Original observational data
Here original data on time histories and enegy spectra of observed events are presented.
Data presenting is opened with Table 1 which contains the main characteristics of observed short GRBs. Columns of the Table specify burst order numbers, burst names, trigger times T0, peak fluxes, fluences, energy interval for which the fluences and peak fluxes have been calculated, localization if exists. In the Table, the burst name is a reference to its html-page where plots of a time history and energy spectra are presented as well as the references to a time history data file and to an energy spectra data file.
The spectral parameters of GRBs are collected in Table 2. Columns of the Table specify burst names, trigger times T0, the start and stop times of spectral measurements, energy interval in which the energy spectra were fitted, the type of spectral model and its parameters. As well as in the Table 1, the burst name is a reference to its html-page.
There are also an ASCII-version of the Tables as well as a zipped file which comprises all data files (4 tables, 130 files with time histories and 98 files with spectra).
Format of time history data file
Time history data file includes a short list of necessary explanations and a data table. The list contains:
- Burst name, e.g GRB 950210
- Trigger time, e.g. T0=8424.148 s UT
- Energy window intervals G1, G2, G3 e.g.
G1: 13.3-50.2 keV
G2: 50.2-200.6 keV
G3: 200.6-733.0 keV - Background level in the energy windows G1, G2, G3 e.g.
Background G1: 1124 counts/s
Background G2: 600 counts/s
Background G3: 223 counts/s
Note, the background was measured and averaged over a long time interval. Therefore, its statistical error is negligible.
The data table consists of 6 columns. These columns contain:
- N – order number of a time bin
- T-T0 – start of the time bin (seconds)
- dT – duration of time bin (seconds)
- G1, G2, G3 – number of counts accumulated during dT in a corresponding energy window. These counts rates are corrected for a dead time. Background is not subtracted.
Each data table contains 1024 rows (time bins) covering time interval from -0.512 s to 8.704 s. First 512 time bins have duration 0.002 s, the next 512 - 0.016 s.
Format of energy spectra data file
The energy spectra data file contains data tables preceded by a short list of explanations.
The list gives an information on:
- Burst name, e.g GRB 950210
- Trigger time, e.g. T0=8424.148 s UT
- Number of spectra in the file, e.g.
Number of spectra=1 - Time interval (fixed on the scale t=T-T0) when a spectrum was accumulated, e.g.
Spectrum#1: 0-0.128 s
The data table for each spectrum consists of 5 columns:
- N – order number of an energy interval
- El – lower threshold of the interval (keV)
- Eu – upper threshold of the interval (keV)
- F – background-subtracted deconvolved incident photon flux (photons cm-2s-1keV-1) for given energy interval
- Err – error in the measured flux (confidence level 67%)