Mailing List
It is also possible to get the current information
on the Workshop by subscription for the Workshop
mailing list. Organizing Committee has subscribed
for this list all the persons from the database
of previous IWFAC Workshops. To do this independently
it is necessary to send a message to
with the following command in the message body:
subscribe iwfac-list
Further, the subscriber will automatically get
all new available information concerning the Workshop.
Organizing Committee
of the 6th Biennial International Workshop"Fullerenes
and Atomic Clusters" IWFAC'2003
Phone: 007 (812) 247-9377
Fax: 007 (812) 247 0073
Ioffe Institute,
26 Polytechnicheskaya,
St Petersburg 194021, Russia |
Organizers are pleased to welcome members of the
world fullerene community to St. Petersburg.