UBGP 2019
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 VI International Conference
 Ultrafast BandGap Photonics:
 Dynamics and Metastability of Transient States

 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia




Ioffe Institute
Ferroics Physics Laboratory
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia

+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com



St. Petersburg is among the most beautiful cities in the world. It is located on more than 100 islands, where the river Neva flows into the Gulf of Finland. The city was founded in 1703 by the Tsar Peter I as a new capital of the Russian Empire and kept this status till 1918. The city has more than 5 million inhabitants and is the northernmost among the world large cities. Its historic centre constitutes a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The weather in the beginning of September is mostly warm with usual temperatures around 15 °C. Rain is possible, so we recommend you to pick up umbrellas and some warm clothing.

How to get here

By plain

St. Petersburg's airport "Pulkovo" (LED) has direct connections to many large cities in Europe and to the most of the cities in Russia.

By train from Moscow

There is a convinient high-speed train connection between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The on-line metro map can be found here

Laboratory for Physics of Ferroics
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348