Name: | Bobyl Alexander |
Born: | 19 May 1949 in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. |
Citizenship: | Russian Federation |
Marital status: | Married. Wife: Bobyl Ludmila, Engineer in medical instrumentation Daughter: Nedospasova Julia (1971), Engineer in applied mathematics; Daughter: Bobyl Catherine (1991); Daughter: Bobyl Nattily (1996). |
Home address: | D.Bednogo d.1, kor. 2, kv. 48, 195274 St. Petersburg, Russia. |
Phone: | + 7 (812) 591-01-90. |
Office address: | 26 Politechnicheskaya 194021, S.Petersburg Russia Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute. |
Phone: | + 7 (812) 2479382, |
Fax: | + 7 (812) 2471017 |
E-mail: | |
Homepage: | |
1956-1966 - Secondary School with honors, Dnipropetrovsk. 1966-1971 - Physics department of Dnipropetrovsk State University with honors, student. 1971-1975 - Institute of Semiconductor Physics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Kiev), post graduate student. 1980-1981 - Graduated High State Patent and Invention School (Kiev). 1987 Graduated High State Computer School (Kiev). 1997-1999 - S.Petersburg Technical University, doctorant. 1971 - Diploma degree in radio-physics and electronics, topic "Electric field effect in photo- sensitive CdS monocrystals", Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine. 1978 - Ph.D. in semicondors and dielectric, topic " Photoelectric and luminescent properties of CdS:Ni monocrystals", Institute of Semiconductor Physics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Adviser: Prof. M.K.Sheinkman 1999 - Doctor of Sci. Degree in Physics and Mathematics, topic: "Epitaxial YBaCuO film defects as a flicker noise sources", A.F. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Academy of Sci. of Russia, S.Petersburg, Russia. |
1975-1981 Junior researcher, Institute of Semiconductor Physics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine. 1981-1986 Researcher, Institute of Physics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev. 1986-1991 Senior researcher, Institute of Semicond.Physics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Kiev. 1991-1997 Head of laboratory of solid state physics of Physico-technical faculty of St.Petersburg Technical University and Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russia. 1999-present Professor of St.Petersburg Technical University and Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russia. |
Visiting Scientist: |
1998 - Department of Physics, University of Oslo, 1998 - Moscow Instityte of Radiophysics and Electronics, 1999 - Department of Physics, University of Oslo, 2000 - Department of Physics, University of Oslo. |
Publications: | List of main publications is included. The total number of papers in the refereed journals, talks at conferences and patents - 110. |
Teaching Experience: | Supervising Graduate and Postgraduate Research. 1 PhD thesises under full and 3 under partial supervision were defended. |
Positions |
1996-2000 -Associate Professor 2000- present - Professor of St.Petersburg Technical University and Ioffe Institute |
Courses: | "Noise and structural disorder in solid state", " Introduction to modern semiconductor technology", " Modern semiconductor technology", "Solid state chemistry ". |