The Laboratory of nonequilibrium processes in semiconductors was founded in 1958 by Solomon Ryvkin to study the nonequilibrium phenomena in semiconductors under the influence of light pulses or ionizing radiation. The examples of such phenomena are
radiation initiated generation of nonequilibrium charge carriers as a result of intrinsic photoeffect, carriers motion in an external field
and recombination processes. The results of these studies became the background of contemporary physics of semiconductors and semiconductor micro-, nano- and optoelectronics.
The discovery in the Laboratory of the phenomena of stimulated radiation generation on p-n-junction in GaAs (1962) was followed by creation of injection semiconductor lasers by R. Hall.
The Laboratory gave birth to principally new areas of semiconductor physics: semiconductor photography in infrared spectral region, generation of tunable coherent radiation in submillimeter- and infrared-ranges due to inter-Landau-level transitions.
In 1981-1988 years the Laboratory was headed by RAS member Vladimir Tuchkevich, and in 1989-2017 years by RAS member Andrei Zabrodsky. Since 2018 the Laboratory is led by Andrey Aleshin.
The research is focused on the following subjects:
- development of semiconductor photoelectric image converters for high-speed infrared photography ( Yu. Astrov);
- theory of semiconductor optical properties and theory of physical phenomena in semiconductor technology(A. Maslov);
- optical, photoelectric and emission properties of semiconductors in far infrared and submillimeter regions ( Yu. Ivanov);
- physical processes in conjugated polymers, organic/inorganic composites and biopolymers (A. Aleshin);
- the physical processes in devices based on silicon MIS struc-tures with tunnel transparent dielectric (E. Ostroumova);
- study of structure and electronic properties of extended defects in semiconductors (Yu. Shreter, D. Tarkhin);
- research and development of semiconductor tracking detectors for high luminosity accelerating facilities (V. Eremin);
- solid state investigation under submillimeter irradiation, ESR in solid state (A.Veinger);
- quantum (hopping) transport and the metal-insulator transition in disordered systems and neutron transmutation doping of semiconductors (A. Zabrodskii);
- defects in semiconductors (V. Emtsev).
The Laboratory has permanent scientific contacts with a number of Research Centers and Universities in Austria, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy and USA.