Index of files/Magnetic_data_cubes/Bifrost
This page contains volumetric information about en024048_hion MHD simulation obtained using MHD Bifrost code.
The folder “Regular_and_Regridded” contains original en024048_hion data interpolated on a regular grid (48 km spatial resolution) and the lower-resolution rebinned data cubes, whose resolution is degraded by a factor of 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, or 9 as indicated in the file names.
The folder “Deviations” contains files with magnetic field variances computed along with the magnetic cube regridding. The detailed description is available at
Name | Last modified | Size |
.. |   | |
Deviations/ | 2017-03-29 14:26 | |
Regular_and_Regridded/ | 2017-03-29 14:26 |