I. New approaches for mass production
fullerenes and carbon nanotubes
P001 |
Z.Z. Latypov, G.K. Golikov, L.N.
Separation of fullerene and endofullerene
molecules in inhomogeneous electric field
P002 |
J. Kalnacs, S. Aleksandrovs, K. Smirnova,
D. Grigale
An active filter method for decomposing fullerite
mixture |
P003 |
A.V. Krestinin, M.B. Kislov, A.G.
Endometallofullerenes as precursors of nuclei
of single-wall carbon nanotubes |
P004 |
A.S. Lobach, A.S. Astakhova, N.G.
Spitsina, S.V. Terekhov and E.D. Obraztsova
Purification of single-walled carbon nanotubes
P005 |
E.G. Rakov, I.G. Ivanov, S.N. Blinov,
N.V. Kazakov, V.V. Skudin, N.G. Digurov, A.K.
Kinetics of carbon multi-wall nanotube synthesis
by catalytic pyrolysis of methane |
P006 |
D.A. Grishin, Yu.V. Gavrilov, N.G.
Digurov, E.G. Rakov, V.V. Skudin, A.N. Seleznev,
E.V. Rakova, V.V. Roddatis, N.M. Kozyreva
Synthesis of few-wall carbon nanotubes by
catalytic pyrolysis of methane |
P007 |
S.Yu. Tsarjova, E.V. Zharikov, A.N.
Kovalenko, I.V. Anoshkin
Carbon nanostructures formation by catalytic
pyrolysis of hydrocarbons |
P008 |
E.F. Kukovitsky, S.G. L’vov, N.A.
Sainov, V.A. Shustov
The study of carbon nanotube growth on mechanically
treated metallic nickel surface |
P009 |
R.O. Kochkanjan, M.M. Nechitaylov,
P. Byszewski, A.N. Zaritovskiy, A.F. Popov
Synthesis of new metal-carbon cage based on
fullerene C60 |
P010 |
Yu.T. Sinyapkin
On mechanism of central electrode surface
evaporation in plasma focus |
P011 |
A.S. Lobach, V.V. Solomentsev, S.V.
Terekhov, E.D. Obraztsova
Chemical functionalization of single-walled
carbon nanotubes |
P012 |
V.E. Muradyan, N.S. Kuyunko, A.A.
Volodin, P.V. Fursikov, B.P. Tarasov
Bimetallic synergism in ARC Synthesis of carbon
nanotubes |
P013 |
A.G. Nasibulin, A. Moisala, D.P.
Brown, E.I. Kauppinen
Aerosol production of carbon nanotubes and
onion particles |
P014 |
B.P. Tarasov, V.E. Muradyan, N.S.
Kuyunko, A.A. Volodin, P.V. Fursikov, V.N.
Fokin, Z.A. Rumynskaya, Yu.M. Shul'ga, O.N.
New catalytic systems for the synthesis of
carbon nanostructures |
P015 |
A.A. Didik, A.P. Kuznetsov, O.A.
Low-temperature synthesis of carbon metal
containing nanostructures in nanoreactors
P016 |
V.I. Kodolov, A.A. Didik, A.P. Kuznetsov,
O.A. Nikolaeva, E.G. Volkova, A.Ju. Volkov,
V.L. Volkov
Possibilities of different carbon metal containing
nanostructures formation in nanoreactors |
P017 |
I.V. Zolotukhin, E.K. Belonogov, V.P. Ievlev,
D.A. Derzhnev, A.E. Markova
Obtaining and structure of nanotube deposit
containing bundles of multi-wall carbon nanotubes
P018 |
A.V. Vladimirov, V.P. Sedov, L.G.
Tomashevsky, V.A. Shilin
Device for producing fullerene-containing
soot (FCS) |
P019 |
M.A. Lopatin, T.I. Lopatina, V.L. Karnatsevich,
E.V.Shupak, V.N. Sedel’nikova
The investigation of the stationary phases
for the production of pure C60
and C70 by preparative chromatography
method |
P020 |
M.I Heggie, R.H. Telling, C.P. Ewels, A.El-Barbary,
E. Bichoutskaia, L.G. Bulusheva, A.V.
Perfection in carbon nanotechnology - the
zoo of defects from first principles |
P021 |
E.E. Lin
On kinetics of growth of carbon nanotubes
P022 |
O.V. Kharissova, C.R. Jimenez, E.Z.
Lopez, U. Ortiz, S. Soloviev
Influence of surface of a fused silica materials
on the growth of carbon nanotubes by MW heating
2. Physical properties of endohedral fullerenes
P023 |
V.K Koltover, J.W. Logan, H. Heise,
V.P. Bubnov, Y.I. Estrin, I.E. Kareev, V.P.
Lodygina, A. Pines
Diamagnetic clusters of paramagnetic endometallofullerenes:
a solid state mas NMR study |
P024 |
V.K. Koltover, V.P. Bubnov, Y.I.
Estrin, I.E. Kareev, V.P. Lodygina, M. Subramoni,
P.T. Manoharan
Lanthanum-endometallofullerene complexes in
solutions: an NMR evidence of transfer of
the electron spin density beyond the fullerene
cage |
P025 |
N.N. Breslavskaya, A.L. Buchachenko
Theoretical studies on endofullerenes X@Cn
(X = He, Ne, Ar; n = 20, 30, 50, 60) |
P026 |
S. Nath, A.V. Sapre, V.P. Bubnov, Y.I. Estrin,
T.A. Parnyuk, V.K. Koltover
Nanoparticles of endometallofullerenes in
polar solvents: dynamic light scattering experiments
P027 |
I.E. Kareev, Yu.M. Shulga, B.M. Martynenko,
V.P. Bubnov, E.B. Yagubskii
Mass spectral analysis of the gases evolved
from endohedral metallofullerene extracts
at its heating |
P028 |
I.E. Kareev, V.P. Bubnov, E.E. Laukhina,
E.B. Yagubskii
Nature of N,N-dimethylformamide extracts ofendohedral
metallofullerenes M@C2n (M=La,
Y) |
P029 |
M.A. Khodorkovskii, T.O. Artamonova,
S.V. Murashov, A.L. Shakhmin, Yu.A. Golod,
A.A. Belayeva, L.P. Rakcheeva
Proton affinity of endofullerenes |
3. Magnetic properties and superconductivity
of fullerenes
P030 |
I.A. Moshnikov, A.V. Petrov, V.V. Kovalevski
Electromagnetic shielding of carbon from shungites
at normal and liquid-nitrogen temperatures
P031 |
V.V. Kovalevski, A.V. Prikhodko,
P.R. Buseck
Magnetic character of natural fullerene-like
carbon |
P032 |
I.B. Zakharova, T.L. Makarova, K.-N. Han,
P. Esquinazi
Photoinduced magnetic changes in C60
films |
P033 |
V.Yu. Osipov, T. Enoki, K. Takai,
K. Takahara, M.Endo, T.Hayashi, Y.Hishiyama,
Y.Kaburagi, A.Ya.Vul'
Magnetic and HRTEM studies of the nanocarbon
system during transformation of spherical
onions to polyhedral nanographite |
P034 |
V.A. Gasparov, N.S.Sidorov, I.I.
Zver'kova, V.B. Filippov, A.B. Lyashenko,
Yu.B. Paderno
Electron transport and superconductivity in
ZnB12 |
4. Electronic properties of nanotubes
P035 |
Yu.I. Golovin, D.V. Lopatin, A.V.
Influence a weak magnetic field on photoconductivity
spectrum of C60 single crystals
P036 |
I.V. Ponomareva, L.A. Chernozatonskii,
A.N. Andriotis, M. Menon
Carbon nanotube T-junctions: formation pathway
and transport properties |
P037 |
V.D. Blank, E.V. Polyako, D.V. Batov,
B.A. Kulnitskiy, U. Bangert, A. Gutierrez-Sosa,
A.J. Harvey, Y.-D. Lee, D.-J. Lee, B.-K. Ju
Nitrogen dopped carbon nanofibers formed in
the HIP-apparatus and their emission properties
P038 |
A.V. Guselnikov, A.V. Okotrub, Ph.A.
Using of field emission cathodes for excitation
of ultra-soft X-ray emission |
P039 |
A.G. Kudashov, A.V. Okotrub, I.P.
Asanov, O.G. Abrosimov, A.I. Romanenko, Yu.V.
Effect of catalyst on the Morphology and composition
of nitrogen containing carbon nanotubes |
P040 |
A.V. Okotrub, T.A. Duda, L.G. Bulusheva,
A.V. Gusel’nikov, A.L. Chuvilin, E.M. Pazhetov,
A.I. Boronin, Ch. Laurent, U. Dettlaff-Weglikowska
Change of electronic structure of diverse
carbon nanotubes with fluorination |
P041 |
N.G. Lebedev, I.V. Zaporotskova,
L.A. Chernozatonski
Vacancy transfer properties of single wall
carbon nanotube |
P042 |
M.B. Belonenko, N.G. Lebedev, I.V.
A two-qubit cell on the basis of boron nitride
nanotubes forthe quantum computer |
P043 |
I.V. Zaporotskova, N.G. Lebedev
The research of the mechanism of proton conductivity
in single-walled carbon nanotubes |
P044 |
Z. Kosakovskaya, Yu. Gulayev
Field-emission from vertically-aligned multi-walled
carbon nanotube films doped by different elements
P045 |
O.B. Tomilin and E.E. Muryumin
The influence of admixture atom adsorption
on energy spectrum of boronitride nanotubes
P046 |
A.T. Dideikin, E.D. Eidelman, V.I.
Siklitsky, A.Ya. Vul’
A model of autoelectron emission in carbon
nanostructures |
P047 |
O. V. Kibis
Superlattice properties of chiral carbon nanotubes
in a transversal electric field |
P048 |
M.M. Brjezinskaya, E.M. Baitinger,
V.V. Shnitov
Influence of argon ion bombardment on the
spectrum of pi-plasmon excitations in multi-wall
carbon nanotubes |
P049 |
V. Saraiikin, Z. Kosakovskaya and
O. Gorelik
The study of well-oriented nanotube films
by secondary ion mass-spectroscopy methods
P050 |
L. Chernozatonskii, E. Mikheeva,
A.N. Andriotis, M. Menon
Cap-polymerized nanotube junctions: structures
and transport properties |
P051 |
L. Chernozatonskii, S. Lisenkov
Classification of three-terminal junction
carbon nanotubes |
P052 |
A.I. Romanenko, O.B. Anikeeva,
A.V. Okotrub, L.G. Bulusheva, N.F. Yudanov,
C. Dong, Y. Ni
Electron-electron interaction and possibility
of superconductivity in carbon nanotubes and
graphite |
P053 |
A.L. Musatov, A.V. Krestinin, N.A.
Kiselev, K.R Izrael’yants, A.B. Ormont, E.G.
Field electron emission from single-wall carbon
nanotube layers |
P054 |
A.V. Belikov, A.G. Nikolaev, Yu.E. Lozovik,
A.M. Popov
Double-wall carbon nanotubes: classification
and barriers for relative motion of walls
P055 |
G.N. Fursey, M.A. Polyakov, L.A.
Shirochin, A.N. Saveliev, D.V. Novikov
The formation of nanometer structures at liquid
carbon surface during explosive electron emission
P056 |
G.N. Fursey, G.A. Dyuzhev, A.V. Kocheryzhenkov,
D.V. Novikov, L.M. Baskin
Studies of low-threshold field electron emission
by carbon nanoclusters |
P057 |
Ya. Volkova, E. Obraztsova, A. Emikh,
G. Tikhomirova, A. Babushkin
Conductivity of single-wall carbon nanotubes
at pressures 20–50 GPa |
5. Synthesis and chemical properties
of fullerene derivatives
P058 |
M.V. Korobov, E.B. Stukalin, N.V.Avramenko,
G.V. Andrievsky, V.K. Klochkov, L.I. Derevyanchenko
"Clathrate complex" of C60 with
water |
P059 |
E.A. Shilova, Yu.I. Lyakhovetsky,
A.I. Belokon, S.O. Yakushin, A.P. Pleshkova,
G.V. Bodrin, Yu.S. Nekrasov
Reactive mass spectrometry of fullerenes:
interaction of C60 and C70
with organosilanes in the EI source ionization
chamber of a mass spectrometer |
P060 |
R.G. Gasanov, B.L. Tumanskii, V.I.
Sokolov, L.Y. Goh
(Cyclopentadienyl)chromiumtricarbonyl dimers
as a source of metal-centered free radicals
to react with fullerenes |
P061 |
R.G. Gasanov, B.L. Tumanskii, V.I.
Sokolov ,V.V. Bashilov, M.V. Tsikalova, I.A.
Nuretdinov, V.P. Gubskaya, V.V. Zverev, L.Sh.
Berezhnaya, G.M. Fazleeva
Study of spin-adducts for radicals OP*(OPri)2,Me3C*AND
to methano- and pyrrolidino[60]fullerenes
by ESR spectroscopy |
P062 |
A.N. Pushkin, A.A. Bezzubov, A.A.
Lushov, A.P. Rudenko, O.V. Boltalina,, O.K.Gulish,
A.I. Boltalin, T.Y. Glazunova
Oxidative fragmentation of the spheroidal
[60]molecule |
P063 |
O.V. Ratnikova, E.Yu. Melenevskaya,
K.Yu. Amsharov, E.N. Vlasova, B.Z. Volchek,
A.V. Gribanov, V.N. Zgonnik
The new method for the synthesis of fullerols
based on radical reaction |
P064 |
A.V. Talyzin, A. Jacob
Synthesis and characterisation of the C60
hydrofullerides |
P065 |
P.A. Troshin, S.I. Troyanov.
Bromination of [60]fullerene Synthesis and
X-ray single crystal structures of C60Br6,
and C60Br8.0.5Br2.0.5C6H4Cl2
P066 |
P.A. Troshin, A. Suhorukov
Diversion of the Prevost-Woodward hydroxylation
of alkenes. Isolation and characterisation
of the first ring-fused fullerene 1,3-dioxolanes
P067 |
A.A. Goryunkov, O.V. Boltalina, L.N.
Sidorov, B. Zemva, S.H. Strauss
The fluorination of [60]fullerene by fluorocomplexes
of Mn(III) and Mn(IV). The influence of the
"third" component in reaction of MnF3 with
[60]fullerene |
P068 |
V.N. Ivanova, V.A. Nadolinny, I.A.
Spin labeled [70]fullerene |
P069 |
V.A. Nadolinny, V.N. Ivanova, I.A.
Oxygen influence upon photochemical properties
of fullerene nitroxyl radicals |
P070 |
N.G. Spitsina, S.V. Konovalikhin,
V.N. Semkin, A. Graja, A.A. Lobach, A.F. Gurov
Synthesis, spectral investigations and thermal
stability of [60]fullerene complexes with
C60·TMTSF·2CS2 and 2(C60)
2(TMTSF) (C6H5Cl) |
P071 |
I.A. Nuretdinov, V.P. Gubskaya, F.G.
Sibgatullina, E.V. Ovechkina, I.P. Karaseva,
L.Sh. Berezhnaya, G.M.Fazleeva
Synthesis and structures of the new substituted
methano[60]fullerenes and pyrrolidinofullerenes
P072 |
I.N. Ioffe, A.A. Goryunkov, O.V.
Boltalina, A.Y. Borschevsky, L.N. Sidorov
Computational study of structure and thermochemistry
of some endo- and exohedral fullerene derivatives
P073 |
E. Klimova, T. Klimova, G.R.A. Vazquez,
G.M. Martinez
Supramolecular complexes of fullerene C60
and cavitands |
P074 |
B.L. Tumanskii, R.G. Gasanov, M.V.
Tsikalova, A.V. Usatov, E.V. Martynova, Yu.N.
Stable radical adducts of (h2-C60)Os(CO)(PPh3)2(tBuNC)
and (h2-C70)Os(CO)(PPh3)2(tBuNC)
with diisopropoxyphosphoryl radicals |
P075 |
D.V. Konarev, A.L. Litvinov, A.Yu. Kovalevsky,
P.Coppens, R.N. Lyubovskaya
Molecular complexes of fullerenes C60
and C70 with saturated amines |
P076 |
A.V. Streletskii, I.V. Goldt, I.V.
Kouvitchko, L.N. Sidorov, O.V. Boltalina,
S.E. Esipov , T. Drewello, S. Strauss
Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization
of inorganic fullerene derivatives |
P077 |
M.V. Reynov
The study of 1,3-bipolar nitrilimines and
fullerene C60 cycloaddition |
P078 |
S.S. Agafonov, V.P. Glazkov, V.A.
Somenkov, A.A. Filippov
Synthesis and structure of the fulleren compounds
with methane halogen derivatives |
P079 |
I.P. Romanova, E.I. Musina, A.A.
Nafikova, V.V. Zverev, D.G. Yakhvarov, O.G.Sinyashin
Modification of [60]fullerene by the phosphorylated
diazocompounds |
P080 |
I.P. Romanova, G.G. Yusupova, A.A.
Nafikova, D.G. Yakhvarov, O.G. Sinyashin
Approaches to the synthesis of the phosphorylated
azahomo[60]fullerene and [60]fullerene[1,2-b]aziridines
P081 |
A.G. Ibragimov, A.L. Borisova, L.O. Khafizova,
L.M. Khalilov, U.M. Dzhemilev
Synthesis of fullerene-containing secondary
and tertiary alcohols |
P082 |
A.G. Ibragimov, A.L.Borisova, L.O.Khafizova,
R.F.Tuktarov, U.M. Dzhemilev
Fullerene[60] carboalumination with the use
of Et2AlCl effected by Ti-containing catalysts
P083 |
A.G.Ibragimov, A.L.Borisova, L.O.Khafizova,
Z.I.Ushakova, U.M.Dzhemilev
Synthesis of 2,3-fullereno[60]cyclopentanols
in the presence of Zr- and Cu-containing catalysts
P084 |
Yu.N. Novikov, M.V. Tsikalova, S.V. Zheludkov,
A.V. Usatov, E.V. Martynova
Platinum fullerene complexes with 1- diphenylphosphino-2-iso-propenyl-o-
carborane: synthesis ways and transformations
in solution |
P085 |
A.S. Lobach, B.L. Tumanskii
Reaction of hydrofullerene C60H36
with bromine |
P086 |
A.A. Goryunkov, V.Yu. Markov, A.V. Streletskii,
L.N. Sidorov, O.V. Boltalina, D.L. Dick, S.H.
Synthesis, Isolation, Characterization of
Trifluoromethyl[60]fullerenes |
P087 |
E.A. Katz, A.I. Shames, E. Prilutskiy
Thin glassy carbon coating for protection
against oxygen penetration into the C60
fullerite |
P088 |
C. Jardin, O. Marty, E.A. Smorgonskaya,
A.M. Danishevskii, S.K. Gordeev
Structure of nanoporous carbon materials and
NPC/6H-SiC interfaces studied by high-resolution
transmission electron microscopy |
P089 |
R. Deschenaux, N. Yevlampieva, T.
Dmitrieva, B. Dardel, P. Lavrenko
Novel fullerene containing liquid crystalline
dendrimers and HEMI-dendrimers: synthesis
and characterisation |
P090 |
I.V. Goldt, A.V. Streletskii, O.V.Boltalina,
A.G. Buyanovskaya, N.M. Kabaeva, L.V. Gumileva,
L.N. Sidorov
Recent developments in the preparation, purification
and characterization of C60F18
P091 |
I.V. Goldt, A.A. Goryunkov, D.A.
Korostelev, O.V. Boltalina, N.V. Polyakova,
A.G. Buyanovskaya, N.M. Kabaeva, I.G. Barakovskaya,
Z. Mazej, B. Zemva, S.H. Strauss
Solid-state synthesis of fluorofullerenes
with the use of binary and ternary cerium(IV)
fluorides |
P092 |
V.E. Aleshina, D.B. Ponomarev, A.Ya.
Borshchevsky, L.N. Sidorov, A.A. Goryunkov,
A.V. Astakhov, N.B. Shustova
Solid-phase reactions of C60 as
a method for generation of gaseous thermal
anions of fullerene derivatives |
P093 |
S.M. Peregudova, A.V. Usatov, E.V. Martynova,
Yu.N. Novikov
Electochemical properties of a fullerene C60
osmium complex (h2-C60)Os(CO)(PPh3)2(tBuNC)
P094 |
V.S. Romanova, Z.S. Klemenkova
Synthesis of the new derivatives of C60-L-proline
P095 |
Z. Slanina, F. Uhlik, O.V. Boltalina, L.
Heats of formation of C60F36(g)
isomers |
P096 |
Gy. Torok, V.T. Lebedev
Association of fullerenes C60 in
solutions: neutron small-angle scattering
studies |
P097 |
A.L. Litvinov, D.V. Konarev, A.Yu.
Kovalevsky, P.Coppens, R.N. Lyubovskaya
Synthesis and crystal structures of new supramolecular
complexes of C60 with ZnTPP noncovalent
dimers |
P098 |
V.I. Korepanov, A.A. Popov, V.M.
Senyavin, M.A. Yurovskaya
Infrared spectra and structure of C60
heterocyclic derivatives |
P099 |
N.V. Bulina, G.A. Glushchenko, G.N. Churilov,
A.S. Alikhanyan, M.I. Nikitin, P.V. Novikov,
A.L. Emelina, N.G. Vnukova, V.A. Lopatin
The investigation of heterofullerene with
boron |
P100 |
G.A. Domrachev, Yu.A. Shevelev, V.K. Cherkasov,
G.V. Markin, S.Yi. Horshev, N.P. Makarenko,
B.S. Kaverin
Synthesis, property and thermodecomposition
of bis-arene-chromium(I) fullerides |
P101 |
L.G. Bulusheva, A.V. Okotrub, A.V.
Gusel'nikov, D.V. Konarev, A.L. Litvinov,
R.N. Lyubovskaya, V.V. Bashiliv, V.I. Sokolov
Quantum-chemical and X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy
study of fullerene complexes |
P102 |
A.L. Litvinov, A.N. Lapshin, A.Yu.
Kovalevsky, R.N.Lyubovskaya
New molecular complex of fullerene C60
with porphyrin dimer [FeTPP]2O: synthesis,
crystal structure |
P103 |
V.V. Yanilkin, V.I. Morozov, A.V.
Toropchina, N.V. Nastapova, V.P. Gubskaya,
L.Sh. Berezhnaya, I.A. Nuretdinov
Electrochemical synthesis and transformations
of substituted methano[60]fullerenes |
P104 |
I.V. Golyshevsky, N.S. Chilingarov,
A.V. Kepman, J.V. Rau, L.N. Sidorov
Fluorination of [60]fullerene in matrix of
CoF2(s) by molecular fluorine |
P105 |
Y.V. Vasil’ev, R.R. Abzalimov, S.K.
Nasibullaev, T. Drewello
C60- mean lifetime as a function
of electron energy and molecular temperature
prior to electron attachment |
P106 |
A. Kepman, N. Chilingarov, S. Abramov,
A. Borshchevsky, I. Golyshevsky, J. Rau, L.
[60]fullerene fluorination by molecular fluorine
in chemically active matrices |
P107 |
S.N. Titova, G.A. Domrachev, A.M.
Ob’edkov, L.V. Kalakutskaya, S.Yu. Khorshev,
B.S. Kaverin, A.I. Kirillov, V.L. Karnatsevich,
A.A. Zaytsev
Investigation of properties and reactivity
lithium and sodium fullerides |
P108 |
M.V. Avdeev, T.V. Tropin, A.A. Khohryakov,V.B.
Priezzhev, J.W.P. Schmelzer, V.L. Aksenov
On the question of cluster state of fullerenes
in carbon disulfide. Data of small-angle neutron
scattering |
P109 |
R.I. Khusnutdinov, N.A. Schadneva,
R. Yu. Burangulova, Yu.Yu. Lavrentieva, U.M.
Fullerene chlorination, alkoxychlorination
and oxidation by alkylhypochlorites generated
in situ from CCl4 and alcohols under the effect
of Mo and Pd complexes |
6. Phase transitions in fullerenes
P110 |
E.V. Skokan, I.V. Arkhangelskii,
Yu.A. Velikodnyi, N.B. Tamm, N.V. Chelovskaya,
M.M. Nikulin, V.P. Tarasov
Phase transitions in hexagonal close-packed
phase of C60 |
P111 |
A.G. Bogachev, V.M. Senyavin, M.V.
Korobov, V.A. Davydov, L.S. Kashevarova, A.V.
Polymerized phases in the phase diagram of
C60 |
P112 |
A.V. Markin, N.N. Smirnova, B.V.
Thermodynamic study of crystalline polymerized
phases of fullerene C60 |
P113 |
V.M. Senyavin, A.A. Popov, A.A. Granovsky,
V.A. Davydov, V.N.Agafonov
Ab initio and DFT-bazed assignment of the
vibrational spectra of polymerized fullerenes
P114 |
V.V. Mukhamadiarov, M.V. Kondrin,
A.G. Lyapin, V.V. Brazhkin, R.A. Sadykov
Temperature-induced graphitization of amorphous
fullerite C2N under pressure |
P115 |
M. Kondrin, A. Lyapin, V. Brazhkin,
S. Popova
Kinetic properties of orientational phase
transition in polymerized phases of fullerite
C60 |
P116 |
A.N. Pushkin, À.À. Lushov, Î.Ê. Gulish,
À.P. Rudenko, Î.V. Boltalina, V.Ê. Genchel,
A.I. Boltalin, T.Y. Glazunova
The influence of the transition metal compounds
on oxidation and phase transformations of
fullerene C60. |
P117 |
V.B. Efimov, A.N. Izotov, E.A. Steinman,
Preparation and study physical properties
of 1-D and 2-D polymerised C60
monocrystals |
P118 |
Yu.I. Golovin, A.A. Dmitrievskii,
I.A. Pushnin, M.V. Pavlov
Influencing of a phase transition of fullerite
Ñ60 single crystals on radioplastic effect
induced by the ultrolow dose (D < 1 cGy) of
b-irradiation |
P119 |
A.Dzwilewski, A. Iwasiewicz, T.L.
Makarova, B. Sundqvist
From tetragonal C60 to graphitized
fullerene |
P120 |
S. Rols, J.-L. Bantignies, D. Maurin, J.-L.
Sauvajol, V. Agafonov, V.A. Davydov
Low-frequency phonons in high-pressure high-temperature
C60 polymers |
7. Photoelectric and optic properties
of fullerenes
P121 |
J. Maniks, I. Manika, J. Kalnacs
Photo-induced polymerization and stress effects
in fullerite C60 |
P122 |
A. Debarre, R. Jaffiol, C. Julien,
D. Nutarelli, A. Richard, P. Tchenio
Raman spectroscopy of dimetallofullerene peapods
P123 |
P.N. Gevko, A.V. Okotrub, T.A. Duda,
G.Z. Khamidullina, L.G. Bulusheva
Optical absorption spectra of single-wall
carbon nanotubes |
P124 |
A.V. Bazhenov, T.N. Fursova, V.E.
Antonov, I.O. Bashkin, A.I. Harkunov, E.G.
Infrared spectra of hydrogenated C60,
carbon nanotubes and nanofibers |
P125 |
K.P. Meletov
Photoluminescence and Raman study of the two-dimensional
tetragonal and rhombohedral polymers of C60
at high pressure |
P126 |
K.P. Meletov
Raman modes and stability at high pressure
of the two-dimensional rhombohedral polymer
of C60 |
P127 |
N.V. Kamanina, E.F. Sheka
Laser limiters and holographic elements based
on COANP-fullerene systems: Nonlinear optical
properties and quantum-chemical simulations
P128 |
V.A. Karachevtsev, A.Yu. Glamazda,
U. Dettlaff-Weglikowska, V.S. Kurnosov, E.D.
Obraztsova, A.V. Peschanskii, V.V. Eremenko,
S. Roth
HiPCO SWNT: Raman spectroscopy at 300 and
5 K |
P129 |
A.V. Krestinin, A.V. Raevskii, G.I.
Zvereva, O.I. Kolesova, N.A. Kiselev
Optical activity effect in microcrystalline
structures of purified single-wall carbon
nanotubes |
P130 |
A.V. Nikolaev, K.H. Michel
Molecular terms, magnetic moments and electron
optical transitions of molecular ions C60m±
P131 |
O.M. Vovk, V.A. Karachevtsev, A.M.
Plokhotnichenko, A.V. Peschanskii, P.V. Mateychenko
Homogeneous photopolymerized fullerene C60
films: production and investigation |
P132 |
Yu.F. Biryulin, E.Yu. Melenevskaya, O.V.
The peculiarities of chemical interaction
of fullerenes with polar solvent N-methylpyrrolydone
P133 |
S.E. Orlov, S.S. Moliver, S.N. Mikov,
Yu.F. Biryulin, L.A. Zaytseva
Low-temperature photoluminescence characterization
of fullerene C60 films on polymer
substrates |
P134 |
A. Popov, V.M. Senyavin, A.A. Granovsky
Vibrational spectra and molecular structure
of chloro- and bromofullerenes |
P135 |
O.P. Dmytrenko, N.N. Belyi, I.N. Dmytruk,
N.P. Kulish, Yu.I. Prylutskyy, N.V. Makarets,
E.M. Shpilevsky, M. Hietschold
Structure, optical and electrical properties
of single-emulsion Cu-C60 films
P136 |
G.V. Andrievsky, A.A. Avdeenko, L.I.
Derevyanchenko, V.I. Fomin, V.K. Klochkov,
V.S. Kurnosov, A.V. Peschanskii
Peculiarities for unusual luminescence in
aqueous molecular–colloidal solutions of fullerene
C60 |
P137 |
I.I. Geru, I.V. Dementiev, D.M. Spoiala,
C.I. Turta
Correlation between optical and photoconductivity
spectra of C60 and CunC60
thin films |
P138 |
V.P. Belousov, I.M. Belousova, O.B. Danilov,
V.A. Grigor'ev, E.A. Gavronskaya, A.V. Krisko,
N.G. Mironova, T.D. Murav'eva, A.G. Skobelev,
M.S.Yur'ev, A.N. Ponomarev
Fullerenes, nanotubes and nanoclusters as
nonlinear optical limiters |
P139 |
R. Roding, P. Stenmark, T. Wagberg,
B. Sundqvist
Structural and vibrational properties of Li-
and Na- doped fullerene polymers |
P140 |
A.I. Ryasnyanskiy, R.A. Ganeev, V.I.
Redkorechev, K. Fostiropoulos, G. Priebe,
T. Usmanov
The third-order nonlinear susceptibilities
of C60 thin film |
P141 |
M.V. Gryaznova, V.V. Danilov, A.I.
Khrebtov, T.A. Shakhverdov
Contribution of radical ions into optical
limiting in complex solutions with Ñ60 |
8. Fullerene containing polymers
P142 |
K.B. Zhogova, I.A. Davydov, B.B.
Troitskii, G.A. Domrachev, D.N. Shadrin, V.S.
Investigation of mechanial properties of fullerene
stabilized PMMA films before the ionizing
radiation treatment and after it |
P143 |
B.B. Troitskii, G.A. Domrachev, I.A.
Davydov, K.B. Zhogova, D.N. Shadrin, L.V.
Khokhlova, M.A. Novikova
Investigation of C60 effect on
thermooxidative destruction kinetics under
the ionizing radiation treatment |
P144 |
B.B. Troitskii, L.V. Khokhlova, V.N.
Denisova, M.A. Novikova, A.N. Konev
Metal b-diketonates effect on the heat stability
and thermostability of the methyl methacrylate-methacrylic
acid copolymers containing fullerene C60
P145 |
B.B. Troitskii, G.A.Domrachev, A.N.
Konev, L.V. Khokhlova, V.N. Denisova, M.A.
Novikova, E.N.Rasov
Influence of organic and inorganic coatings
on the destruction of PMMA and MMA copolymers
containing fullerene C60 |
P146 |
E.V.Tarassova, V.O. Aseyev, H.J.
Tenhu, I.A.Baranovskaya, S.I.Klenin
Associative processes in aqueous solutions
of poly(vinyl)pyrrolidone – fullerene C70
complexes |
P147 |
G. Pavlov, O. Nazarova, N. Michailova, I.
Zaiseva, C. Ebel, E. Korneeva, S. Bokov, E.
Water soluble starlike fullerene containing
polymers |
P148 |
N. Yevlampieva, O. Nazarova, S. Bokov,
T. Dmitrieva, S. Filippov, E. Panarin, E.
Star-like fullerene containing poly(vinylpyrrolydone)
derivatives: chloroform solution properties
P149 |
O.V. Ratnikova, E.Yu. Melenevskaya,
N.P. Yevlampieva, V.N. Zgonnik
Synthesis and ñomplex study of water-soluble
polymer derivatives of C60 fullerene
P150 |
I.V. Zaporotskova, L.A. Chernozatonskii
The research of the mechanism of the interaction
of fullerene and cycloheximide for the explanation
of positive influence C60 to the
processes of restoration of spatial memory
P151 |
K.Yu. Amsharov, P.N. Lavrenko, V.T.
Lebedev, V.N. Zgonnik, L.V. Vinogradova
Regulated C60-containing polymer
structures: synthesis, molecular characteristics
and self-assembly in solutions |
P152 |
L.S. Litvinova, N.G. Bel’nikevich, O.V.
Water-soluble composites of [60]fullerene
with a poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) |
P153 |
G. Polotskaya, Yu. Biryulin, Z. Pientka,
L. Brozova, M. Bleha
Transport properties of fullerene - polyphenylene
oxide nonporous membranes |
P154 |
G.A. Polotskaya, Yu.F. Biryulin, V.V. Rozanov
Asymmetric membranes with porous skin based
on fullerene-containing polyphenylene oxide
P155 |
Yu.F. Biryulin, O.F. Pozdnyakov
Electron structure changes for C60
and copolymer (amylmethacrylate-amylacrylate)
upon their chemical interaction |
P156 |
N.V. Surovtsev, A.M. Pugachev, V.K. Malinovsky
Disorder-induced low-frequency Raman scattering
in the polymer composite PMMA:C60
and in C60 crystals. |
P157 |
V.T. Lebedev, Gy. Torok, A. Len,
D.N. Orlova, E.Yu. Melenevskaya, L.V. Vinogradova,O.V.
Ratnikova, V.N. Zgonnik, W. Treimer
Triple porphyrine-fullerene-polymer compounds:
hydration and structuring in aqueous solutions
P158 |
V.T. Lebedev, Gy. Torok, A. Len,
L.V. Vinogradova, D.N. Orlova, E.Yu. Melenevskaya,
K.Yu. Amsharov,V.N. Zgonnik , W. Treimer
Superstructures of polymeric stars with fullerene
core in solutions |
P159 |
V.T. Lebedev, Gy. Torok, A. Len,
L.V. Vinogradova, D.N. Orlova, E.Yu. Melenevskaya,
K.Yu. Amsharov,V.N. Zgonnik , W. Treimer
Structural investigation of polymeric stars
with fullerene core in aqueous solution by
small angle neutron diffraction and dynamic
light scattering |
P160 |
M.G. Krakovyak, E.V. Anufrieva, L.B.
Piotrovsky, T.D. Ananieva, T.N. Nekrasova
Water-soluble complexes of fullerene C60
with polymers of various chemical structure
P161 |
A.N. Ponomarev, V.A. Nikitin, D.G.
Letenko, B.A Shahmatkin., D.V. Kositskiy,
M.N. Vauchskiy, V.V. Chistiakov, À.Ê. Nikolaev,
N.A. Ponomarev, M.E. Yudovich
New polymer and inorganic compositions with
astralens |
P162 |
I.A. Davydov, K.B. Zhogova, B.T.
Punin, B.B. Troitskii, G.A. Domrachev, D.N.
Shadrin, T.V. Karelskaja
Investigation of spectra of PMMA stabilized
with C60 in UV-, visual and IR-range
before the ionizing radiation treatment and
after it |
P163 |
M.A. Lopatin, Yu.A. Kurskij, T.I.
Lopatina, N.P. Yevlampieva
Polymethylmethacrylate modifications with
fullerenes C60 and C70produced
by block polymerization : NMR-H1-spectroscopy
study |
P164 |
A.G. Rozhin, Y. Sakakibara, M. Tokumoto,
H. Kataura, Y. Achiba,S.Y. Set, H. Yaguchi,
M.K. Jablonski, Y. Tanaka
Nonlinear optical properties of single wall
carbon nanotubes embedded in polymer film
9. Synthesis and properties of new fulerene-like
P165 |
V.V.Pokropivny, A.V.Pokropivny,
A.S.Smoljar, V.V.Skorokhod
Structures of "cubic graphite", carbin and
other unconventional forms of carbon and boron
nitride |
P166 |
V.M. Sisyakov, S.V. Aleksandrovskii, A.H.
Ratner, M.V. Zamorianskaia, M.B. Geilikman,
D.B. Kuzenko
About the possibility for metalLfullerites
to be form during the titanium carbide synthesis
P167 |
I.V. Zolotukhin, S.V. Romanov, A.B. Sukhodolov
Diffusion of macroscopic Ag clusters with
fractal aggregates formation |
P168 |
. Feldman, A. Zak, R. Tenne, H. Cohen.
Dry de-intercalation in layered compounds
upon controlled surface charging in XPS |
P169 |
V. Mojaiski, A. Varykhalov, A.G.
Starodubov, A.M. Shikin, S.I. Fedoseenko,
V.K. Adamchuk
Formation of mono-atomic carbon layers on
Ni(111) by means of organic-gas cracking as
well as by thermal decomposition of thin fullerene
films |
P170 |
V.I. Karataev.
On hydrocarbon cluster formation in electrical
breakdown of polyimide film |
P171 |
V.M. Davidenko, S.V. Kidalov, V.A. Yashin,
M.A.Yagovkina, A.Ya. Vul’
High-pressure high-temperature synthesis of
micron sized diamond from graphite with fullerene
catalyst |
P172 |
O. Rader, A.M. Shikin, S.A. Gorovikov,
V.K. Adamchuk, W. Gudat
Electronic structure of carbon nanostripes
P173 |
A.N. Ponomarev, V.T. Barchenko, A.N.
Brozdnichenko, V.P. Pronin, I.I. Khinitch
How fulleroid nano-systems effect emission
ability of wolframium cathode |
P174 |
I.V. Legchenkova, Yu.E. Stetsenko,
K.A. Yagotintsev, A.I. Prokhvatilov, M.A.
Strzhemechny, R.S. Ruoff
Diffusion of He into solid C60
from x-ray diffraction data |
P175 |
E.V. Rut'kov, N.R. Gall, A.Ya. Tontegode
C60 adsorption and transformation
on Ta(100) at T = 300 - 2000 K |
P176 |
N.R. Gall
Nuclear chain reaction in intercalated fullerite
P177 |
E.V. Rut'kov, N.R. Gall, A.Ya. Tontegode
C60 contact stability on a doped
(100)Ta surface |
P178 |
Y. Keheyan, F. Cataldo
On the mechanism of carbon clusters formation
under laser irradiation and Raman spectroscopy
10. Biological aspects of carbon clusters
P179 |
P.A. Troshin, N.F. Goldshleger, G.N.
Boiko, S.I. Troyanov, R.N. Lyubovskaya
Some novel synthetic approaches to water soluble
fullerene derivatives |
P180 |
R.A. Kotelnikova, G.N. Bogdanov,
E.C. Frog, A.I. Kotelnikov, V.S. Romanova,
S. M. Andreev, A.A. Kushch, N.E. Fedorova,
A.A. Medzhidova, G.G. Miller
Effect of fullerene C60 derivatives
on biological nanostructures |
P181 |
E.V. Kondrat’eva, S.S. Gurin, I.V. Shcheglov,
M.A. Dumpis, L.B. Piotrovsky, I.Ya. Podolski
Effect of fullerene C60 complexed
with poly(N-vinyl-pyrrolidone) on the disturbance
of long-term memory consolidation |
P182 |
S.M. Andreev, A.A. Babakhin, A.O.
Petrukhina, I.M. Andreev, V.S. Romanova, G.V.
Immunological properties and membrane permiabiblity
ofwatersoluble fullerene C60 derivatives
P183 |
G.V. Andrievsky, I.K. Kondakov, A.D.
Roslyakov, I.S. Burenin
Hydrated C60 fullerenes as versatile
bio-antioxidants, which in biological systems
regulate free-radical processes by the "wise"
manner |
P184 |
V.V. Zarubaev, V.P. Belousov, I.M. Belousova,
O.B. Danilov, O.I. Kiselev, A.V. Kris'ko,
T.D. Murav'eva, L.B. Piotrovskiy, A.N. Ponomarev,
V.V. Ryl'kov, A.K. Sirotkin
Photodynamic inactivation of viruses by fullerenes
and fullerene-like nanoclasterts |
P185 |
S.P. Rozhkov, A.S. Goryunov, G.A.
Sukhanova, A.G. Borisova, N.N. Rozhkova
Effect of the hydrated fullerene C60
on membrane proteins in red cell ghosts |
P186 |
S.V. Kozyrev, E.J. Melenevskaja, V.G. Platonov,
P.A. Pogorelyj, A.V. Slita, P.P. Yakutseni,
V.V. Zarubaev, V.N. Zgonnik
Development of new fullerene containing compounds
for biomedical applications and their testing
in vitro and in vivo |
P187 |
A.I. Kotelnikov, N.S. Goryachev,
A.Yu. Rubtsov, R.V. Romanov, B.L. Psikha,
E.S. Medvedev, J.M. Ortega
Basic principles of electron transfer between
clusters in biomacromolecules as natural nanostructures
11. Computer simulation of carbon clusters
P188 |
V.A. Geyler, V.A. Margulis, M.A. Pyataev
Resonant tunneling through a quantum torus
P189 |
A.L. Chistyakov, I.V. Stankevich
Computer simulation of molecular and electron
structure of C60 fullerene complexes
with twelve half-sandvich groups MC5H5
(M=Fe, Ru) |
P190 |
I.V. Stankevich, A.L. Chistyakov
On some complexes of allyl derivatives of
C60 fullerene. Simulation of molecular
and electron structure by the DFT |
P191 |
M.V. Korobov, E.B. Stukalin, N.V.Avramenko
Solvation of fullerene materials: experimental
data and modelling |
P192 |
V.E. Kaminskii
Magnetoresistance of carbon nanotube with
the Kane dispersion law |
P193 |
N.G. Galkin, V.A. Margulis, A.V.
Photoconductivity of quantum nanotubes in
a magnetic field |
P194 |
V.A. Margulis, E.A. Gaiduk, O.B. Tomilin
Dispersion of the nonlinear optical susceptibility
in single-wall carbon nanotubes |
P195 |
N.V. Makarets, Yu.I. Prylutskyy,
O.V. Ogloblya, P. Scharff
Computer simulation of C60 fullerenes
fragmentation by electron beam |
P196 |
S.S. Moliver
Quantum-chemical design of logic gate based
on C60 connection to polyacetylene
P197 |
I.V. Zaporotskova, L.A. Chernozatonskii
The semiempirical MNDO-research of the electronic-energy
characteristics of the defective and undefective
boron nanotubes |
P198 |
N.G. Lebedev, I.V. Zaporotskova,
L.A. Chernozatonskii
Hiral effects of single wall carbon nanotube
flourination and hydrogenation |
P199 |
E.F. Sheka. Fullerenes as polyradicals |
P200 |
E.F. Sheka, V.A. Zayets
Quantum-chemical testing of electron donor-acceptor
complexes based on fullerenes |
P201 |
G.A. Domrachev, G.V. Markin, E.G.
Domracheva, Yu.A. Shevelev
Stability of exo- and endo-chromium-fullerene
[60] complexes |
P202 |
S.V. Kozyrev, G.A. Loukianov, E.A. Ruzanova
Modeling of processes of the formation and
transformations of nanoclusters in a rapidly-cooling
mixture of a vapor and an inert gas |
P203 |
T.Yu. Astakhova, M. Menon, G.A. Vinogradovv
Three-dimensional solitons in carbon nanotubes
P204 |
T.Yu. Astakhova, V.A. Dmitrieva, G.A.
Inelastic interactions of 3D-solitons with
defects in nanotubes |
P205 |
S.K. Nasibullaev, Y.V. Vasil’evc,
I.S.Nasibullayev, R.R. Abzalimov, G.D. Davletbaeva
Quantumchemical calculations of fullerene
derivatives: C60Hx, C60Fx
(0 < x < 60) |
P206 |
V.I. Zubov
Interactions between the molecules of different
fullerenes |
P207 |
V.I.Zubov, I.V.Zubov, J.N.Teixeira
Statistical mechanical study of thermodynamic
properties of a family of fullerites from
C36 to C96 in the equilidrium
with their vapors |
P208 |
E.G. Gal’pern, A.R. Sabirov, I.V.
Stankevich, L.A. Chernozatonskii, A.L. Chistiakov
2D & 3D crystal forms of the C36
fullerenes: geometrical and electronic structure.
P209 |
O.B. Tomilin, N.P. Sirkina, S.A.
About a mechanism of synthesis-assembly of
fullerenes |
P210 |
P.V. Avramov, B.I. Yakobson, G.E.
Scuseria, T.A. Romanova
Electronic structure of 1D carbon nanostructures
with defects: an ab initio study |
P211 |
I.H. Umirzakov
Exactly solvable models of finite systems
P212 |
D.V. Leshchev, S.V. Kozyrev
New structures of carbon clusters and constructor
for nanobionics systems |
P213 |
V.I. Kodolov, N.V. Khokhriakov, S.
Melchor Ferrer
Quantum-chemical investigations of mechanism
for low-temperature synthesis of carbon nanoparticles
P214 |
N.G.Galkin, V.A.Margulis, A.V.Shorokhov
Thermopower of carbon nanotubes in a magnetic
field |
P215 |
P.Konsin, B.Sorkin
A generalized two-band model for superconductivity
in graphite intercalation compounds and the
upper critical magnetic field Hc2 |
P216 |
N.A. Poklonski, E.F. Kislyakov, O.N.
Bubel’, S.A. Vyrko
Electronic structure of C20+10n
barrelenes and their ions |
P217 |
O.E. Kvyatkovskii, M.G. Shelyapina,
B.F. Shchegolev, L.S. Vorotilova, I.B. Zakharova
Ab initio calculations of the structure and
vibrational properties of the (C60)2fullerene
polymer |
P218 |
A.V. Pogulay, R.R. Abzalimov, S.K.
Nasibullaev, T. Drewello, Y.V. Vasil’ev
Modification of the ionization energy determination
method based on the electron impact and applied
to fullerene molecules |
P219 |
N.V. Khokhriakov, S. Melchor Ferrer
Wave functions and electron properties of
contacts of semi-infinite carbon nanotubes
P220 |
V.I. Kovalenko, A.R. Khamatgalimov
Fullerenes C72 and C74: the different reasons
of their instability |
P221 |
S.A. Beznosyuk, T.M. Zhukovsky, D.A.
Topological and informational properties of
quantum-sized clusters |
P222 |
D.A. Kornilov, A.I. Melker, S.N.
Irregular forms of fullerenes: temperature
influence |
P223 |
A.I. Melker, D.A. Kornilov, S.N.
Molecular dynamics study of formation and
mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes
12. Other Topics Related to Fullerenes
and Carbon Clusters
P224 |
I.M. Belousova, O.B. Danilov, A.A.
Mak, V.P. Be lousov, A.S. Grenishin, V.M.
Kiselev, A.V. Krisko, E.M. Sosnov
Fulleren-oxygen-iodine laser |
P225 |
S.G. Polushin,
E.I. Rjumtsev, E.F. Kukovitskii
Magnetic birefringence in suspensions of carbone
nanotubes |
P226 |
V.A. Davydov, L.S. Kashevarova, A.V.
Rakhmanina, B. Narymbetov, V. Agafonov, A.V.
Dzyabchenko, V. I. Kulakov
Single crystals synthesis and refinement of
the crystal structure of the tetragonal C60
polymerized phase |
P227 |
V.Ya. Davydov,
E.V. Kalashnikova , V.L. Karnatsevich, A.I.
Adsorption properties of multi-wall carbon
nanotubes |
P228 |
V.V. Milyavskiy, A.V. Utkin, E.B.
Zaretsky, A.Z. Zhuk, V.E. Fortov
Shock compressibility and sound velocities
in shock-compressed C60 fullerite
P229 |
Z. Kosakovskaya,
Yu. Gulyaev, S. Vanyushkin, O. Gorelik
Investigation of matrix triode with nanotube
cathode |
P230 |
Z. Kosakovskaya, O. Gorelik
Growth mechanisms for single-walled nanotubes
P231 |
N.N. Rozhkova
Shungite as a network of carbon nanoparticles
P232 |
I.P. Kolomiets
Electric birefringence in fullerene solutions
P233 |
A.V. Bulgakov,
I. Ozerov, W. Marine
Laser ablation synthesis of zink oxide clusters:
a new family of fullerenes? |
P234 |
A. Varykhalov, A.M. Shikin, O. Rader,
W. Gudat, A. Loza, M. Poiguine, V.K. Adamchuk,
D. Vyalikh
Stepped epitaxial graphite by transformation
of vicinal SiC(0001) |
P235 |
R.N. Kyutt, E.A.
Smorgonskaya, A.M. Danishevskii, S.K. Gordeev
Carbon nanoclusters in bulk nanoporous carbon
studied by ultra-small angle X-ray scattering
P236 |
O.M.Sreseli, D.N.Goryachev, L.V.Belyakov,
S.P.Vul', I.B. Zakharova
Fullerene stabilization of porous silicon
P237 |
N.I. Denisenko,
S.G. Yudin, O.V. Boltalina, V.V. Kolesov
Physical studies of the Langmuir-Blodgett
(LB) films of the C60F18
P238 |
O.V. Boltalina, V.P. Glazkov, I.V. Goldt,
V.A. Somenkov
Composition determination of fulleren hydrides
by means of the incoherent neutron scattering
P239 |
V.V. Afrosimov,
R.N. Il'in, V.I. Sakharov, I.T. Serenkov
Modeling of fast ion backscattering from porous
materials |
P240 |
A.N. Ponomarev, V.A. Nikitin, D.G.
Letenko, V.M. Petrov, A.S. Vasilyev, A.V.
Fedosov, S.G. Chulkin
Fulleroid nanomaterials as modifying agents
of consistent lubricants |
P241 |
Yu.S. Shelukhina,
Yu.S. Polekhovskiy
Ore mineralisation of fulleren-bearing schungite
shales of Karelian Onega basin |
P242 |
I.B. Zakharova, I.V. Makarenko, T.L.
Makarova, A.V. Nashchekin, V.N. Petrov, B.S.
Razbirin, A.N. Starukhin, L.V. Belyakov
Initial stage of condensation of Ñ60 and Ñ70
films on semiconducting substrates of different
chemical nature |
P243 |
Yu.F. Biryulin, I.B.
Zakharova, V.V. Rozanov, M.A. Yagovkina
Surface morphology and bulk structure of Ñ60
films on polymer substrates |
P244 |
O.P. Tchernogorova, E.I. Drozdova,
V.M. Blinov, L.G. Korshunov, N.N. Mel’nik
Wear resistance of metallic composites reinforced
by superhard carbon particles as a function
of the type of fullerites used for their preparation
P245 |
B.I. Smirnov, V.V.
Shpeizman, N.N. Peschanskaya, R.K. Nikolaev
Effect of magnetic field on microplasticity
of C60 single crystals |
P246 |
V.V. Afrosimov, A.A. Basalaev, M.N. Panov,
O.V. Smirnov
Fragmentation at fullerene molecule ionization
by ions |
P247 |
B.A. Baitimbetova,
M.A. Bijsenbaev, B.A. Akanaev, Z.A. Mansurov
The investigation of the process of catalytic
carbon threads making on iron-chromium spinels
P248 |
A.V. Markin, N.N. Smirnova, L.Ya.
Tsvetkova, A.G. Lyapin, M.V. Kondrin, V.V.
Thermodynamics of carbyne and nanoclusters
formed on its high-pressure treatment |
P249 |
V.V. Samonin, E.M.
Slucker, S.V. Kozyrev
Sorption properties of fullerene soot |
P250 |
R. Dubrovsky, A. Titov
Effect of fullerene contained lubricants on
wear resistance of machine components |
P251 |
V.I. Berezkin,
I.V. Viktorovskii, L.O. Khoroshko, V.N. Petrova,
A.Ya. Vul’, L.V. Golubev
Adsorption of some organic compounds on fullerenes
P252 |
A.N. Brozdnichenko, V.P. Pronin,
I.I. Khinich, A.N. Ponomarev
Secondary-emission characteristics of thin
layers of fulleroid structures |
P253 |
V.L. Aksenov, G.V. Andrievsky,
M.V. Avdeev, L.I. Derevyanchenko, A.A.
Khokhryakov, V.K. Klochkov, L. Rosta
Structural features of colloidal solutions
of fullerenes in water by small-angle neutron
scattering |
P254 |
A.N. Ponomarev, V.T. Barchenko, A.N. Brozdnichenko,
V.A. Komarov, I.I. Khinitch, V.A. Nikitin,
V.P. Pronin
Astrallen-based cold cathodes |
P255 |
P.A. Reznichenko,
E.G. Rakov, E.M. Koltsova
Development of information system on nanotubes
P256 |
A. Iwasiewicz,B. Sundqvist. Fullerene
- nanotube composites |
P257 |
Yu.S. Gordeev, V.M.
Mikoushkin, V.V.Shnitov
Creation of unevaporable phase of amorphous
carbon by electron beam irradiation of fullerite
C60 film |
P258 |
V.V. Shnitov, V.M. Mikoushkin, Yu.
S. Gordeev
Ion induced transformation of the local density
of electron states in fullerite C60
P259 |
Yu.S. Gordeev, V.M.
Mikoushkin, V.V. Shnitov, S.L. Molodtsov
Modification of fulerite C60 by
synchrotron radiation |
P260 |
Yu. S.Gordeev, V.V. Bryzgalov, V.M. Mikoushkin,
S.Yu. Nikonov, V.V. Shnitov, P.V. Dudin
Electron-beam induced modification of s"a-C-C60"-composite
P261 |
Yu. S.Gordeev, V.V. Bryzgalov,
V.M. Mikoushkin, V.V. Shnitov, P.V.
Degradation of fullerite C60 films
P262 |
L.V. Lutsev, S.V. Yakovlev, V.I.
Siklitsky, T.K. Zvonareva
Microwave properties of amorphous carbon structures
with ferromagnetic Co nanoparticles |
P263 |
Yu.I. Chubarov,
N.A. Pon’kin, N.N. Tarasova, A.A. Kryzhanovskiy,
B.K. Maslennikov
Fullerene mass-spectra obtained on a set-up
of MI 1201B-type under the conditions of use
for negative thermoionization |
P264 |
K.A. Yagotintsev, Yu.E. Stetsenko,
I.V. Legchenkova, A.I. Prokhvatilov, M.A.
Low temperature XRD investigation of solid
C60 intercalated by nH2
P265 |
I.A. Volkov, I.A.
Kushmar. Predicted series of relatively stable
carbon clusters |
P266 |
A.N. Turanov, V.K. Karandashev, P.V.
Fursikov, S.D. Kushch
Sorption of U(VI), Th(IV), Sc(III) and rare
earth elements from nitric acid solutions
by HPMBP impregnated fullerene black |
P267 |
V.P.Glazkov, B.N.Goshchitskii,
V.A.Somenkov, A.E.Teplych, V.I.Voronin.
Influence of reactor irradiation on the structure
of fulleren hydrides |
P268 |
V.P.Glazkov, B.N.Goshchitskii, V.A.Somenkov,
A.E.Teplych, V.I.Voronin. Influence of reactor
irradiation on the structure of fulleren hydrides