W. Ho, D. Lai
Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
A.Y. Potekhin
Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia
G. Chabrier
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
We construct partially ionized hydrogen atmosphere models for magnetized neutron stars in radiative equilibrium with surface fialds B = 1012 - 5 x 1014 G and effective temperature Teff ~ a few times 105 - 106 K. These models are based on the equation of state and opacity results reported on 24 October 2002. For the models with B = 1012 - 1013 G, the spectral features due to neutral atoms lie at extreme UV and very soft X-ray energy bands and threrefore are difficult to observe. However, the continuum flux is also different from the fully ionized case, especially at lower energies. For the superstrong field models (B > 1014 G), we show that the depression of continuum flux due to vacuum polarization strongly suppresses spectral features, therefore they are also difficult to observe.
Page created on March 18, 2003.