Investigation of NV(-) centers and crystallite interfaces in synthetic single-crystal and polycrystalline nanodiamonds by optical fluorescence and microwave spectroscopy
2018 , J. Opt. Technol., v.85, 2
ISSN: 1070-9762

Страницы: 63 - 72
Авторы:Osipov,VY; Romanov,NM; Bogdanov,KV; Treussart,F; Jentgens,C; Rampersaud,A
Авторы (ФТИ):Osipov,VY
DOI: Scopus® times cited:3 Scopus® ID:2-s2.0-85045049920 Web of Science® times cited:3 Web of Science® ID:WOS:000428463000001
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