UBGP 2019
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 VI International Conference
 Ultrafast BandGap Photonics:
 Dynamics and Metastability of Transient States

 St. Petersburg, Russia




Ioffe Institute
Ferroics Physics Laboratory
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia

+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com


To be announced later.

Conference format

The Conference will be held in the single session format. The oral sessions will include invited talks as well as a limited number of contributed talks selected by the Program committee. Most of the contributed paper will be presented as posters.


Ferroics Physics Laboratory
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348