The Colloquium will be held at the Big Hall of the Main
Building of
the Ioffe Institute (Politekhnicheskaya 26).
To reach the Ioffe Institute from the Moscow Railway Station,
please take the metro to the station Lesnaya, then nonstop
free-of-charge bus No. 80
to the metro station Ploschad Muzhestva (5 minute drive),
and then one stop (any tram or trolley bus) to the
stop Politekhnicheskaya.
The sessions will include a few review talks
(25--35 minutes) and contributed talks (10--15 minutes).
A separate poster session will be arranged.
A tentative list of contributions
by the Organizing Committee is given below
(with tentative status of contributions and durations of talks).
The final programme will be presented
in the Third Announcement to be distributed not later than
on May 20.
The information on the Colloquium can be retrieved via internet from
The colloquium received modest financial support
from the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches
and the Federal Programme "INTEGRATION".
It will be spent
to support participants registered in
accord with The First Announcement
in the following way.
The Organizing Committee will cover
the hotel expenses for a period
not larger than 3 days including two conference days.
The travel expenses of participants from Moscow
will be covered from the funds of the Federal Programme "INTEGRATION".
The travel expenses of other
participants will be covered (at least partly)
by the Organizing Committee on the second colloquium day, May 26.
The registration fee will be
30 roubles to be spent for coffee breaks.
The participants will be accommodated at the
Hotel Orbita, prospekt Nepokorennykh 4,
one tram stop from the Ioffe Institute.
To reach the hotel from the Moscow Railway Station,
please use the metro to the station Lesnaya, and then nonstop
free-of-charge bus No. 80
to the metro station Ploschad Muzhestva (5 minute drive).
The participants
are kindly requested to confirm their participation
by sending an e-mail message to
by May 17. The hotel reservations will be made only
for confirmed participants.
The end of May is traditionally the best
period in St.-Petersburg.
``White nights'' are coming
with their semidarkness magic. Do not miss
the opportunity to enjoy them as well as
the magics of the neutron star physics.
Welcome to St. Petersburg!