Addressing the exciton fine structure in colloidal nanocrystals: the case of CdSe nanoplatelets
2018 , Nanoscale, v.10, 2
ISSN: 2040-3364

Страницы: 646 - 656
Авторы:Shornikova,EV; Biadala,L; Yakovlev,DR; Sapega,VF; Kusrayev,YG; Mitioglu,AA; Ballottin,MV; Christianen,PCM; Belykh,VV; Kochiev,MV; Sibeldin,NN; Golovatenko,AA; Rodina,AV; Gippius,NA; Kuntzmann,A; Jiang,Y; Nasilowski,M; Dubertret,B; Bayer,M
Авторы (ФТИ):Yakovlev,DR; Sapega,VF; Kusrayev,YG; Golovatenko,AA; Rodina,AV; Bayer,M
DOI: Scopus® times cited:91 Scopus® ID:2-s2.0-85040167327 Web of Science® times cited:79 Web of Science® ID:WOS:000419152600017
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