A polarimetric method to measure magnetic fields
near compact objects
M.Yu. Piotrovich
Main Astronomical Observatory,
St. Petersburg,
Report on the PhD Thesis.
Scientific supervisor - Prof. Yu.N. Gnedin
In the report the basic results of the PhD Thesis are presented.
- Classical methods of measurement of magnetic fields
in astrophysics: advantages and disadvantages.
- Polarization effects of the emission of circumstellar envelopes
and extended accretion structures (theoretical calculations).
- Determination of magnetic fields of some astrophysical objects.
- Spectropolarimetry and infrared photometry of magnetic white dwarfs:
polarization of vacuum and Rydberg states in a magnetic field.
- Magnetic fields of extragalactic compact radio sources
and testing of cosmological models.
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Page created on January 21, 2006,
corrected on February 2, 2006.