov, G.T. Kazakov, A.V.
Kozhevnikov , A.A. Veselov, A.G. Veselov, and S.L. Vysotsky
Magnetic properties of tunnel structures based on Fe, Ni films
- Yu.A. Filimonov, G.T. Kazakov,
and Yu.V. Khivintsev
Rayleigh surface acoustic waves and magnetostatic waves interaction in Ga,Sc:YIG films
- E.N. Kovshikov and N.G. Kovshikov
Experimental investigation of nonlinear dissipation of surface waves in YIG films
- N.G. Kovshikov and A.A. Porokhnuk
Miniature ferrite-film spin wave filter
- V.I. Zubkov and V.I. Shcheglov
The waveguide and filter characteristics of ferrite film magnetized by nonuniform field in the shape of "ridge"
- V.I. Zubkov and V.I. Shcheglov
The anisotropy of electromagnetic wave radiation space diagram from ferrite film magnetized
by nonuniform field
- Yu.A. Filimonov, R. Marcelli,
and S.A. Nikitov
Non-linear magnetostatic surface waves pulse propagation
in ferrite-dielectric-metal structure
- Yu.A. Filimonov, A.V. Kozhevnikov, R. Marcelli,
and S.A. Nikitov
Hysteresis effects at magnetostatic waves' parametric instability in YIG films
- A.B. Ustinov
Numerical modeling of the performance characteristics of nonlinear
interferometer on magnetostatic forward volume spin waves
- M.P. Kostylev
Theory for generation of the bright and dark spin wave
envelope trains in ferrite-film based active rings
- H. Benner, B.A. Kalinikos, M.P. Kostylev,
and N.G. Kovshikov
Generation of spin-wave soliton-like pulse trains in yttrium iron garnet films under parallel pumping
- Yu.V. Kobljanskiy, G.A. Melkov, V.M. Pan, A.N. Slavin,
and V.S. Tiberkevich
Soliton formation by wave front reversal
- Yu.V. Kobljanskiy, G.A. Melkov, V.M. Pan, A.N. Slavin,
and V.S. Tiberkevich
Phase conjugation of solitons and linear signals of magnetostatic waves
- G.M. Dudko and Yu.A. Filimonov
Magnetostatic waves 2-D soliton in YIG films
- A.G. Shagalov
Autoresonant exitation of spin-wave solitons
- A.P. Tankeev, A.G. Shagalov, M.A. Borich,
and V.V. Smagin
Potasek-Tabor magnetostatic solitons in layered structure ferromagnet-dielectric-metal
- A.P. Tankeev, A.G. Shagalov, M.A. Borich,
and V.V. Smagin
Soliton state evolution in film structures ferromagnet-dielectric-metal
- S.I. Yushchuk, S.A. Yur'yev,
and P.S. Kostyuk
Effect of orientation and substrate surface quality on resonance
properties of YIG epitaxial films
II. Magnetic excitations in antiferromagnets (low-dimensional and disordered
- S.V. Maleyev
Noncollinear antiferromagnets in canted magnetic field and quantum
criticity (lecture)
- E.I. Golovenchits and V.A. Sanina
Spin dynamics and structural phase transitions in quasi-2D antiferromagnets
R2CuO4 (R=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, and Gd) (lecture)
- A.I. Smirnov
Order and disorder in quantum spin chains (lecture)
- L.E. Svistov, L.A. Prozorova,
and A.Ya. Shapiro
AFMR in quasi-2D triangular antiferromagnets RbFe(MoO4)2
- V.Yu. Irkhin and A.A. Katanin
Thermodynamics and Neel temperature of Heisenberg quasi-one-dimensional
- I. Zaliznyak
Continuum excitations in low-dimensional quantum magnets
- V. Glazkov, A. Smirnov, T. Masuda, K. Uchinokura,
H.-A. Krug von Nidda, and A. Loidl
Microscopic phase separation at the Neel transition in the Mg-diluted
spin-Peierls compound CuGeO3 evidenced by ESR
- A.B. Granovsky, A.B. Khanikaev,
and O.A. Kotelnikova
The spin-mixing processes in magnetics with impurities
- G.A. Petrakovskii
Neutron scattering investigation of spin waves in the single crystal
of the copper metaborate CuB2O4
- S. Sosin
Commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in the antiferromagnet
RbMnBr3 under pressure
- B.S. Dumesh, V.A. Panfilov,
and D.N. Fourzikov
55Mn NMR and the ground state of quasi-one-dimensional
triangular antiferromagnet CsMnI3
- S. Zvyagin
Magnetic excitation spectrum in the quantum dimer system
- M.E. Zhitomirsky
Instability of antiferromagnetic spin-waves in strong field
- A.N. Slavin, B. Hillebrands, S. Demokritov,
and K. Guslienko
Spin wave modes in non-ellipsoidal magnetic elements
- D. Petitgrand
Spin Waves in the non-colinear system Pr2CuO4 studied by neutron
- S.V. Maleyev and A.V. Syromiatnikov
Hidden long range order in Kagome antiferromagnets
- S.S. Aplesnin
The study of coupled magnon-phonon excitations in the low-dimensional
- H. Gomonaj, V. Loktev, and V. Lvov
Peculiarities of field dependence of spin-wave spectrum in easy-plane AFM with microstructure taken into account
III. Other topics in magnetic dynamics
- V.N. Gridnev, A.V. Kimel, and R.V. Pisarev
Ultrafast spin dynamics in magnetic crystals and semiconductors (lecture)
- B.A. Kalinikos
Bright and dark spin wave envelope solitons in ferrite films and ferrite-film active rings (lecture)
- G.A. Melkov
Interaction of magnetostatic wave and local electromagnetic pumping field (lecture)
- A.B. Khanikaev and A.B. Granovsky
The role of electron-magnon interaction in forming of giant magneto-resistance (GMR)
- P. Asatiani
Models of F.London`s theory of supercondactivity and its magnetic dynamics aspects developed in BCS theory in application to information processes
- A.S. Dgumaliev, Yu.A. Filimonov, S.A. Nikitov,
A.G. Veselov, and S.L. Vysotsky
The easy magnetization axis switch in Fe/GaAs(100)
- G.A. Medvedkin
Novel ferromagnetic semiconductors with a
chalcopyrite structure
- G. Sergeeva
Two types of magneto-elastic excitations in normal state of cuprate HTS's
- A.V. Andrienko
Electromagnetic emission by a system of nonequilibrium nuclear magnons in an antiferromagnet
- A.V. Andrienko
Noisy pumping of nuclear spin waves in antiferromagnet
- V.D. Buchelnikov
Electromagnetic wave reflection on a cubic ferromagnet surface in Faraday-Voit geometry
- P.I. Polyakov and S.S. Kucherenko
Elastic-deforming influence of temperature, magnetic field and pressure on the magnetic semiconductors resistivity
- S.V. Kapelnitsky, E.B. Yagubskii, L.A. Kushch,
and I.Y. Shevyakova
Light induced electron localization in molecular metal
ET4K[Fe(CN)5NO]2 with photochromic nitroprusside anion
- V.I. Zubkov and V.I. Shcheglov
About the possibility of existence backward electromagnetic waves in the
plate having gyrotropic dielectric and magnetic permeabilities
- E.H. Lock and A.V. Vashkovsky
Magnetostatic surface waves in ferrite-dielectric structure, enclosed between half-spaces with negative dielectric permeability
- P.E. Zilberman
Moving of domain walls by spin-polarized current in magnetic junctions
- S.V. Grigoriev, S.V. Maleyev, V.V. Deriglazov, A.I. Okorokov,
and H. Eckerlebe
Spin-wave dynamics in Invar Fe65Ni35 studied by
small-angle polarized neutron scattering
- N. Baazov
Spin waves and long-range correlations in physical vacuum in case of dense package of its elements
- A.V. Andrienko
Coherent state of nuclear spin waves excited by a microwave noisy pumping
- S.A. Nikitov
Properties of magnonic and magneto-photonic crystals
Organizing Committee