Head of Laboratory of nonequilibrium processes in semiconductors
  Dr. Andrey Aleshin
  Ioffe Institute
  Politekhnicheskaya 26
  194021 St.Petersburg, Russia
  Андрей Николаевич Алешин
  Доктор физико-математических наук
  Заведующий лабораторией
  phone:   +7 812 297 6245
  e-mail:   aleshin@transport.ioffe.ru
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Degree:
2009 Sci.D. "Charge carrier transport in conducting polymers near the metal-insulator transition", Semiconductor Physics, Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.
1989 Ph.D., "Hopping conductivity of amorphous and polymer films near the metal-insulator transition", Semiconductor Physics, Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.
1980 M.S., "Effect of photon recycling to the photoluminescence of GaAs:Si LED structures", Semiconductor Physics, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Qualifications and Professional Experience:
Thirty six years of experience in Materials Science, Semiconductor Physics and Polymer Physics: basic and applied research. Successful leadership and participation in the R&D projects related to basic research, strong background in experimental and theoretical physics.
Current Positions:
Since 2018 Head of Laboratory of nonequilibrium processes in semiconductors, Deputy Director of Division of Solid State Electronics, Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Previous Position:
1983 - present Senior Staff Physicist, Staff Physicist, Junior Staff Physicist, Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
01.09.2003 - 31.08.2005 Visiting Professor, School of Physics & Nano Systems Institute - National Core Research Center , Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
01.09.2000 - 20.08.2002 Contract Professor, BK-21 Physics Research Division, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
01.02.2002-28.06.2002 Invited Professor, Department de Physique, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
1999 Visiting Research Scientist, Department of Physics , Abo Academi University, Turku, Finland
1996 - 1997 Visiting Research Scientist, Institute for Polymers and Organic Solids, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, USA
1980 - 1983 Junior Staff Physicist, S. I. Vavilov State Optical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Awards and Professional Societies Membership:
1997-1998; 1993 - 1994 - Material Research Society (USA) member
2006 - Russian Innovations Competition 2006 winner with a project "New composite: polymer-inorganic nanoparticles active layers for OLEDs with color switching controlled by electric field"
2012 - present – Certified expert of Russian Ministry of Science and Education, certified expert of Russian Academy of Sciences
Professional Skills:
- Condensed matter physics experiment; electronic properties of conducting polymers; organic microelectronics based on polymer nanostructures.
- Electronic and optical properties studies of polymer/inorganic nanoparticles composites
- Charge carrier mobility studies of molecular single crystals and conjugated polymers using field-effect transistor structures.
- Chemical and ion-implanted structure modification and electrical characterization of organic materials, conjugated and non-conjugated polymers in the metallic and semiconductor state.
- Transport properties studies and characterization of organic and non-organic disordered systems including: low temperature (down to 0.1 K) dc and ac conductivity, thermoelectric power, the influence of high electric and magnetic fields to the low temperature transport properties.
- Determination of the dominant charge carrier transport mechanism in doped conjugated polymer films and nanofibers (as well as in other disordered systems) on both insulator and metallic sides of the metal-insulator transition, application of different theoretical transport models (electron-electron interaction, weak localization, hopping, Luttinger liquid transport etc.) for best understanding of experimental results for disordered systems.
- Application of organic and non-organic semiconductors, conjugated and non-conjugated polymers as temperature sensors, bolometers, field-effect transistors, elements of light emitting diodes.
The courses of lectures for Ph.D. students: "Electronic processes in organic and polymeric materials" School of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 2001 (English);
for magister students: “Nanomaterials”, “Organic electronics”, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI), St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013-2017;
for Ph.D. students: «Polymer and hybrid electronics: physics and device applications” within the Program: Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN) of Government of India Ministry of Human Resources Development in National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India (2017).
Journal Editorials & Advisory Boards:
referee for Synthetic Metals; Phys. Rev. B & Phys. Rev. Letters, J. Phys. D, Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Polymer Science, etc. (2000 - present)
More than 180 articles in the refereed scientific journals, in particular:
- A.N. Aleshin, I.P. Shcherbakov, E.V. Gushchina, L.B. Matyushkin, V.A. Moshnikov, Solution processed field-effect transistors based on polyfluorene – cesium lead halide nanocrystals composite films with small hysteresis of output and transfer characteristics, Organic Electronics, 50 (2017) 213.
- A.N. Aleshin, I.P. Shcherbakov, A.S. Komolov, V.N. Petrov and I.N. Trapeznikova, Poly(9-vinylcarbazole) - graphene oxide composite field-effect transistors with enhanced mobility, Organic Electronics 16 (2015) 186.
- A.N. Aleshin, A.S. Berestennikov, P.S. Krylov, I.P. Shcherbakov, V.N. Petrov, I.N. Trapeznikova, R.I. Mamalimov, A.K. Khripunov, A.A. Tkachenko, Electrical and optical properties of bacterial cellulose films modified with conductive polymer PEDOT/PSS, Synth. Metals 199 (2015) 147.
- A.N. Aleshin, Organic optoelectronics based on polymer-inorganic nanoparticle composite materials, Physics-Uspekhi 56 (2013) 627.
Full list of publications can be found at ResearcherID.