Konus-Wind instrument
Konus-Wind is a joint US-Russian experiment launched on November, 1, 1994 to study the gamma-ray bursts and solar flares. It consists of two NaI(Tl) detectors S1 and S2 observing correspondingly the southern and northern celestial hemispheres. This instrument operates in the interplanetary space (since 2004 – near Lagrange point L1), so it does not suffer from ”nights”, and, thus, has a very high duty cycle of about 95%. Thanks to being far from the Earth’s magnetosphere it has an exceptionally stable background.
Konus-Wind works in two modes: waiting mode and trigger mode. In the waiting mode the count rate light curves are available in three wide energy channels G1 (~18–70 keV), G2 (~70–300 keV), G3 (~300–1160 keV) with accumulation time 2.944 s.
In the trigger mode Konus-Wind measures count rate light curves in the same three channels with a varying time resolution from 2 to 256 ms and with total duration of 250 s. While in the trigger mode, 64 multichannel spectra are taken in addition to the light curves as follows. The multichannel spectra are measured in two partially overlapping energy bands: now ~20–1150 keV and ~240 keV–15 MeV. Each band has 63 energy channels. Accumulation time of the first four spectra is fixed at 64 ms and of the last eight spectra – at 8.192 s. For the remaining 52 spectra the accumulation time is adaptively adjusted from 0.256 s to 8.192 s based on the count rate in the G2 channel: for more intense events the accumulation time is proportionally shorter. Switch on to the trigger mode occurs at a statistically significant excess above a background count rate within an interval of 1 s or 140 ms in the G2 energy channel.
KW+GOES light curves
KW+GOES list contains the Konus-Wind solar flare triggers identified by GOES. The light curves of the events are also presented.
KW-Sun: solar flare database
KW-Sun database contains time profiles and energy spectra for solar flares registered by Konus-Wind in triggered mode. For the time present the data are prepared only for the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Konus-Wind (X-ray) and SSRO (radio) observation
List of solar flares observed simultaneously by the Konus-Wind X-ray instrument and the radio instruments of the Siberian Solar Radio Observatory is presented here: KW+SSRT data.
Konus-Wind data for individual solar flares:
- Solar flare 2002-03-10 KW spectral data (88k).
- Solar flare 2002-08-19 KW spectral data (88k), and count rate curve in SAV format (291k).
Description of Konus-Wind data: KW data info.
Description of count rate sav-file is available in the "description" section of each file.
KW solar flares without GOES XRA identification
Probable Konus-Wind solar flares without GOES XRA identification (figures).
The presented Konus-WIND X-ray pre-publication data are preliminary and may require further corrections.
Please contact us for any questions, comments and suggestions concerning the contents and presentation of the data.
If you find the archive helpful and use the presented data in your research, the authors would appreciate acknowledging this web-page and the Konus-WIND experiment (Aptekar, R. L., Frederiks, D. D., Golenetskii, S. V., et al. 1995, Space Sci. Rev., 71, 265; Pal'shin V. D., Charikov Yu. E., Aptekar R. L. et al. 2014, Ge&Ae, 54, 943) in your publications.
For guidance or collaboration please contact Alexandra Lysenko.