The program is also available in Google calendar, iCal and PDF formats
Monday, September 9
8:40-9:10 | Registration | |
Session 1 | Overviews and highlights (chair: Jochen Greiner) | |
Rafail Aptekar & Andrei Bykov Ioffe Institute | Welcome | |
Dmitry Frederiks Ioffe Institute | 25 years of the Konus-Wind experiment | |
Amy Lien NASA GSFC | Observing the transient sky with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory | |
Michael Briggs UAH | Fermi GBM observations on short GRBs and multi-messenger astronomy | |
10:45-11:10 | Coffee Break | |
Session 2 | Prompt emission 1 (chair: J. Michael Burgess) | |
Gor Oganesyan INAF | Overview of GRB prompt emission | |
Razmik Mirzoyan MPP | GRB observations in TeV range | |
Shaolin Xiong IHEP CAS | GRB polarization observations | |
12:20-14:00 | Lunch | |
Session 3 | Prompt emission 2 (chair: Amy Lien) | |
J. Michael Burgess MPE | Explaining the prompt GRB emission with a synchrotron model | |
Maria Ravasio INAF | GRB prompt emission spectra: the synchrotron revenge | |
Gor Oganesyan INAF | Clues to the nature of GRB prompt emission from the broad-band observations | |
15:00-15:20 | Coffee Break | |
Session 4 | Prompt emission 3 (chair: Gor Oganesyan) | |
Hirotaka Ito RIKEN | The photospheric origin of the Yonetoku relation in gamma-ray bursts | |
Fabio De Colle UNAM | Thermal and non-thermal emission from the cocoon of long gamma-ray bursts | |
Shota Kisaka Tohoku University | Scattered short gamma-ray bursts as electromagnetic counterparts to Gravitational Waves |
Tuesday, September 10
Session 5 | Prompt emission 4 (chair: Alexey Pozanenko) | |
Bruce Gendre University of Western Australia | The properties of ultra-long GRBs | |
Dmitry Svinkin Ioffe Institute | Konus-Wind observations of ultra-long GRBs | |
Alessandro Ursi INAF | AGILE GRB observations | |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break | |
Session 6 | Prompt emission 5 (chair: Shaolin Xiong) | |
Jochen Greiner MPE | Fermi/GBM localizations of GRBs | |
Andreas von Kienlin MPE | Fermi GBM GRBs with characteristics similar to GRB 170817A | |
Alexey Pozanenko IKI RAS | Strange short burst(s) associated with LIGO/Virgo Gravitational wave events | |
Sergey Grebenev IKI RAS | Known and unknown GRBs registered by IBIS/ISGRI of INTEGRAL | |
11:50-13:30 | Lunch | |
Session 7 | Afterglows (chair: D. Alexander Kann) | |
Antonio de Ugarte Postigo Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía | Overview of GRB afterglow observations | |
Tanmoy Laskar University of Bath | ALMA detection of a linearly polarized reverse shock in GRB 190114C | |
Elena Mazaeva IKI RAS | Inhomogeneities in GRB afterglow light curves and their models | |
14:40-15:10 | Coffee Break | |
Session 8 | GRB physics and radiation processes (chair: Richard Willingale) | |
Andrei Bykov Ioffe Institute | Shocks and nonthermal particles in relativistic supernovae and GRBs | |
Tsvi Piran Hebrew University of Jerusalem | GRBs's Rosseta stone - The sub-TeV emission from GRB190114C | |
Session 9 | Current GRB related missons (chair: Andrei Bykov) | |
Alexander Lutovinov IKI RAS | Spektr-RG space observatory | |
Dmitry Golovin IKI RAS | HEND (Mars-Odyssey) and BTN-M1 (ISS) GRB observations | |
Alexander Kozyrev IKI RAS | Studying cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts by Russian Mercury Gamma-ray and Neutron Spectrometer onboard ESA BepiColombo mission |
Wednesday, September 11
Session 10 | Hosts and progenitors (chair: Jean-Luc Atteia) | |
John Graham KIAA-PKU | The hosts of LGRBs: metallicities and a surprising lack of metallicity evolution | |
Christina Thöne Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía | GRB hosts at high resolution and what we can learn about the progenitor | |
Michał J. Michałowski Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań | What we can learn from gas in host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts and supernovae | |
Gustavo Romero Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía | Between the first collapsars: gamma-ray binaries in the early Universe | |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee Break | |
Session 11 | GRBs as cosmological probes (chair: Lorenzo Amati) | |
Vahé Petrosian Stanford University | Cosmological evolution of GRBs (Efron-Petrosian methods) | |
Maria G. Dainotti Stanford University | Correlation of rest-frame prompt and afterglow parameters | |
Anastasia Tsvetkova Ioffe Institute | Konus-Wind GRBs with known redshifts | |
Jean-Luc Atteia IRAP | The maximum isotropic luminosity of GRBs | |
Pavel Minaev IKI RAS | Ep,i - Eiso correlation and the new criterion for the blind classification of short and long GRBs | |
12:50-14:30 | Lunch | |
Session 12 | History of GRB research (chair: Dmitry Frederiks) | |
Rafail Aptekar Ioffe Institute | History of GRB research at Ioffe Institute | |
Thomas Cline NASA GSFC | The history of the cosmic gamma-ray burst mystery | |
Filippo Frontera University of Ferrara | Historical overview of GRBs and SGRs | |
17:00-22:00 | Tour + Conference dinner |
Thursday, September 12
Session 13 | New missions (chair: Amy Lien) | |
Richard Willingale University of Leicester | Finding X-ray Transients in the Post KONUS-WIND et al. Era | |
Lorenzo Amati INAF | THESEUS (Transient High-Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor) | |
Michael Briggs UAH | Glowbug project | |
Shaolin Xiong IHEP CAS | GECAM: an all-time all-sky X-ray/Gamma-ray monitor in multi-messenger and multi-wavelength era | |
Jean-Luc Atteia IRAP | The ECLAIRs GRB detector and imager for the SVOM mission | |
11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break | |
Session 14 | GRB-SN connection and afterglows (chair: Andrei Bykov) | |
D. Alexander Kann Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía | Highly luminous supernovae associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts: News on the GRB-SN connection | |
Alina Volnova IKI RAS | Observations and modelling SNs associated with GRBs | |
Vladimir Lipunov SAI MSU | Central Engine from Early Multimessanger GRB observations | |
Yuji Urata National Central University, Taiwan | GRB afterglow polarimetry | |
13:00-14:30 | Lunch | |
Session 15 | Solar flares 1 (chair: Marina Battaglia) | |
Gregory Fleishman NJIT | Frontiers in Solar Flares | |
Melissa Pesce-Rollins INFN | High energy gamma-ray Solar flares: The first ten years of observations with Fermi-LAT | |
Vahé Petrosian Stanford University | Fermi Observations of solar flare gamma-rays connecting flare and CME-shock particle acceleration processes | |
16:00-16:30 | Coffee Break | |
Session 16 | Solar flares 2 (chair: Gregory Fleishman) | |
Marina Battaglia Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz | X-ray view on solar flare accelerated electrons | |
Sergey Anfinogentov Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics | Bayesian analysis of Konus-Wind solar flare data | |
Alexandra Lysenko Ioffe Institute | Probing solar accelerated particles with Konus-Wind data | |
Yuri Charikov Ioffe Institute | Hard X-rays of solar flares, acceleration and electron transport in magnetoactive plasma |
Friday, September 13
Session 17 | SGRs and FRBs (chair: Konstantin Postnov) | |
Kelly Gourdji UvA API | Fast radio bursts and their potential links to GRBs | |
Sergey Popov SAI MSU | FRBs: extreme pulsars, bursting magnetars or what? | |
Anatoly Iyudin SINP MSU | SGR 1935+2154 activity in 2016 detected by Lomonosov satellite | |
Anna Kozlova Ioffe Institute | SGR observations with Konus-Wind | |
Ilya Kondratyev IKI RAS | Anisotropic heat transfer simulation in outer layers of magnetized neutron stars | |
11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break | |
Session 18 | GRBs and multi-messenger astronomy (chair: Dmitry Svinkin) | |
Jordan Palamos University of Oregon | Search for gravitational wave signals form GRBs | |
Konstantin Postnov SAI MSU | GRBs from NS+BH coalescences: expected rates and properties | |
Gennady Bisnovatyi-Kogan IKI RAS | Gravitational waves and core-collapse supernovae | |
12:40-13:00 | Coffee Break | |
Eleonora Troja NASA GSFC | Overview of two year long GW170817/GRB170817A observations | |
Ramandeep Gill Open University of Israel | Constraints on the binary NS merger remnant and outflow structure from EM counterparts of GW170817 | |
General discussion (chair: Vahé Petrosian) |