Recent publications




  • P.S. Alekseev,
    Viscous flow of two-component electron fluid in magnetic field, Semiconductors 56, 650 (2022)
  • A. N. Afanasiev, P. S. Alekseev, A. A. Danilenko, A. P. Dmitriev, A. A. Greshnov, and M. A. Semina,
    Hall effect in Poiseuille flow of two-dimensional electron fluid, Phys. Rev. B 106, 245415 (2022)
  • A.A. Gutkin, N.S. Averkiev,
    Gallium vacancy – shallows donor complexes in n-GaAs doped with elements of group VI Te or S (Review), Semiconductors 56, 799 (2022)
  • K. S. Denisov, K. A. Baryshnikov, and P. S. Alekseev,
    Spin imaging of Poiseuille flow of a viscous electronic fluid, Phys. Rev. B 106, L081113 (2022)
  • K. S. Denisov,
    Electric field effect on electron gas spins in two-dimensional magnets with strong spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Rev. B 105, 045413 (2022)
  • A. N. Afanasiev, P. S. Alekseev, A. A. Danilenko, A. A. Greshnov, and M. A. Semina,
    Rotational viscosity in spin resonance of hydrodynamic electrons, Phys. Rev. B 106, L041407 (2022)
  • M. N. Sarychev, W. A. L. Hosseny, I. V. Zhevstovskikh, V. A. Ulanov, G. S. Shakurov, A. V. Egranov, V. T. Surikov, N. S. Averkiev, and V. V. Gudkov,
    Manifestation of the Jahn–Teller effect subject to quadratic T(circle times)(e+t2) problem in ultrasonic attenuation. Case study of CaF2:Cr crystal with isovalent and aliovalent substitution, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34, 225401 (2022)
  • I. V. Zhevstovskikh, N. S. Averkiev, M. N. Sarychev, O. I. Semenova, and O. E. Tereshchenko,
    Low-temperature luminescence in organic-inorganic lead iodide perovskite single crystals, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 095105 (2022)
  • M. A. Rakitskii, K. S. Denisov, E. Lähderanta, and I. V. Rozhansky,
    Intricate features of electron and hole skew scattering in semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 106, 085203 (2022)
  • I. V. Krainov, A. P. Dmitriev, and N. S. Averkiev,
    Shot noise in resonant tunneling: Role of inelastic scattering, Phys. Rev. B 106, 245421 (2022)
  • V. I. Safarov, I. V. Rozhansky, Z. Zhou, B. Xu, Z. Wei, Z.-G. Wang, Y. Lu, H. Jaffrès, H.-J. Drouhin,
    Recombination Time Mismatch and Spin Dependent Photocurrent at a Ferromagnetic-Metal–Semiconductor Tunnel Junction, Phys. Rev. Lett 128, 057701 (2022)
  • E.E.Maslova, A.A.Bogdanov, M.V.Rybin, Z.F.Sadrieva,
    Influence of structural disorder on bound states in the continuum, 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena - Metamaterials 2022; Siena, Italy; 12-17 September 2022, 295 (2022)
  • E.E.Maslova, M.V.Rybin, A.A.Bogdanov, Z.F.Sadrieva,
    Bound states in the continuum in periodic structures with structural disorder, Nanophotonics 10, 17, 4313 (2021)
  • M. V. Parfenov, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, and I. S. Burmistrov,
    Disorder-driven transition to tubular phase in anisotropic two-dimensional materials, Phys. Rev. B 106, 235415 (2022)
  • D. Asafov, V. Kachorovskii, K. Tikhonov, G. Zhang,
    Viscous flow through a finite-width slit: Boundary conditions and dissipation, Phys. Rev. B 106, 224201 (2022)
  • I. S. Burmistrov, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. J. Klug, and J. Schmalian,
    Emergent Continuous Symmetry in Anisotropic Flexible Two-Dimensional Materials, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 096101 (2022)
  • S. S. Evseev, I. S. Burmistrov, K. S. Tikhonov, and V. Yu. Kachorovskii,
    Effect of elastic disorder on single-electron transport through a buckled nanotube, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 013068 (2022)
  • V.Y.Mylnikov, S.O. Potashin, G.S. Sokolovskii, N.S. Averkiev,
    Dissipative Phase Transition in Systems with Two-Photon Drive and Nonlinear Dissipation near the Critical Point, Nanomaterials 12(15) , 2543 (2022)
  • E. Mönch, S. O. Potashin, K. Lindner, I. Yahniuk, L. E. Golub, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, V. V. Bel'kov, R. Huber, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Eroms, D. Weiss, and S. D. Ganichev,
    Ratchet effect in spatially modulated bilayer graphene: Signature of hydrodynamic transport, Phys. Rev. B 105, 045404 (2022)


  • A. N. Afanasiev, P. S. Alekseev, A. A. Greshnov, and M. A. Semina,
    Ballistic-hydrodynamic phase transition in flow of two-dimensional electrons, Phys. Rev. B 104, 195415 (2021)
  • M. V. Lebedev, G. M. Savchenko, N. S. Averkiev, A. Hajduk, B. Kaiser and W. Jaegermann,
    Surface potential in n- and p-GaInP2(100): temperature effect, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 185104 (2022)
  • N. A. Bogoslovskiy, P. V. Petrov, N. S. Averkiev,
    Spin-fluctuation transition in the disordered Ising model, JETP Letters 114, 347 (2021)
  • Igor Rozhansky, Konstantin Denisov,
    Topological Hall effect, In Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, Magnetic Skyrmions and Their Applications, pages 289-314 (2021), Ed.: G. Finocchio, C. Panagopoulos
  • M. Raju, A. P. Petrović, A. Yagil, K. S. Denisov, N. K. Duong, B. Göbel, E. Şaşıoğlu, O. M. Auslaender, I. Mertig, I. V. Rozhansky & C. Panagopoulos,
    Colossal topological Hall effect at the transition between isolated and lattice-phase interfacial skyrmions, Nature Communications 12, 2758 (2021)
  • I. V. Rozhansky, V. N. Mantsevich, N. S. Maslova, P. I. Arseyev, N. S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    Ultrafast electrical control of optical polarization in hybrid semiconductor structure, Physica E 132, 114755 (2021)
  • K. D. Moiseev, K. Yu. Golenitskii, N. S. Averkiev,
    Quantum insulator in a semimetal channel on a single type II broken-gap heterointerface in high magnetic fields, Low Temperature Physics 47, 19 (2021)
  • I. V. Krainov, V. F. Sapega, G. S. Dimitriev and N. S. Averkiev,
    Spin relaxation in diluted magnetic semiconductors: GaMnAs as example, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 445802 (2021)
  • Y.O. Alekseev, A.P. Dmitriev,
    Giant Hall effect in the ballistic transport of two-dimensional electrons, Phys. Rev. B 104, 085434 (2021)
  • A.A. Dontsov, A. P. Dmitriev,
    Charge fractionalization beyond the Luttinger liquid paradigm: An analytical consideration, Phys. Rev. B 103, 195148 (2021)
  • A. P. Dmitriev,
    Resonant Excitation of Oscillator with Randomly Shifted Levels, JETP Lett. 113, 1 (2021)
  • M. A. Rakitskii, K. S. Denisov, I. V. Rozhansky, and N. S. Averkiev
    Fingerprints of the electron skew scattering on paramagnetic impurities in semiconductor systems, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 032105 (2021)
  • K. S. Denisov, K. A. Baryshnikov, P. S. Alekseev and N. S. Averkiev,
    Anisotropic magnetoresistance and memory effect in bulk systems with extended defects, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 385802 (2021)
  • I. V. Zhevstovskikh, N. S. Averkiev, M. N. Sarychev, O. I. Semenova, V. A. Golyashov, and O. E. Tereshchenko,
    Correlation of elastic and optoelectronic properties near structural phase transition in organic–inorganic lead iodide perovskite single crystals, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 045403 (2021)
  • I. V. Krainov and K. A. Baryshnikov,
    Distribution of RKKY coupling value in 1D crystal with disorder. Specific heat in XY model, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 135801 (2021)
  • Y. Matyushkin, S. Danilov, M. Moskotin, G. Fedorov, A. Bochin, I. Gorbenko, V. Kachorovskii, S. Ganichev,
    Carbon nanotubes for polarization sensitive terahertz plasmonic interferometry, Opt. Express 29 23 , 37189 (2021)
  • G. Zhang, V. Kachorovskii, K. Tikhonov, I. Gornyi,
    Heating of inhomogeneous electron flow in the hydrodynamic regime, Phys. Rev. B 104, 075417 (2021)
  • P. Sai, S.O. Potashin, M. Szola, D. Yavorskiy, G. Cywinski, P. Prystawko, J. Lusakowski, S.D. Ganichev, S. Rumyantsev, W.Knap, V.Y.Kachorovskii,
    Beatings of ratchet current magneto-oscillations in GaN-based grating gate structures: Manifestation of spin-orbit band splitting, Phys. Rev. B 104, 045301 (2021)
  • R.A. Niyazov, D.N. Aristov, V.Y. Kachorovskii,
    Aharonov-Bohm Interferometry Based on Helical Edge States (Mini-review), JETP Letters 113, 689 (2021)


  • I. V. Rozhansky, V. N. Mantsevich, N. S. Maslova, P. I. Arseyev, N. S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    Split-off states in tunnel-coupled semiconductor heterostructures for ultrafast modulation of spin and optical polarization, Phys. Rev. B 101, 045305 (2020)
  • P.S. Alekseev, A.P. Dmitriev,
    Viscosity of two-dimensional electrons, Phys. Rev. B 102, 241409 (2020)
  • R.A. Niyazov, D.N. Aristov, V.Y. Kachorovskii,
    Coherent spin transport through helical edge states of topological insulator, npj Computational Materials 6, 1-10 (2020)
  • D.R. Saykin, V.Y. Kachorovskii, I.S. Burmistrov,
    Phase diagram of a flexible two-dimensional material, Physical Review Research 2, 043099 (2020)
  • S. Boubanga-Tombet, W. Knap, D. Yadav, A. Satou, D. B. But, V. V. Popov, I. V. Gorbenko, V. Kachorovskii, T. Otsuji
    Room-temperature amplification of terahertz radiation by grating-gate graphene structures, Physical Review X 10, 031004 (2020)
  • Y. Matyushkin, S. Danilov, M. Moskotin, V. Belosevich, N. Kaurova, M. Rybin, E. D. Obraztsova, G. Fedorov, I. Gorbenko, V. Kachorovskii, S. Ganichev,
    Helicity-Sensitive Plasmonic Terahertz Interferometer, Nano Letters 20, 7296 (2020)
  • S.O. Potashin, V.Yu. Kachorovskii, M.S. Shur,
    Hydrodynamic inverse Faraday effect in a two-dimensional electron liquid, Phys. Rev. B 102, 085402 (2020)
  • V. V. Gudkov, M. N. Sarychev, S. Zherlitsyn, I. V. Zhevstovskikh, N. S. Averkiev, D. A. Vinnik, S. A. Gudkova, R. Niewa, M. Dressel, L. N. Alyabyeva, B. P. Gorshunov, I. B. Bersuker,
    Sub-lattice of Jahn-Teller centers in hexaferrite crystal, Scientific Reports 10, 7076 (2020)
  • L.A. Yung, K. S. Denisov, I. V. Rozhansky, N. S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    Chiral spin structure of electron gas in systems with magnetic skyrmions, J. Magn. Magn. Mater 506, 166755 (2020)
  • I. A. Kokurin, A. Yu. Silov, N. S. Averkiev,
    Sign-reversal electron magnetization in Mn-doped semiconductor structures, Phys. Rev. B 102, 041202 (2020),
  • L.A.Sokura, V.N.Nevedomskiy, M.V. Baidakova, A.A. Levin, A.V. Belolipetsky, I.N. Yassievich, A.V. Ershov, N.A. Bert,
    Microstructure and morphology of 2D arrays of Ge quantum dots in a Si/Al2O3 matrix, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1697, 012135 (2020)
  • I. D. Avdeev, A. V. Belolipetskiy, N. N. Ha, M. O. Nestoklon, I. N. Yassievich,
    Absorption of Si, Ge, and SiGe alloy nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 114301 (2020)
  • M. O. Nestoklon, I. D. Avdeev, A. V. Belolipetskiy, I. Sychugov, F. Pevere, J. Linnros, I. N. Yassievich,
    Tight-binding calculations of the optical properties of Si nanocrystals in a SiO2 matrix, Faraday Discuss. 222, 258 (2020)
  • K. Yu. Golenitskii, A. A. Bogdanov,
    Dyakonov-like surface waves in anisotropic cylindrical waveguides, Phys. Rev. B 101, 165434 (2020)
  • I. V. Rozhansky, V. N. Mantsevich, N. S. Maslova, P. I. Arseyev, N. S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    Split-off states in tunnel-coupled semiconductor heterostructures for ultrafast modulation of spin and optical polarization, Phys. Rev. B 101, 045305 (2020)
  • J. Klier, I. V. Krainov, A. P. Dmitriev, and I. V. Gornyi,
    Enhancement of transparency in a double-barrier structure by the Fano antiresonance, Phys. Rev. B 101, 245425 (2020)
  • D. R. Saykin, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, and I. S. Burmistrov,
    Absolute Poisson's ratio and the bending rigidity exponent of a crystalline two-dimensional membrane, Annals of Physics (NY) 414, 168108 (2020)
  • E. V. H. Doggen, I. V. Gornyi, A. D. Mirlin, and D. G. Polyakov,
    Slow many-body delocalization beyond one dimension, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 155701 (2020)
  • K. A. Baryshnikov and I. V. Krainov ,
    RKKY Interaction in a One-Dimensional Crystal Taking into Account Disorder and Temperature, JETP Letters 111, 703 (2020)
  • K. A. Baryshnikov,
    Intracenter optical transitions in Mn2+ ion in CdMnTe crystals: the effect of strong Jahn–Teller coupling in excited state, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 365503 (2020)
  • M. Royz, A. Monakhov, E. Kunitsyna, Y. Yakovlev, R. Teissier, A. Baranov,
    Strong optical coupling between semiconductor microdisk lasers: From whispering gallery modes to collective modes, J. Appl. Phys. 127, 173105 (2020)



  • P.S. Alekseev,
    Magnetic resonance in a high-frequency flow of a two-dimensional viscous electron fluid, Phys. Rev. B 100, 165440 (2018)
  • K. Yu. Golenitskii, A. M. Monakhov, V. I. Sankin,
    Simulation of a Terahertz Laser in the Bloch Oscillation Mode, Technical Physics Letters 44, 1150 (2018)
  • R. Kraft, I. V. Krainov, V. Gall, A. P. Dmitriev, R. Krupke, I. V. Gornyi, and R. Danneau,
    Valley Subband Splitting in Bilayer Graphene Quantum Point Contacts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 257703 (2018)
  • K. S. Denisov, I. V. Rozhansky, M. N. Potkina, I. S. Lobanov, E. Lähderanta, and V. M. Uzdin,
    Topological Hall effect for electron scattering on nanoscale skyrmions in external magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 98, 214407 (2018)
  • K. S. Denisov, I. V. Rozhansky, N. S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    General theory of the topological Hall effect in systems with chiral spin textures, Phys. Rev. B 98, 195439 (2018)
  • I. S. Burmistrov, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, I. V. Gornyi, A. D. Mirlin,
    Differential Poisson’s ratio of a crystalline two-dimensional membrane, Ann. Phys. 396, 119 (2018)
  • N. S. Averkiev, A. A. Gutkin,
    MnGa acceptor center in GaAs (Review), Phys. Solid State 60, 2311 (2018)
  • N. A. Bogoslovskiy, P. V. Petrov, Yu. L. Ivánov, K. D. Tsendin, and N. S. Averkiev,
    Two components of donor-acceptor recombination in compensated semiconductors: Analytical model of spectra in the presence of electrostatic fluctuations, Phys. Rev. B 98, 075209 (2018)
  • I. S. Burmistrov, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. I. Katsnelson, J. H. Los, and A. D. Mirlin,
    Stress-controlled Poisson ratio of a crystalline membrane: Application to graphene, Phys. Rev. B 97, 125402 (2018)
  • N. S. Maslova, I. V. Rozhansky, V. N. Mantsevich, P. I. Arseyev, N. S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    Dynamic spin injection into a quantum well coupled to a spin-split bound state, Phys. Rev. B 97, 195445 (2018)
  • R. Kraft, J. Mohrmann, R. Du, P. Selvasundaram, M. Irfan, U. Kanilmaz, F. Wu, D. Beckmann, H. von Löhneysen, R. Krupke, A. Akhmerov, I. Gornyi & R. Danneau,
    Tailoring supercurrent confinement in graphene bilayer weak links, Nature Communications 9, 1722 (2018)
  • K. S. Denisov, N. S. Averkiev,
    Hall effect driven by non-collinear magnetic polarons in diluted magnetic semiconductors, Appl. Rev. Lett 112, 162409 (2018)
  • P. A. Bushuykin, B. A. Andreev, V. Yu. Davydov, D. N. Lobanov, D. I. Kuritsyn, A. N. Yablonskiy, N. S. Averkiev, G. M. Savchenko, and Z. F. Krasilnik,
    New photoelectrical properties of InN: Interband spectra and fast kinetics of positive and negative photoconductivity of InN, J. Appl. Phys. 123, 195701 (2018)
  • K.S. Tikhonov, I.V. Gornyi, V.Yu. Kachorovskii, and A.D. Mirlin,
    Resonant supercollisions and electron-phonon heat transfer in graphene, Phys. Rev. B 97, 085415 (2018)
  • A.P. Dmitriev, A.V. Gert, M. E. Levinshtein, V.S. Yuferev,
    Collector modulation in high-voltage bipolar transistor in the saturation mode: Analytical approach, J. Appl. Phys. 123, 134503 (2018)
  • P.S. Alekseev, A.P. Dmitriev, I.V. Gornyi, V.Yu. Kachorovskii, B.N. Narozhny, and M. Titov,
    Nonmonotonic magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional viscous electron-hole fluid in a confined geometry, Phys. Rev. B 97, 085109 (2018) PRB Editors' Suggestion


  • K. S. Denisov, I. V. Rozhansky, N. S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    A nontrivial crossover in topological Hall effect regimes, Scientific Reports 7, 17204 (2017)
  • A.P. Dmitriev, I.V. Gornyi, V.Yu. Kachorovskii, and D.G. Polyakov,
    Spin-charge separation in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer, Phys. Rev. B 96, 115417 (2017)
  • I.V. Krainov, J. Klier, A.P. Dmitriev, S. Klyatskaya, M. Ruben, W. Wernsdorfer, and I.V. Gornyi,
    Giant Magnetoresistance in Carbon Nanotubes with Single-Molecule Magnets TbPc2, ACS Nano 11, 6868 (2017)
  • G. S. Dimitriev, V. F. Sapega, N. S. Averkiev, I. E. Panaiotti, K. H. Ploog,
    Confinement effect on hole polarization in (Ga,Mn)As/AlAs diluted magnetic semiconductor multiple quantum wells, Phys. Solid State 59, 2262 (2017)
  • I. V. Krainov, M. Vladimirova, D. Scalbert, E. Lähderanta, A. P. Dmitriev, and N. S. Averkiev,
    Carrier spin relaxation in diluted magnetic quantum wells: Effect of Mn spin correlations, Phys. Rev. B 96, 165304 (2017)
  • E.M.L.D. de Jong, W.D.A.M. de Boer, I.N. Yassievich, and T. Gregorkiewicz,
    Trapping time of excitons in Si nanocrystals embedded in a SiO2 matrix, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195312 (2017)
  • P. S. Alekseev, A. P. Dmitriev, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, B. N. Narozhny, M. Schütt, and M. Titov, Magnetoresistance of compensated semimetals in confined geometries, Phys. Rev. B 95, 165410 (2017)
  • G. Yu. Vasileva, D. Smirnov, Yu. B. Vasilyev, M. O. Nestoklon, N. S. Averkiev, S. Novikov, I. I. Kaya, and R. J. Haug,
    Strongly temperature dependent resistance of meander-patterned graphene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 113104 (2017)
  • P.S. Alekseev, M.O. Nestoklon, Effective one-band approach for the spin splittings in quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 95, 125303 (2017)
  • K. L. Koshelev, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. Titov, and M. S. Shur,
    Plasmonic shock waves and solitons in a nanoring, Physical Review B 95, 035418 (2017)
  • A.V. Gert, M.O. Nestoklon, A.A. Prokofiev, I.N. Yassievich,
    Tight-binding simulation of silicon and germanium nanocrystals, Semiconductors 51, 1274 (2017)
  • N.S. Averkiev, I.A. Kokurin,
    Current-induced spin orientation in semiconductors and low-dimensional structures, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 440, 157 (2017)
  • A. A. Gutkin, N. S. Averkiev,
    Anisotropic Jahn–Teller acceptors formed in GaAs by first-group elements with a filled d shell, Semiconductors 51, 1247 (2017)
  • I.V. Gornyi, A.D. Mirlin, M. Mueller, and D.G. Polyakov,
    Absence of many-body localization in a continuum, Annalen der Physik (Berlin), 1600365 (2017)
  • N.S. Averkiev, I.B. Bersuker, V.V. Gudkov, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, M.N. Sarychev, S. Zherlitsyn, S. Yasin, G.S. Shakurov, V.A. Ulanov, and V.T. Surikov,
    Acoustic Properties of Crystals with Jahn–Teller Impurities: Elastic Moduli and Relaxation Time. Application to SrF2:Cr2+, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 114604 (2017)
  • I.V. Gornyi, V.Yu. Kachorovskii, and A.D. Mirlin,
    Anomalous Hooke's law in disordered graphene, 2D Materials 4, 011003 (2017)
  • K.S. Denisov, I.V. Rozhansky, N.S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    Spin-dependent tunneling recombination in heterostructures with a magnetic layer, Semiconductors 51, 43 (2017)
  • N. S. Averkiev, I. B. Bersuker, V. V. Gudkov, I. V. Zhevstovskikh, K. A. Baryshnikov, M. N. Sarychev, S. Zherlitsyn, S. Yasin, and Yu. V. Korosteli,
    Magnetic field induced tunneling and relaxation between orthogonal configurations in solids and molecular systems, Phys. Rev. B 96, 094431 (2017)
  • M.V.Cheremisin,
    Magnetoplasmon spectrum for realistic off-plane structure of dissipative 2D system, Solid State Commun. 268, 7 (2017)
  • M.V.Cheremisin,
    The success of Fermi gas model for overall scaling of 2D metal-to-insulator transition data, Solid State Commun. 253, 46 (2017)


  • I.S. Burmistrov, I.V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. I. Katsnelson, and A. D. Mirlin,
    Quantum elasticity of graphene: Thermal expansion coefficient and specific heat, Physical Review B 94, 195430 (2016)
  • K.S. Denisov, I.V. Rozhansky, N.S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    Electron Scattering on a Magnetic Skyrmion in the Nonadiabatic Approximation, Phys. Rev. Lett 117, 027202 (2016)
  • P.S. Alekseev, Negative magnetoresistance in viscous flow of two-dimensional electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett 117, 166601 (2016)
  • I.V. Rozhansky, N.S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta,
    Resonant tunneling between two-dimensional layers accounting for spin-orbit interaction, Phys. Rev. B 93, 195405 (2016)
  • I.V. Rozhansky, I.V. Krainov, N.S. Averkiev, B.A. Aronzon, A.B. Davydov, K.I. Kugel, V. Tripathi, E. Lähderanta,
    Resonant indirect exchange via spatially separated two-dimensional channel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 252402 (2016)
  • S. Gattenloehner, I.V. Gornyi, P.M. Ostrovsky, B. Trauzettel, A.D. Mirlin, and M. Titov,
    Levy flights due to anisotropic disorder in graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 046603 (2016)
  • I.S. Burmistrov, I.V. Gornyi, and A.D. Mirlin,
    Local density of states and its mesoscopic fluctuations near the transition to a superconducting state in disordered systems, Phys. Rev. B 93, 205432 (2016)
  • D.B. Gutman, I.V. Protopopov, A.L. Burin, I.V. Gornyi, R.A. Santos, and A.D. Mirlin,
    Energy transport in the Anderson insulator, Phys. Rev. B 93, 245427 (2016)
  • N.A. Bogoslovskiy, P.V. Petrov, Yu.L. Ivanov, N.S. Averkiev, K.D. Tsendin,
    Effect of coulomb correlations on luminescence and absorption in compensated semiconductors, Semiconductors 50, 888 (2016)
  • K.Yu. Golenitskii, A.M. Monakhov, N.I. Sablina, N.S. Averkiev,
    Longitudinal whispering-gallery modes in metal microcavities, JETP Letters 104, 615 (2016)
  • I.V. Gornyi, A.P. Dmitriev, A.D. Mirlin, I.V. Protopopov,
    Electron in the field of flexural vibrations of a membrane: Quantum time, magnetic oscillations, and coherence breaking, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 123, 322 (2016)
  • V.V. Nikolaev, N.S. Averkiev, M. Fujii,
    Phenomenological theory of optical broadening in zero-dimensional systems applied to silicon nanocrystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 153107 (2016)
  • P.V. Petrov, I.A. Kokurin, G.V. Klimko, S.V. Ivanov, Yu.L. Ivanov, P.M. Koenraad, A.Yu. Silov, and N.S. Averkiev,
    Optical spectroscopy of single beryllium acceptors in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well, Phys. Rev. B 94, 115307 (2016)
  • P. V. Petrov, I. A. Kokurin, Yu. L. Ivanov, N. S. Averkiev, R. P. Campion, B. L. Gallagher, P. M. Koenraad, and A. Yu. Silov,
    Optical orientation of spins in GaAs:Mn/AlGaAs quantum wells via impurity-to-band excitation, Phys. Rev. B 94, 085308 (2016)
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  • N.S. Averkiev, I.A. Kokurin,
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  • A.V. Gert, I.N. Yassievich,
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  • A.V. Gert, M.O. Nestoklon, I.N. Yassievich,
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