Current research focus
The main subject of our studies is the interaction of impurities in semiconductors and how it affects semiconductors properties. We develop our research in two ways: experimental and theoretical. Our experimental studies are mostly concerned on photoluminescence spectroscopy of doped semiconductor structures. In our theoretical research we widely use a high performance numerical simulation using multi-task programming when possible. The group leader Pavel Petrov is a lecturer at Polytechnic University participating in "Smart Nanostructures and Condensed Matter Physics" master's program.
Recent experimental results
P. V. Petrov, I. A. Kokurin, Yu. L. Ivánov, G. E. Cirlin, V. E. Sedov and N. S. Averkiev,
Fine Structure of Levels and Piezospectroscopy of A+ Centers in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells,
Physics of the Solid State 60, 339 (2018)
P. V. Petrov, I. A. Kokurin, G. V. Klimko, S. V. Ivanov, Yu. L. Ivánov, P. M. Koenraad, A. Yu. Silov, and N. S. Averkiev,
Optical spectroscopy of single beryllium acceptors in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well,
Phys. Rev. B 94, 115307 (2016)
P. V. Petrov, Yu. L. Ivanov, and N. S. Averkiev,
Spin and charge effects due to positively charged acceptors in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells,
Low Temperature Physics 41, 90 (2015)
Recent theoretical results
N.A. Bogoslovskiy, P.V. Petrov, N.S. Averkiev,
The Impurity Magnetic Susceptibility of Semiconductors in the Case of Direct Exchange Interaction in the Ising Model,
Physics of the Solid State 61, 2005(2019)
N.A. Bogoslovskiy, P.V. Petrov, N.S. Averkiev,
Effect of Charge Carrier Relaxation on Donor-Acceptor Recombination Spectra Taking into Account Coulomb Correlations,
Low Temperature Physics 45, 146 (2019)
N.A. Bogoslovskiy, P.V. Petrov, Y.L. Ivánov, K.D. Tsendin, N.S. Averkiev,
Two components of donor-acceptor recombination in compensated semiconductors: Analytical model of spectra in the presence of electrostatic fluctuations,
Phys. Rev. B 98, 075209 (2018)