A.V. Ivanov
The University of Sydney, Australia
Damping of a monochromatic Langmuir wave of finite amplitude is studied numerically. Below a threshold initial amplitude A0* classic Landau damping occurs but close to but above A0*, the characteristic times tmin and amplitudes Amin at which the wave first ceases to damp scale with the difference $(A_0 - A_0^\star)$ as power laws, Amin is proportional to (A0 - A0*)beta and tmin is proportional to (A0 - A0*)-tau, where beta and tau are the critical exponents. Both direct examination of the electron phase space and the power-law indices show that, near the threshold A0*, trapping does not arrest damping at finite amplitudes Amin and times tmin. Instead, arrest of linear damping is found to be an effect due to organization of phase space into a positive slope for the average distribution function fav around the resonant wave phase speed vphi.
Page created on June 8, 2006.