UBGP 2019
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 VI International Conference
 Ultrafast BandGap Photonics:
 Dynamics and Metastability of Transient States

 St. Petersburg, Russia




Ioffe Institute
Ferroics Physics Laboratory
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia

+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com

Visa information

1. General information

A Russian Visa is an official permit to enter, pass through, stay in, or live in Russia for a certain period of time. It is a document in the form of an endorsement placed in your passport by a Russian Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence.

Check whether you need a visa to visit Russia or not!

If you need a visa, please note:
There are several categories and types of visas depending on the purpose of visit. To take part in the conference or scientific program you should obtain an "ordinary humanitarian" visa, as the purpose of your trip will be "scientific-technical relations".

Humanitarian Visa support deadline is July 15, 2019.

2. Step-by-step instruction to obtain Russian visa for UDM 2019 participants

Step 1 - Check the validity of your passport (your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the proposed date)

Step 2 - Register for the conference at the conference website

Step 3 - Download the visa support application:

visa_application.doc [36 kB] MS Word DOWNLOAD [37 kB]

Step 4 - Fill in the data required and send it with the scanned copy of your passport to the Local Organizing Committee by e-mail ferrolab@mail.ioffe.ru

Step 5 - The Local Organizing Committee will make the letter of invitation (visa support paper) and send you back by e-mail as pdf copy (or by post if requested)

PLEASE NOTE: Please keep in mind that it takes some time to issue a letter of invitation (depends on passport and visa support department workload)
ALSO: the invitation is written in Russian as it is addressed to the Russian Consulate.

Step 6 - Apply for a visa at the Russian Consulate in the country of residence.

When applying for a visa please follow the instructions and recommendations on the website of the Russian Consulate in your country of residence. You will find there an electronic online application form for a visa, the time and cost of obtaining a visa, the visa department schedules. Normal visa processing time at the Consulates is 10 working days. Urgent visa processing time may be 5 or 3 working days. Specify it at the Consulate in the country of residence.

3. Instruction to obtain Russian visa for accompanying persons

Accompanying person name can be included into the invitation letter issued for the conference participant.

4. Other important information

If a participant of a conference/scientific program has not enough time to obtain a humanitarian visa, he/she can obtain a Russian tourist visa via INNO-MIR ltd (Conference secretariat: ekaterina@inno-mir.com) or travel agency in the country of residence by himself, without help of the Ioffe Institute staff. But you should keep in mind that it would be a violation of the visa regime in accordance with the Russian legislation and in this case the responsibility will be laid on you.

Visa registration: Russian law requires visitors to register their Russian visas within SEVEN working days after arrival. Registration may be carried out by the hotel or hostel where you are staying and costs about 1000 RUB.

Migration card: On arrival in Russia, you will be given a migration card that should be filled in carefully. The passport control officer will stamp it to indicate the date and place of your arrival. Keep your migration card safe, as it has to be handed back at the passport control on departure. According to the Russian Federation migration law concerning registration procedure of foreign citizens on the territory of Russian Federation hotels take all responsibilities for fulfilling this statement; that's why hotels take registration fee (nearly 5-10 EUR per person) that is to be paid by the guest directly to the hotel cash desk upon arrival.

Medical insurance: Travellers to Russia should have a medical insurance. Please find out at the local Russian consulate before your trip whether your current medical insurance is sufficient for your trip or you should obtain another one.

When you get the invitation letter, please check the information carefully before applying for a visa. In case of any mistakes please contact us (ferrolab@mail.ioffe.ru - humanitarian visa, ekaterina@inno-mir.com - tourist visa).

Humanitarian Visa support deadline is July 15, 2019.

Ferroics Physics Laboratory
E-mail: ekaterina@inno-mir.com
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
+7 (812) 645-3590
+7 (911) 840-5348