![]() | International Conference Physics of Neutron Stars – 2014 commemorating the 100th birthday of Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich July 28 — August 1, 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia |
Speaker | Title | |
Danai | Antonopoulou | Neutron star glitches: is there a minimum size? |
Prakash | Arumugasamy | X-ray timing and spectral analysis of the old gamma-ray pulsar J1836+5925 |
Arash | Bahramian | Discovery of the third transient X-ray binary in the galactic globular cluster Terzan 5 |
Vasily | Beskin | Radio pulsars – thirty years after |
Anna | Bilous | LOFAR's view on PSR B0943+10 |
Niccolo | Bucciantini | Modeling magnetized neutron stars in General Relativity |
Andrey | Chugunov | "Hot widows"/HOFNARs: New possible class of rapidly rotating neutron stars |
Andrey | Danilenko | The first Fermi pulsar with an X-ray spectral feature |
Evgeny | Derishev | Pair production feedback in pulsar - massive star binaries |
Elise | Egron | Spectral analysis of the double pulsar PSR J0737-3039 with XMM-Newton |
Carlo | Ferrigno | IGR J18245-2452: the first pulsar swinging between rotation and accretion powered emission |
Morgane | Fortin | Thermal evolution of neutron stars with an hyperonic equation of state |
Marat | Gilfanov | Accretion disk boundary layers around neutron stars. |
Sergei | Grebenev | New populations of high mass X-ray binaries with neutron stars |
Mira | Grudzinska | Modeling of spectra from TeV binaries with pulsars |
Romain | Hascoet | X-ray emission mechanisms in magnetars |
Willem | Hermsen | Simultaneous XMM-Newton radio observations of the mode-switching radio pulsar PSR B1822-09 |
Andrei | Igoshev | Comprehensive analysis of pulsars velocity distribution |
Nazar | Ikhsanov | A new look at the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars |
Aleksandr | Kaminker | Thermal emission of neutron stars with internal heaters |
Sushan | Konar | AMXP to MSRP: Transition (mis-)understood? |
Vladislav | Kondratiev | Millisecond pulsars at low frequencies with LOFAR |
Aleksandr | Kuranov | Modeling the luminosity function of galactic low-mass X-ray binaries |
Bennett | Link | Constraining the origin of magnetar flares |
Donald | Melrose | Quadrupolar model for giant bursts on SGRs |
Roberto | Mignani | Pulsar polarimetry |
Joseph | Mitchell | Search for stable magnetic equilibria in barotropic stars. |
Dipanjan | Mitra | On the Adiabatic walking of radio waves in pulsar magnetosphere |
Alexander | Mushtukov | X-ray pulsars: on the verge of a final understanding |
Jerome | Petri | Towards general-relativistic pulsars magnetospheres |
Alexander | Philippov | Recent advances in modeling pulsar magnetosphere |
Marco | Pierbattista | Radio and gamma-ray light-curve morphology of young pulsars: comparing Fermi observations and simulated populations |
Maura | Pilia | Low-frequency evolution of pulsar profiles with LOFAR |
Sergei | Popov | Radiotransients and neutron stars |
Bettina | Posselt | Geminga and PSR B1055-52: similar pulsars, different PWNe |
Konstantin | Postnov | Nature of bright flares in Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients |
Lev | Pustil'nik | Spin evolution of pulsars challenges conventional accretion scenarios |
Blagoy | Rangelov | The far-UV bow shock of the nearest millisecond pulsar J0437-4715 |
Andreas | Reisenegger | Magnetic field evolution in neutron stars |
David | Russell | Jets launched from accreting neutron stars: their power and their magnetic fields |
Yuri | Shibanov | Gamma-ray pulsars in the optical and infrared |
Valery | Suleimanov | Spectra of rapidly rotating X-ray bursting neutron stars |
Andrey | Timokhin | Plasma generation in pulsar polar caps: a modern view |
Roberto | Turolla | The variable X-ray emission of PSR B0943+10 |
Yury | Uvarov | A model of gamma ray flare generation in PWN |
George | Younes | Spectral evolution of magnetar bright bursts |
Guobao | Zhang | Strong evidence for a link between coherent oscillations and the apparent emission area during the thermonuclear bursts |